8-Bit Software Online Conversion

                                                                             Edited by C.J.Richardson.                                                     Send your submissions, formatted   disc, 50p, return postage and   packing to:                             THE 8BS QUESTIONNAIRE IS TO BE FOUND ON TBI-00, THE 8BS CATALOGUE/INFO DISC. IF YOU HAVE NOT COMPLETED ONE AND SENT IT IN TO 8BS. YOU ARE INVITED TO DO SO!                                        The article you are reading now.     Info for programs that do not contain their own documentation.       In several sections this time. Help, Adverts and General Comments.       From other members and myself.     Comments on programs.   A month or so in the life of 8BS. Quite a lengthy article I am afraid. So long in fact that I have had to include a separate summary in the second magazine menu.     A new regular feature. These are people worth contacting.         A quick explanation of the messaging system.   Retaliation for Woman.           Info for the utility by S.Flintham.           By Robin Morom.     The editorial is so big, I had to write a summary to ensure no one missed the important points.       A list of PD Emulators for your Beeb.       Two articles by Stephan Richardson.                        By: 15A Use: Message Utility Program name: SendMes Associated program/file/s: SendMC Language: BASIC+M/C QMesInf Please read the info file. This version has a change to the printout option. Please use this program for future messaging. The info file on this issue is a very abridged one. For full info please read the documentation on TBI-00.            By: 15A Use: Message Utility Program name: ASC2MES ASMSDoc (Info) Please read the info file. This is an updated version of the ASCII text to messaging system converter.        By: K6Q (Leslie Roberts) Program Name: FastBak Use: Fast DFS Backup Language: Basic I suspect that this will be a very popular utility. I have adapted my own version and use it all the time. It backs up a DFS disc by copying only the tracks that are actually used. If the disc is only half full, then it takes only half the time.      By: K6N (Brian Raw) Program Name: Brackts Use: Example for short article Language: Basic Please see the program documentation article for a short discussion on brackets expansion. This program holds some very useful routines. Have a look at the listing. One in particular is PROC`LVAR.           By: K2V (Bill Jowitt) Program Names: MPGmenu MPG2 C1 EXP1 Use: Calculate and display MPG. Language: Basic This program is an update of the one on 8BS-17 and BBC-11. An example file is provided. Choose the option to load in data and enter the filename "EXP1". The file C1 is a saved screen and may be loaded using the relevant option.                By: K2J (David Lowless) Program Names: 3DEye-2 FIN DUMP 3DED Language: Basic Please read the program documentation article for full info. Make your own 3D Magic Eye picture with 3DEye-2. The finished 3D picture is called FIN. A dump routine is included on the issue. Draw your screen using 3DED.      By: 483 (Daniel Shimmin.) Program Names: Palinsq Palincu Language: Basic Please read the program documentation article for full info. Two programs to produce palindromic numbers. The programs grind to a halt with a TOO BIG error when finished.      By: 2J3 (Chris Richardson) Program Name: YrPrint Language: Basic Prints out a calendar onto one sheet. I use it as a leave planner and worked out the issues for next year using it. Simply enter the number of years you wish to print out and the start year. Have your printer ready. There are two lines of VDU printer codes in the program that define subscript and linespace. The codes are probably compatible with most printers.        By: K2F (J.Davis) Program name: Maxiply Maxinfo Language: Basic This program multiplies large numbers. Full info is presented before the program runs.                From: TBI 2 Program names: SumVade Sprite1 Sprite2 Sprcode Use: Educational Game Language: Basic and Data I discovered this one on TBI-02. There were several bugs in it. Now de-bugged it makes quite a good game. From the intro screen hold down the keys TEACH to change the level.        From: TBI 2 Program name: Nowhere Language: Basic and Data Another from TBI-02. The tune is a Basic program with data stored above it, so don't try and copy it by SAVE"name", it will not work!.    By: 2J3 Program name: DICE Language: Basic Written whilst playing a game of Monopoly as I was fed up of the kids throwing the dice all over the place.      By: 20G (Roy Dickens) Program name: MagicNu Language: Basic Roy sends this program that will determine the number you first thought of. Simple to use. Info in the program.      To: 999 (all members) From: 3WU (Fred Price) Subject: The Pools ? (POOLS) A little bit of Scottish humor in this one. My thanks go to Jim Downie of Glasgow. Have your printer ready when you choose the program from the menu. But please when you win use it wisely as you may never win it again.                                     