8-Bit Software Online Conversion

                               From: Steve Fenwick Subject: Water Manager Anglian Water Authority apparently produced a program that simulated a coastal town's water and sewage handling system. Has any one come across this software or anything similar? I have a friend that would very much appreciate it if any one could help. Telephone 01703 896634  To: 999 (all members) From: D2N (VIC HORGAN) Subject: HELP Archimedes 31O (Before going on I must reassure members that I have no intention of upgrading my faithful Master 128 which I use for all my serious computing. The Archimedes was given to me by a friend and I felt obliged to set it up and use it for more trivial pursuits -e.g. excellent 3-D games, chess,etc.) Back to the problem. I fitted a Hard Drive and Interface kit into the Archimedes and it would not run.The technical adviser of the suppliers (ICS) suggested that I take out the backplane of the computer and fit the Interface into the motherboard connector (vertical).This had no effect.The kit was returned to ICS who checked it with another Archimedes 31O and found it alright.The fault is apparently with my motherboard connector. I know little about the innards of an Archimedes and would be grateful if any member could advise me about the repair,replacement,etc. of this particular component. Vic Horgan D2N (O1235 834544)  To: 999 (all members) From: K6C (David Kent) Subject: LOGO I am a technician in a secondary school in Bucks. Recently we have been digging out and dusting off the old BBC's and associated bits that have been stacked in cupboards and under benches for years. In our (and probably many other) schools everyone has been swept along by the quest for HI-TECH and the good old BBC has been sadly left on the shelf. We are looking into teaching LOGO as part of the Design and Technology syllabus in the lower school (ages about 12 to 14). Design & technology is more about design as a problem solving process, rather than the craft subjects it has replaced. LOGO was developed with this type of learning very much in mind. I am looking for a good definitive reference book on the language, maybe a member out there can give me some advice. The books I have come across already are: Mindstorms by Seymour Papert: this is the no. 1 book about the philosophy of LOGO. One important point he makes (along with many others) is that the intention should be to put the child in control of the computer, rather than the computer controlling the child, and this can be achieved by children learning programming. The book was published in 1980 and it's a pity that his approach is not very fashionable in schools today. LOGO Theory & Practice by D. Harper: 380ish pages of 'activities, teacher hints, references and questions/answers'. This one is useful in places, but, frustratingly, there is no detailed definition of the language. The Logotron LOGO Book: The language definition in this one is incomplete, so that you have to experiment to work out the proper usage. Also the tutorial section is tediously amusing. We are intending to use this work to emphasise a methodical approach to planning tasks, giving it a relevance beyond computing. I don't believe it is beyond children of this age to understand elementary system methodology, but, never having studied computer science myself, I need to have a look at some appropriate text book. Maybe someone can advise me on this one too. Ta DK  To: 999 (all members) From: 3WU (Fred Price) Subject: HELP HELP A plea for help but this time it is not for me but for a good friend of mine who sends and gets videos from his son who is in Australia, The problem is that my friend is not a BEEB MAN as he has got his son's old computer an AMIGA AI200 and there are some aspects that he would like to learn more about so can anyone tell me or my friend Ray if there is any club in England that is similar to 8BIT that he can get in contact with? Well thats the problem can anyone advise Ray or myself about this if you can you can contact me or Ray direct at his home. Ray Brownson 7 Grange Rd Belmont Durham DH1 1AW Or on 0191 386 73 93 Or myself Fred Price 8 Orchard St Pallion Sunderland City Wearside SR4 6QL Or on 0191 567 91 35 Ray's son has proved that this Amiga can make a very good Video heading computer as I have seen quite a few Videos from down under and I have seen the results that Ray has learnt with a bit of a stuggle and they are good so I don't think I will ever get Ray to change over to a Beeb. Fred PS Thank you Mr Editor for the kind use of this space.  To: 999 (all members) From: 3WU (Fred Price) Subject: Prism Modem Cable After my plea for help regarding the Modem I had a call from Richard Harker and he is in the same boat as me but he did not have the connecting cable so I checked mine and sent him a copy of the plug end joints as follows, Regarding both plugs my veiw is from the rear with the half circle notches at the bottom I will not join the two plugs but the colours are there as on mine, First the 5 Pin Din Plug With no connection to the top pin, 0 Blue 0 0 Red Black 0 0 Yellow - Secondly the domino plug for the RS423 port with the top pins joined with a long tail from the Yellow, 0-----0 Yellow 0 Red Blue 0 0 Black - If my cable is standard it is 44 inchs long and you may find it difficult to obtain the RS423 plug and dark Blue represents black as it sort of blends into the background. Fred  To: 999 (all members) From: 3WU (Fred Price) Subject: eMAIL I would like to thank the club members who contacted me and has helped me in regards to the Prizm modem and eMail but now I want to know how and where is the companies such as compuserve so I can contact them in the near future so thanks again and you can get me at. 8 Orchard St Pallion Sunderland City SR4 6QL Tel 0191 567 91 35 Fred  To: 999 and K8G (J.Harston) From: D5B (Jon Ripley) Subject: HADFS On The Master & Compact Trying this excellent filing system on my Master 128 I noticed that PAGE is raised to accomodate the memory required. Does anyone have a version of HADFS which uses the Master's private RAM as workspace as opposed to the space from E00 onwards.                    