2.5 The Account Enquiries Main Menu
This menu provides all the necessary enquiries needed to make the most
of your computerised bank records. To access the Account Enquiries
Menu - Select "Account Enquiries" from the Context Menu and press
<return>. You will see a menu offering these options ....
Show Account Details
Statement to Screen
Statement to Printer
Show Regular Payments
Return to Main Menu
2.5.1 Showing Account Details
Very straightforward. Just higlight this option and press <return>
and the computer will respond by showing the following information.
a. Your Account Balance
b. Your Overdraft Limit
c. Total Funds Available (including OD Limit)
d. Cheque book status (yes or no)
e. Cheque Guarantee Limit
f. Debit Card Status (yes or no)
g. Cash Card Status (yes or no)
h. Your Account Number
i. The "brand name" of your account
j. The latest 7 transactions on your account
(Fields Shown = CODE, AMOUNT and BALANCE)
Pressing <return> after viewing your account details returns you
directly to the Account Enquiries Main menu.
2.5.2 Obtaining a Bank Statement (on screen)
This is just as straightforward as obtaining a balance. Just
highlight the "Statement to Screen" option and press <return>. You
will shortly be presented with an 80 coloumn screen statement. In
order to make an 80 coloumn statement possible on the standard model
B, it is necessary for the computer to exit SYSTEMS bank and load a
second small program. After you have finished viewing the statement,
the computer will Re-load SYSTEMS bank from scratch. The only change
as far as the user is concerned is that you will be returned to the
"Main Context" Menu rather than the "Account Enquiries" Menu.
2.5.3 Obtaining a Bank Statement (to printer)
Very simalar to obtaining a screen statement. Just highlight the
option "Statement to Printer" from the Account Enquiries Menu and
press <return>. You will be asked to READY PRINTER. Please make sure
your printer is on-line and ready to print before CONFIRMing the
command. if in any doubt, then ABANDON the command and check your
printer first. A full bank statement is dumped to the printer upon
CONFIRMing this command.
2.6 Using the Regular Payments Facilities
This version of SYSTEMS bank provides a useful new feature which
enables the user to store all regular payments he/she may have. Some
examples of regular payments are as follows ...
Gas Bill, Electricity Bills, Phone Bills (quarterly), Community
Charge, Savings, Mortgage Payments, Credit Cards etc.
The idea of the regular payments options is to store every regular
payment on a seperate disc file, then select the payments valid for
this particular month, and then dump them all to your statement using
just one command. Most regular payments are made by Standing Order or
Direct Debit. If you follow the examples given below, you should
quickly understand the method employed, and will then be able to use
this new option to the full ....
2.6.1 Creating New Regular Payments
If you haven't used version 3a of SYSTEMS bank before, then you will
not have any regular payments on file. So lets assume for example you
wish to store the following Regular Payments (RP's) on file ...
a. Savings Plan - Monthly - #30.00 - Paid by Standing Order
b. Mortgage - Monthly - #573.44 - Paid by Standing Order
c. Matt's Pocket Money - Monthly - #20.00 - Paid in Cash
d. Electricity Bill - Monthly - #25.34 - Paid by Direct Debit
e. Water Rates - 6 Monthly - #44.23 - Paid by Direct Debit
f. Phone Bill - Quarterly - variable - Paid over the counter
In order to add RP's you need to access the "Account Maintenence" Menu
and select "Insert Regular Payments". There will be some disc drive
activity before you see a screen like this ....
Complete the screen as depicted below. Either follow this example
through (we'll do example a. from the above list) or alternatively,
substitute your own data for the dummy data given ....
CODE - Enter a transaction code plus extension as if you were in
transactions mode. To take Example a. given above, you would
enter "P SO" (Pay Standing Order) in the CODE field and press
<return>. Use the table given under section 2.3 if desired
in order to select your preferred tranaction code.
TRANSACTION ) The computer will automatically complete these fields
EXTENSION ) once you have completed the CODE field above.
AMOUNT - Enter the amount of the RP in pence - If you're following the
example above (example a.) then you would enter 3000 <return>
(for #30.00). The computer will insert a decimal point.
REFERENCE - You will notice that the computer will offer an automatic
reference. Should you wish to accept this then just press
the <return> key. In our example (example a.) we will
override this, so enter "SAVINGS PLAN" and press <return>.
This is provided to give the user the option to "suspend" a regular
payment, but still keep it amoungst the others on file. This is not
important right now as it is fully explained later, so just highlight
OFF and press <return>.
Now check the RP data is correct before CONFIRMing as requested to by
the computer. ABANDONing will take you back to the Account
Maintenence Menu. Once confirmed you will be asked if you would like
to add ANOTHER Regular Payment to the file. Selecting ANOTHER will
present a new page to complete as before. FINISHing will save the
input data and return you to the Account Maintenence Menu. Shown
below are some more "screenshot" examples of inputting Regular
Payments which should be of help ....
Example b. Your Monthly Mortgage:-
TRANSACTION PAYMENT ) Entered automatically by computer.
AMOUNT 573.44 - (entered as 57344)
Mortgage - Anglia Building Soc.
Example e. Water Rates (by Direct Debit):-
AMOUNT 44.23 - (entered as 4423)
Water Rates
2.6.2 Viewing Existing Reguar Payments
This command gives a brief list of all the Regular Payments held on
file. You should select the command "Show Regular Payments" from the
"Account Enquiries" Menu (If you are in Account Maintenence then you
will have to return to the Context Menu first by selecting "Return to
Main Menu). The computer will show the TAG, CODE, AMOUNT and
REFERENCE of each RP. Active Regular Payments are shown in Yellow (or
"Bright" if using a monochrome monitor). Suspended RP's are shown in
Blue (or "Dark" if using monochrome). Full explanation of RP
Suspension tags is provided below ....
2.6.3. Running the Regular Payments File
This option will apply all active regular payments to your account.
To do this select the "Run Regular Payments" option from the
"Transactions Menu". You will have to confirm your decision Before
the computer askes you for a RUN DATE. Enter the date under which you
wish run your regular payments (for example 23JUN90). This field
cannot be blank. Having entered a Run Date the computer will apply
all active RP's to your account statement under the date you have just
specified. It will not apply any RP's which are SUSPENDED (see 2.6.4
below). When complete the computer will return you to the Context
Menu. If you now request a statement you will see that various RP's
have been applied.
2.6.4 What are Suspension Tags?
You may recall when creating new RP Records (in section 2.6.1. above)
the computer prompting for a SUSPENSION TAG to be either OFF or SET.
Suspension tags are designed to provide a degree of flexibility when
deciding which Regular Payments need applying to your accout. For
Example .... Say you had the following RP's on your file .....
1. OFF P MTG 553.44 Mortgage - Anglia Building Soc.
2. OFF P DD 36.60 NWLDC - Community Charge
3. OFF P TFR 50.00 Savings
4. OFF P BP 23.45 Water Rates
Supposing you wanted to apply the first three to your account, but not
the last one (number 4), as your water rates were not due until next
month. You could do one of two things. You could delete it from the
RP file - or you could AMEND THE SUSPENSION TAG TO "SET" instead of
"OFF". The golden rule is .... Regular Payments with Suspension tags
SET are not applied to your account when they are run. For example:-
1. OFF P MTG 553.44 Mortgage - Anglia Building Soc.
2. *SET* P DD 36.60 NWLDC - Community Charge
3. OFF P TFR 50.00 Savings
4. *SET* P BP 23.45 Water Rates
If you now ran your Regular Payments file, only payment numbers 1 and
3 would be applied to your account. Payments 2 and 4 will stay on the
RP file, but will remain "dormant" until the Suspension TAG is amended
to OFF. Amending Suspension tags is explained later .....
2.6.5 Amending & Deleting Regular Payments
It frequently becomes necessary to amend and/or delete items from the
regular payments file as very few regular transactions are constantly
the same amount. Some regular payments are not Monthly (for example -
Water Rates) and would therefore need their Suspension Tags amending.
In order to locate a regular payment for amending or deleting, you
must select the "Amend/Delete RP Records" option from the "Account
Maintenence Menu".
Before you can amend or delete regular payments, you must first locate
the correct record. To do this the computer allows you to enter up to
2 search fields. You will see the cursor flashing at the CODE field
at present. If known, enter the TRANSACTION EXTENSION ONLY of the
reglar payment - for example "MTG" for mortgage (note: Not "P MTG").
If this is not known then just press <return>.
Having entered search data in the CODE field (or not as the case may
be) the cursor will move to the AMOUNT field. If you know the EXACT
amount of the regular payment, then enter this in PENCE ONLY (ie.
10000 for #100.00). If not known then just press <return>. Here are
some examples of search data input .....
CODE = MTG ) Will look for a RP that is a MORTGAGE and has an
AMOUNT = 40.22 ) amount of 40.22 - very specific!
CODE = ) Will pick out any regular payment bearing an
AMOUNT = 40.22 ) amount of 40.22.
CODE = CSH ) Will pick all CSH (Cash) Regular Payments
AMOUNT = ) irrespective of amount.
CODE = ) Will pick out ALL regular payments on file.
Assuming the computer finds a matching record - full details of the
regular payment will be displayed, and you will see a 4 option
"mini-menu" on the left of the screen consisting of ....
The PROCEED option will ignore the current matching record, and
proceed to look for further matches. The DELETE option will delete
the displayed regular payment from the file. The ABANDON option will
abandon the command completely and return you to the Account
Maintenence Menu.
The AMEND option will allow you to amend the regular payment
displayed. You amend a regular payment record in much the same was as
creating new regular payments (see section 2.6.1). Should you not
wish to alter a particular field, then pressing <return> leaves it
unchanged. The SUSPENSION field can either be "OFF" or "SET".
After amending you will be asked if you would like to amend ANOTHER
regular payment record or FINISH amending. Selecting ANOTHER will
resume the search using the search paramaters you entered earlier.
Selecting FINISH will save amended records and return you to the
Account Maintenence Menu.
2.6.6 Deleting ALL Regular Payments
To delete ALL regular payments on file, select the "Amend/Delete RP
Records" option from the "Account Maintenence" menu. The computer
will prompt you for a CODE. Enter ALL and press <return>. You will
be asked to CONFIRM or ABANDON. Assuming you confirm, all regular
payments irrespective of Suspension Tag settings will be removed from
the disc.
2.7 Amending Account Details
You may recall entering your own name and address when creating your
account plus various bank details as well. This option provides the
means to amend the information stored. To amend, select "Amend
Account Details" from the "Account Maintenence Menu". All current
information will be displayed and the cursor will position itself at
the beginning of the USER NAME field. To amend, just overtype. The
computer will insert spaces if necessary to keep up presentation. To
leave a field unchanged - just press <return>. After you have amended
the 2 pages of information, you will be asked to CONFIRM or ABANDON
your amendments. Upon confirming the new details will be saved, and
you will be returned to the Account Maintenence Menu.
2.8 Resetting the Statement File
It will eventually become necessary to delete your statement file &
to avoid the "disc full" or "can't extend" error messages that may
corrupt the statement file. This procedure should be followed when
you wish to reset your statement file ....
1. Print out your statement & file away safely.
2. Select "Reset Statement File" from the "Account Maintenence" Menu.
3. CONFIRM the option if you are sure.
4. You will now be asked whether you want the latest balance on your
statement carried forward to the beginning of your new statement.
Select "YES" and the computer will delete your current statement,
then create a new one & insert your last statement's balance at the
beginning. Select "NO" and the computer will delete your current
statement, then create a new one with a balance of zero.
In order to check that everything is correct - obtain a balance and/or
statement by using the appropriate menu options.
2.9 Corrupted Statement Files
A statement file may become corrupted when either a program error
message "Can't Extend" is generated (ie. disc is full) or the user
presses <break> whilst in Transactions Mode before issuing the "EXT"
An automatic routine has been built into the program that will attempt
to recover a corrupted statement. Every time the program is run the
computer will check the statement file before allowing the program to
be used. Any errors are detected at this point, and the computer will
adjust the necessary files automatically if possible. This routine is
completely transparent to the user. Statement file errors will only
become apparant should a recovery sequence fail.
*** The best way to aviod statement file corruption is to make ***
*** regular backups and not to have too large a statement file ***
3.1 Programmers Notes
This is the third version of SYSTEMS bank and most of the improvements
made over other versions are as a direct result of user feedback. The
program at present only just fit's into 32k of memory. Future
expansions are planned, but they will be as a seperate program for
unexpanded model B's. Please write or mailbox me if you feel any
alterations and/or improvements could be made. Version 4 of SYSTEMS
bank will be written once enough feedback is received and time
If you have used previous versions of SYSTEMS bank, then I hope the
you think the improvements made in this version are worthwhile.
Thankyou for taking the time to read this manual - having read it you
will hopefully be more conversant with the operation of the program
and will know how to deal with most circumstances that may arise.
Duncan M. Webster
ADDRESS FOR P.D. Library (Applications & Enquiries)
Duncan Webster
SYSTEMS user support
7 Ashdale
LE6 4LW.
Registered members may use the phone helpline already
provided for their use.
Image Design BB - (0272) 817001 - Mbx Duncan Webster or *DUNCAN
Resolve Communications - (0582) 832653 - Mbx Duncan Webster or *DUNCAN
The Cellar BB - (0782) 551015 - Mbx Duncan Webster or *DUNCAN
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Transaction Mode Commands:-
D - Deposit
P - Payment (withdrawal)
EXT - Leave Transactions Mode
Transaction Command Extentions:-
CSH ...... Cash VIS ...... Visa
CHQ ...... Cheque MC ...... Mastercard
CSQ ...... Cash & Cheques INT ...... Interest
ATM ...... Cash Dispenser AMX ...... American Express
SO ...... Standing Order DNR ...... Diners Club Int.
DD ...... Direct Debit MTG ...... Mortgage
SAL ...... Salary PLN ...... Personal Loan
TFR ...... Funds Transfer FE ...... Foreign Exchange
BGC ...... Bank Giro Credit EFT ...... EftPos UK
CHG ...... Charges EUR ...... Eurocheque
OTH ...... Miscellaneous PSV ...... Paysave
BP ...... Bill Payment COR ...... Correction
PYC ...... Payment Card DRC ...... Debit Card
Enter a transaction plus extension as "<transaction> (extension)".
For example ...
D PLN - Deposit Personal loan
P OTH - Pay Other
P CHG - Pay Charges Etc ...
Refer to manual for further details.
Duncan M Webster.