2.3 Adding Items to Statement (the ADD command)
Unlike amending the charge grid which is very seldom done, this
command will be one of the most used of the program. It enables the
user to add the cost of a phone call to his/her current statement.
Enter the Command ADD from the READY prompt and press <return>. The
screen will clear and print the words "Register Phone Call Cost". You
will then be prompted for a DATE, DISTANCE, RATE, TIME, COST and
REFERENCE. The user has two options at this point ... If you already
know the cost of your phone call, then all you need do is enter the
DATE, the COST (in pence) and any REFERENCE of your choice - for
example ...
DATE 23JUN90 (must be 7 characters or less - cannot be blank)
DISTANCE just press <return>
RATE just press <return>
TIME just press <return>
COST 1.23 (enter in pence ie. 123 - the computer will insert the
decimal point when you press return)
EG. Resolve Communications (can be up to 38 characters long)
CORRECT: Y (to confirm) N (to deny) E (to abandon)
After confirming, the computer will add the above to the statement
file held on disc under the given reference. It is more likely though
that you will want the computer to estimate the cost for you. To do
this, enter the command ADD as before and proceed as follows ...
DATE - enter the date (suggested example 23JUN90)
DISTANCE - enter L for local rate )
enter B for B rate )
enter A for A rate ) see previous explanations.
enter B1 for B1 rate )
enter M for "M" rates )
RATE - Enter C for Cheap Rate )
Enter P for Peak Rate ) see previous time scales.
Enter S for Stan. Rate )
TIME - enter the time (in whole minutes) your call lasted
(ie. for ten minutes enter 10 <return>)
COST - ** DO NOT ENTER ANYTHING ** - just press <return>
The computer will now access the charge grid (so make sure you got it
right when you amended it) and work out the cost of the call for you.
Enter your own reference (ie. Resolve Comminications)
can be up to 38 characters in length.
CORRECT: Y (to confirm) N (to deny) E (to abandon)
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After confirming the computer will add the information to the
statement file on disc. To summarise, the following points are worth
bearing in mind when using the ADD command ....
1. If you enter a figure in the COST field the computer will ignore
the DISTANCE, RATE, and TIME fields completely.
2. If you do not enter a date then the computer will reject the
transaction totally.
3. In order to estimate a call cost - the computer MUST have the
DISTANCE, RATE, and TIME fields completed - if any one is missing
then the transaction will be rejected.
4. Negative values are permitted in the COST field. Enter them
putting the minus sign first (ie. -1000 for minus ten pounds).
5. If you enter a DATE or REFERENCE of greater length than permitted
then the computer will delete the input and wait for another.
2.4 Adding Miscellaneous Items to Statement (the OTH command)
This option is provided so other "non phone call" charges or rebates
can be added to the statement. This option is also used when paying
the phone bill. Enter the command OTH from the READY prompt and press
<return>. The screen will clear and you will be asked for a DATE.
Enter the date (not more than 7 characters) and press <return>. You
will then be asked for an amount. Enter this in PENCE ONLY (ie. 2000
for twenty pounds) and press <return>. The computer will insert a
decimal point. Next enter your chosen reference and press <return>
and finally confirm the details as being correct by entering Y or
abandon the transaction by entering E.
For Example, to add rental charges you might use the OTH command and
enter the following information ...
AMOUNT 20.00 (entered as 2000 <return>)
Phone Line Rental
CORRECT: Y (confirm) E (abandon)
Of course there will come a time when your phone bill has to be paid -
to register this on your statement, use the command OTH again and
enter information simalar to the following ...
AMOUNT -62.34 (entered as -6234 <return>)
Payment Sent to British Telecom
CORRECT: Y (confirm) E (abandon)
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2.5 Printing/Showing Statements (the PRT ST and SHW ST commands)
You can view your statement on screen or alternatively the statement
can be sent to your printer. To view the statement on screen enter
the command SHW ST and press <return>. You will see a screen simalar
to the following ....
20JUN90 NAT Resolve Comm 1.12 1.12
20JUN90 NAT Resolve Comm 0.84 1.96
21JUN90 NAT The Animatio 0.56 2.52
screenshot 4
Do not worry about the truncated references - this has ben done in
order to fit all info on a mode 6 screen. Full references are
provided when printing the statement on your printer. The CODE field
is provided to indicate the distance of the call - recognised codes
are listed as follows ...
NAT - National Call (B rate)
LCN - Low Cost National (A Rate)
LOC - Local Call
ART - A Rate Call
MRT - M Rate Call
OTH - Miscellaneous Item
2.5.1 Printing Statements (the PRT ST command)
This program incorporates a statement printing facility which should
work on any BBC compatible printer as there are no fancy printer codes
employed within the program. To print your statement enter the
command PRT ST and press <return>. You will be asked to "LOAD
PRINTER". Make sure your printer is on-line and ready to print at
this point.
When ready enter YES at the CONFIRM prompt - any other input will
render the command void. The program will now execute the printing
procedure and hopefully you will be presented with a neat detailed
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2.6 Deleting Statement Records (the DEL command)
Eventually, it will become neccessary to delete your statement from
the disc and start a new one (perhaps when you have paid the bill).
A suggested procedure is to print your statement - file it away once
you are satisfied it is correct - then reset the statement record by
using this command. Pleae note that once this command is performed
there is no way of getting the deleted information back!
To execute this command, enter DEL from the READY prompt and press
<return>. A message will appear asking you to make sure you have a
hard copy before deleting. To confirm deletion enter YES when
prompted to. Any other input will void the command.
2.7 Amending Default information (the AMD DF command)
You may recall when first using the program you were asked to enter
your name, address, customer ref, phone No etc. Well this command
gives you the option to amend this information. Enter the command
AMD DF from the READY prompt and press <return>. The computer will
print the current information held and the cursor will position itself
on the first letter of the USERS NAME field. Refer to the beginning
of this manual for field explanations. Amending utilities are
described below.
1. To leave a particular field unchanged just press <return>.
2. To amend - just start typing - the computer will overtype & insert
spaces as neccessary in order to keep up presentation.
3. To "blank out" a line - enter an @ symbol and press <return>.
After pressing <return> on the CUSTOMER REF field you will be asked to
confirm the changes you have made. Enter Y to confirm or N to begin
amending all over again.
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3.1 User Errors
All user errors are reported by a screen clear & an error message.
All recognised error messages are described below ...
INVALID COMMAND INPUT - You have entered a command not in the
programs vocabulary - check typing.
DATAFILE DOES NOT EXIST - Datafile not present on disc - typing?
DATAFILE ALREADY EXISTS - Datafile present - use another name.
INSUFFICIENT DETAILS - Date is missing from ADD command entry
info from the ADD command is missing when
calculating call cost automatically.
CHARGE FILE INCOMPLETE - A value of 0p per minute has been
found on charge file - amend using AMD CG
INVALID CHARGE BAND - Charge band on file does not match with
inputted charge band.
STATEMT FILE DOESN'T EXIST - Statement file contains NO records
3.2 System/Program Errors
When the computer encounters a program error, all files are closed to
try and protect data and the computer stops the program and prints the
message "SYSTEM ERROR CONTACT DUNCAN WEBSTER". You can do one of two
things at this point. Hitting the space bar will return you to the
READY prompt OR pressing the "R" key will describe the error and
supply details on where to contact me - and please do!
For your information I can be contacted on RESOLVE COMMUNICATIONS
Call 0582 832653 and Mailbox either the SYSOP (J Carpenter) or me
direct (Duncan Webster). I will respond to ALL mail received.
3.3 Other Notes
Sorry about the lack of graphics at the moment but I never include
fancy graphics on the first version of a program until I know what
kind of feedback I am going to receive and whether I will be wasting
my time or not. I am always willing to receive ideas & suggestions
for improvements to the program so please mbx me. Thanks for taking
the time to read this manual - I hope the program serves you well and
I look forward to receiving your comments.
Duncan M. Webster
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