8-Bit Software Online Conversion

:0.$.FCWIN - Listing

10REM ***** FCWIN ****** 20MODE7:VDU23;8202;0;0;0; 30PRINTTAB(0,1)CHR$132CHR$157CHR$131C HR$141"Fighter Command - W I N" 40PRINTTAB(0,2)CHR$132CHR$157CHR$131C HR$141"Fighter Command - W I N"'' 50IFA%=0THEN100 60PRINT" Congratulations you have def eated the" 70PRINT" might of the German Luftwaff e. However" 80PRINT" there are still better point s to be" 90PRINT" made, and more bombers to sh oot down."':GOTO150 100PRINT" Congratulations you have def eated the" 110PRINT" might of the German Luftwaff e. You" 120PRINT" can't do any better than zer o bombers" 130PRINT" but there are still better p oints" 140PRINT" to be made."' 150IFA%=0THENA=10000 160IFA%>0ANDA%<6THENA=8000 170IFA%>=6ANDA%<21THENA=6000 180IFA%>=21ANDA%<41THENA=4000 190IFA%>=41ANDA%<61THENA=2000 200IFA%>=61ANDA%<81THENA=1000 210IFA%>=81ANDA%<100THENA=500 220IFA%>=100THENA=0 230PRINT" You have scored ";A;TAB(25, 10)" BONUS" 240PRINT" You shot down ";B%;TAB(2 5,11)" Bombers" 250PRINT" You shot down ";E%;TAB(2 5,12)" Escorts" 260PRINT" You lost ";F%;TAB(2 5,13)" Fighters" 270PRINT" LONDON was bombed by ";L%;" Bombers"' 280PRINTCHR$131CHR$157CHR$129CHR$141"T otal points scored = ";(A+(B%*20)+(E%*40 ))-((F%*50)+(L%*10)) 290PRINTCHR$131CHR$157CHR$129CHR$141"T otal points scored = ";(A+(B%*20)+(E%*40 ))-((F%*50)+(L%*10)) 300PRINT''" Do you wish to try and do better (Y/N)?" 310A$=GET$ 320IFA$="Y"THENCHAIN"FC" 330IFA$<>"N"THEN310 340PRINT'" O.K! Do try again another t ime." 350END