* APOLOGIES for the lateness of this
Issue disc-unfortunately due to
Christmas and the amount of mail
recieved for 8-bit P.D. The discs
from now on should be every 5 weeks.
* FEW QUESTIONAIRES have been recieved
from the Issue 7 disc, and not all of
those recieved reviewed Urban War.
As this is probably due to Xmas,
EVERYBODY will recieve the Issue 8
disc regardless of wether they sent
their discs in or not.
* DUNCAN has just bought an Acorn A3000
but don't send for the hitmen just
yet, he's only bought it to get used
to it for when the Beeb finally kicks
the bucket. If anyone has A3000 P.D.
software then send it to him and when
the Beeb dies, maybe he'll churn out
some 16-bit P.D.
* We're looking to fill this disc
magazine to the brim with info and
tips. If you have anything that other
members may find useful then send it
in (paper, ASCII or Wordwise files
only) to the usual address. Things we
want are=
Help Wanted, Commercial software and
hardware reviews, Avoid This!-have
you been ripped off, Grapevine- any
rumours?, Problem Corner etc. The mag
is your voice- we'll put any genuine
material into it a.s.a.p. *
* THE MICRO USER article (Jan 1991)
mentioned many pieces of software
from 8-bit members. Stockmarket,
Nightmare Park, Urban War and many
others-well done! It seems BBC P.D.
has really taken off, so keep on
sending in the software and