8-Bit Software Online Conversion

:0.$.!Menu - Listing

10*FX255 15 20MODE3:VDU23;8202;0;0;0;:PROCerratum :MODE7 30MODE7:PROCA:*LOAD !screen 40VDU23;8202;0;0;0; 50PRINTTAB(8,10);CHR$134;"Issue 10 Di sc Magazine" 60PRINTTAB(8,11);CHR$134;"Issue 10 So ftware Menu" 70PRINTTAB(8,12);CHR$134;"Graphical A nimations" 80PRINTTAB(8,13);CHR$134;"Adventure H ints 1+2" 90PRINTTAB(8,14);CHR$134;"Disc Magazi ne Help" 100PRINTTAB(8,15);CHR$134;"Repton 3 Sc reens" 110PRINTTAB(8,16);CHR$134;"*** MESSAGE S FOR YOU ***" 120PRINTTAB(2,22);CHR$134;" ISSUE 10 P D SOFTWARE AND MAGAZINE" 130select%=FNA(3,10,33,16) 140IF select%=1 THEN PROCmagazine 150IF select%=2 THEN PROCmenu 160IF select%=3 THEN PROCanimations 170IF select%=4 THEN MODE0:PROChints:R UN 180IF select%=5 THEN type$=":2.$.MagIN S":MODE0:PRINT"Press Control & Shift to Pause"'"Press Return to start"'':A=GET:O SCLI("TYPE "+(type$)):PRINT:PRINT"Press any Key":A=GET:CLEAR:RUN 190IF select%=6 THEN PROCrepton 200IF select%=7 THEN MODE3:PROCmessage s:CLEAR:GOTO 30 210RUN 220: 230: 240DEF PROCmenu 250FOR X=8 TO 22 260PRINTTAB(3,X);SPC(34) 270NEXT X 280PRINTTAB(8,8);CHR$134;"Infinate Tri angles" 290PRINTTAB(8,9);CHR$134;"Citadel Chea t Program" 300PRINTTAB(8,10);CHR$134;"Crazy Balls Game" 310PRINTTAB(8,11);CHR$134;"Liverpool M anager" 320PRINTTAB(8,12);CHR$134;"Coldtea Mus ic (basic)" 330PRINTTAB(8,13);CHR$134;"Screen Tran sfer Routine" 340PRINTTAB(8,14);CHR$134;"Bubbles Ani mation" 350PRINTTAB(8,15);CHR$134;"Complex Equ ations" 360PRINTTAB(8,16);CHR$134;"Graphical G ears" 370PRINTTAB(8,17);CHR$134;"Space Plane ts Animation" 380PRINTTAB(8,18);CHR$134;"Mandlebrot Set" 390PRINTTAB(8,19);CHR$134;"Printer Com mand" 400PRINTTAB(8,20);CHR$134;"Lumberjack Tune" 410PRINTTAB(8,21);CHR$134;"Gisburns Ca stle Cheat" 420PRINTTAB(8,22);CHR$134;"Concept Car Graphics" 430choice%=FNA(5,8,30,22) 440*FX 4 0 450IF choice%=1 THEN CHAIN"Triangl" 460IF choice%=2 THEN CHAIN"Citadel" 470IF choice%=3 THEN CHAIN"Crazy" 480IF choice%=4 THEN CHAIN"Liverp" 490IF choice%=5 THEN CHAIN"Coldtea" 500IF choice%=6 THEN CHAIN"ScreenT" 510IF choice%=7 THEN CHAIN"Bubbles" 520IF choice%=8 THEN CHAIN"Complex" 530IF choice%=9 THEN CHAIN"Gears" 540IF choice%=10 THEN CHAIN"SpaceP" 550IF choice%=11 THEN CHAIN"Mandle" 560IF choice%=12 THEN CHAIN"Print" 570IF choice%=13 THEN PROCtune 580IF choice%=14 THEN CHAIN"Gisburn" 590IF choice%=15 THEN CHAIN"Concept" 600RUN 610ENDPROC 620 630 640 650 660 670END 680DEFFNA(£%,a%,b%,c%):d%=(a%-1):*FX4, 2 690REPEATPRINTTAB(£%,a%);CHR$132;CHR$1 57;CHR$134;TAB((£%+b%),a%);CHR$156:*FX15 700A$=GET$:e%=VALA$:IFA$=CHR$13GOTO750 710IFe%=0THENe%=-1 720IF(a%+e%)>c%PRINTTAB(£%,a%);SPC2:a% =(d%+1):GOTO750 730IF(a%+e%)<(d%+1)PRINTTAB(£%,a%);SPC 2:a%=c%:GOTO750 740PRINTTAB(£%,a%);SPC2:a%=a%+e% 750UNTILA$=CHR$13:*FX4,0 760=(a%-d%) 770DEFPROCA:*KEY14 1|M 780*KEY15 0|M 790*KEY12 0|M 800*KEY13 1|M 810ENDPROC 820: 830DEF PROCmagazine 840CLS 850PAGE=&1900 860OSCLI("DRIVE 2") 870CHAIN"$.Viewdat" 880: 890DEF PROCtune 900FOR X=8 TO 22 910PRINTTAB(3,X);SPC(34) 920NEXT X 930CHAIN"Tune1" 940ENDPROC 950: 960DEF PROCanimations 970OSCLI("DRIVE 2") 980OSCLI("EXEC !Swars") 990CLS:END 1000: 1010DEF PROCrepton 1020FOR X=8 TO 22 1030PRINTTAB(3,X);SPC(34):NEXT 1040PRINTTAB(3,10);CHR$134;"The Filenam e R.TROG on the disc" 1050PRINTTAB(3,11);CHR$134;"contains th e Repton 3 Screen" 1060PRINTTAB(3,12);CHR$134;"files. Load REPTON 3 as normal" 1070PRINTTAB(3,13);CHR$134;"before load ing the screens in" 1080PRINTTAB(3,14);CHR$134;"the normal way. Passwords will" 1090PRINTTAB(3,15);CHR$134;"be revealed next month." 1100*FX15 1110A=GET 1120CLEAR:RUN 1130ENDPROC 1140: 1150DEF PROChints 1160CLS:PRINT"Press Control & Shift to Pause"'"Press Return to start"'':A=GET:O SCLI("TYPE :2.V.Hint1"):PRINT:PRINT"Pres s any Key for next hints file ...":A=GET 1170CLS:PRINT"Press Control & Shift to Pause"':OSCLI("TYPE :2.V.Hint2"):PRINT:P RINT"Press any Key to return to menu":A= GET 1180ENDPROC 1190: 1200DEF PROCerratum 1210PRINT"ERRATA: 8-bit Software Issue 10 Magazine" 1220PRINT 1230PRINT"There is an article in this m onths magazine which briefly referrs to the" 1240 PRINT"program ""Letterhead Designe r"" which appeared in last months disc ( issue 9)" 1250PRINT"Unfortunately, the magazine d oes not make the following too clear ... " 1260PRINT"Basically, a lot of members h ave been asking for fuller instructions for the" 1270PRINT"issue 9 Letterhead Designer. These instructions can be found on SIDE 2 of" 1280PRINT"this months disc under the fi lename L.LETTHEAD. This is an ASCII tex t file" 1290PRINT"which should be *TYPEd in mod e 7. Just select MODE 7 and issue the c ommand" 1300PRINT"*TYPE L.LETTHEAD to view the instructions." 1310PRINT 1320PRINT"May I apologise for any confu sion regarding this program and should y ou have" 1330PRINT"any further enquiries then pl ease get in touch .... Duncan Webster." 1340*FX15 1350PRINT:PRINT"Press <return>"; 1360A=GET:ENDPROC 1370ENDPROC 1380: 1390DEF PROCmessages 1400CLS:PRINT"Press Control & Shift to PAUSE"'"Press RETURN to view your messag es"'':A=GET:OSCLI("DRIVE 2"):OSCLI("TYPE $.Message"):PRINT:PRINT"Press RETURN to go back to !Menu ....":A=GET:OSCLI("DRI VE 0") 1410ENDPROC 1420: