8-Bit Software Online Conversion

Infinate Triangles - Listing

10REM RECURSION TRIAN GLE 20REM BY 30REM Ian T. Roxborough (ELITE) 40REM 50: 60REM Lines 80 - 90 The quardinates o f the corners of the triangles. 70: 80DIM XP(3):DIM YP(3) 90XP(1)=0:YP(1)=1023:XP(2)=1279:YP(2) =1023:XP(3)=640:YP(3)=0 100MODE0 110: 120REM Lines 130 - 190 Choose a corner of triangle at randon and move half way to it. REPEAT this UNTIL the sp ace bar is pressed. 130: 140REPEAT 150C=RND(3) 160gcX=((gcX-XP(C))/2)+XP(C) 170gcY=((gcY-YP(C))/2)+YP(C) 180MOVE gcX,gcY:DRAW gcX,gcY 190UNTIL INKEY-99 200END 210: 220REM XP(C) and YP(C) are the quardin ates of the corners of the triangle. 230REM gcY and gcX are the quardinates of the graphics cursor. 1000: 1010: 1020: 1030: 1040REM This programme was written to d emostrate how simple fractals really 1050REM are. It is possible to compact this procgramme into as little as 1060REM two lines. 1070: 1080REM Please note that this pragramme is my own work. It is based on the 1090REM recursion triangle from one of the Equanox series. 1100: 1110REM To ALL PROGRAMMERS why don't YO U start using REM statments 1120REM (that is if don't already) to e xplain your programme, so that 1130REM other programmers can interpret your work of art at a glance.