Stacks on the disc this month and even
more next month. If you have any
programs either completed or in
development then please consider
sending it here to 8-bit Software. I
think I am correct in saying that we
are the only library that offers the
valuable comments from Programmers
Return that are enjoyed by existing
8-bit Programmers. Please do not
hesitate to drop me a line if you need
more information. The address is=
8-bit Software
7 Ashdale
Leicestershire LE6 4LW *
Be sure that your envelope is clearly
marked "Software Submissions" so that
I can reply without delay. Software is
as important as anything else, and
without it there wouldn't be an 8-bit
Software. We'll publish almost anything
no matter how big or small, or how
obscure the subject may be.
All of 8-bit's software is tested on a
BBC-B and not a Master, therefore some
programs may not work due to machine
differences. If a program doesn't work
on your Master, then try to modify it
and send the results to us so other
Master owners can benefit. Some of the
programs have already been converted *
and the results will be published next
Graphical Animations-
Includes the stunning Star Wars fly-by
(needs SWR). The best results can be
obtained on mono monitors.
Adventure Hints I+II-
An ASCII text file jammed full of
adventure game hints and tips. Follow
on-screen options to read them. If you
have any other hints or tips then send
them into us, and mark your envelope
Repton 3 Screens-
Some totally new screens for you to
tackle. A competition is currently
being organised so it is certainly
worthwile getting some practice in. To
play, load Repton 3 and load the screens
in file R.TROG. The competition will be
announced next month.
Infinite Triangles-
A "pixel" graphics routine. Watch the
screen as the triangles develop- more
and more of them.
Citadel Cheat-
A Citadel Cheat. Off C.J.Richardson's
NEW games and Utilities disc now on the
TBI list. More news next month. *
Crazy Balls-
Another fine game from Andy Nibbs, whose
software is at least magazine standard
and beyond. Keys-Z,X and RETURN.
Liverpool Manager-
Another excellent program from A.Shakoor
who brought us Test Cards last month.
Can you do a better job at managing
Coldtea Music-
Ok, so it's an oldie, but it's a goldie.
Probably the best piece of music for
the enexpanded Model B. An AMPLE version
is also on the disc. Enter AMPLE and
Screen Transfer Utility-
One for programmers. A quick and simple
tutorial on how to store two screens in
memory at the same time, and switch
between the two.
Bubbles Animation-
Another one from Andy Nibbs. It only
took him about 2 minutes to write. Best
viewed in the dark on a mono monitor
about 3 metres away.
Complex Equations-
One for the A-Level Maths Students. A
friend of mine is doing A-Levels and has
found the program very useful, so it's
on this issue as the exams can't be that
far away!! *
Graphical Gears/Space Planets Animation
Two animations off the TAS disc on the
TBI software pool(send in a 40 or 80
track disc for the full disc). Takes a
while to draw, so be patient.
Mandlebrot Set-
See seperate article in the magazine.
Extra Printer Command-
Assembles a routine and adds a new *
command- *PRINTER or *PRINT. Not sure
what it does as the instructions were a
bit vague. Can anybody help?
Lumberjack Tune-
Monty Python's Lumberjack song(I'm a
Lumberjack and I'm Okay...).
Gisburnes Castle Cheat-
Another cheat from C.J.Richardson's new
disc. Just follow the instructions.
Concept Car-
Graphical Screen by Steve Auty(Cotswold
P.D.). The program that created the
screen is also avaliable, but I can't
remember what it's called. If anybody
wants a copy then drop me a line.