User Issue Program Comments
I.D. No. Name
238 6 MENU PROGRAM Enjoyed the scrolling text part better.
Most likely to use it in a program.
Y2J 6 MENU PROGRAM Very Good - a bit slow but when you speed
it up it is too flickery and I don't know
how to get round this - nice utility.
735 6 MENU PROGRAM Very Good. The scrolling text is useful
<space> to reverse it is a good idea.
8CT 6 MENU PROGRAM Very useful - I'll use this in the next
program I write as it is a small, simple
but very impressive utility. Letting you
reverse direction with the Space Bar is
a good idea.
14E 6 MENU PROGRAM Nice Program. Could be useful for front
end of multiple program discs.
8J4 6 MENU PROGRAM Most Useful, but vertical bar would assist.
455 6 MENU PROGRAM Good utility but nothing new - I prefer to
write my own menu utilities as it injects
a little of your personality on the disc.
User Issue Program Comments
I.D. No. Name
238 6 ADFS BACKUP Excellent! - I usually use MBcopy but this
is faster and BETTER. I wonder if the
author would consider putting this and
other routines onto a SWR or ROM image?
455 6 ADFS BACKUP Reasonably quick routine but with dual
drives the backup in the new Master MOS
is quicker.
72B 6 ADFS BACKUP I am always on the lookout for better
backup programs - it can be so slow on
ADFS. I like the way this one reported
progress in bytes rather than tracks.
Sadly it did not fare well on Speed.
4DO 6 ADFS BACKUP Now! this is useful - used to back up
all of my stuff nearly - worked fine but
would be nice if it worked on a hard drive.
2J3 6 ADFS BACKUP How to start? Fantastic - a program that
my arms and drive have been waiting for.
Rapid - far far fewer disc changes required
than before - program will save me hours of
51E 6 ADFS BACKUP Very good. I've been needing better backup
program for ADFS for ages. I have already
saved it onto the welcome utilites disc.
822 6 ADFS BACKUP A truly useful utility - this program
impressed me - I'm glad that it makes use
of the Masters SWR space - it offers plenty
of scope for things like this. - How About
a DFS version?
User Issue Program Comments
I.D. No. Name
2J3 5 BUNGLE BROTHRS Pottered straight through it. Vert enter-
taining - some parts quite amusing. I do
like text adventures and found this one
quite refreshing. Quite taxing for young
8CT 5 BUNGLE BROTHRS Good Adventure up to the point at which I
got stuck after only finding 21 locations
and 6 objects. Will there be any hints
and help for the future in this game?
6JE 5 BUNGLE BROTHRS Very funny, good ideas. Not too easy to
play but not too hard either.
14E 5 BUNGLE BROTHRS Good Adventure Game
4E2 5 BUNGLE BROTHRS Obviously a Gem (from being top of the
menu). The parser is abviously good as I
tried GO NORTH AND SOUTH and it did! The
descriptions at the locations are a little
short. Impressed. Who wrote it? Will try
to solve. Good sense of humour throughout.
Did tend to clear the screen whenever you
change the location. Is the log cabin a
red herring? - No? I don't think so!
GREAT! - I'm converted to adventure - will
send this to the mad hatter at Micro User.
7GE 5 BUNGLE BROTHRS Excellent! - This is one that will keep me
glued to my micro for days!
455 5 BUNGLE BROTHRS I found the introduction to be amusing and
well presented. However I did not like the
game as I do not have the patience to
persevere with text adventures unless they
are easy to start with. I was irratated to
be told 'you see a newspaper' but when I
tried to take it an examine it it said -
"you can't see that". Overall it seems to
be pretty standard text adventure with
adequate parsers and seems to be of a
standard simalar to Acornsoft adventures.
31K 5 BUNGLE BROTHRS Dispite my lack of interest in adventure
games I see the author has gone to some
lengths to make the program run well.
Idea: Any Small graphics to go with it to
make it more interesting?
4DO 5 BUNGLE BROTHRS Reasonable game with quite a decent parser.
Location descriptions could be GREATLY
expanded. Would be good if there was
greater interaction between the player and
the characters in the game. Also if the
characters were "mobile" this would improve
the game a lot.
User Issue Program Comments
I.D. No. Name
8CT 5 STOCK MARKET Very Difficult to play and I have another
stock market program that is easier to use
It has all information on screen so you
can see the prices and your stock. It also
doesn't stop the game if you press a wrong
238 5 STOCK MARKET Easy to Play becoming a bit boring. Random
seed generator for going bankrupt became a
nuisance when buying lead (you seemed to be
bankrupt automatically).
6JE 5 STOCK MARKET Not Bad - Needs improvements such as error
trapping (v. easy to go bankrupt)
14E 5 STOCK MARKET Could be improved with better layout, more
detail and some colour.
7GE 5 STOCK MARKET Good scope for expansion - needs more
features - YOUR stock needs to be shown
all the time - not a bad game though!
43C 5 STOCK MARKET Not obvious which metal is which letter
Should have it listed by their side
Should list all possibilities on screen
455 5 STOCK MARKET Not a bad program - it took me 11 "months"
to start to make a profit. Simalar to a
commercial program I have called GB Ltd.
The Most off putting part of the game is
the lack of colour presentation. Some
simple teletext graphics would make the
program far more interesting.
31K 5 STOCK MARKET I thought this program would not be
interesting but it WAS. I was totally
addicted to it as I HAD to succeed in
getting that #1,000,000. Obviously a
simple program but effective. Idea -
instead of changing screens all the time
have one screen constantly being updated
with information of your stock/share
holding. After I while I noticed that
platignum became -#1000 - a bug?
4DO 5 STOCK MARKET Quite a good game. stocks should have
letters by them to make choosing easier
Would be good to have a "loan" option
whereby you could borrow from the "bank"
at interest - ie. each turn the amount
gets bigger.
2J3 5 STOCK MARKET Good Idea but it was only about 10 seconds
before I was fiddling with a bit of a
nightmare - the program itself! - A large
number of GOTOs - I was going to chop this
up into procedures but decided it was not
worth it. Could do with a lot of tidying
up presentation wise.
User Issue Program Comments
I.D. No. Name
14E 8 NEW CELS & S Definate Improvement, very playable now.
I like the save game option.
8CT 8 NEW CELS & S Good game. It is as good as the origional
and has new layout every time you play.
(apart from after switch on).
0E7 8 NEW CELS & S Didn't notice much difference?
722 8 NEW CELS & S Great - you can now load and save to disc
A better use of colour provides an improved
display. If you input too long a disc file
the it says "too long ..." and then "no
such variable at line 2510".
YJ2 8 NEW CELS & S Greatly improved from the origional.
Though I arrived on level 6 on my first go,
I didn't find it that easy.
31K 8 NEW CELS & S Some simple basic graphics would be much
204 8 NEW CELS & S Well written but not very taxing. After
playing for an hour I had 1000 hit points
95 spells and 800 gold pieces and killed
80 monsters and had been to level 7.
User Issue Program Comments
I.D. No. Name
14E 8 ENVELOPE PTR Very useful program - one I'm sure I will
use.. One improvement - a chance to have a
choice of more than one name and address.
4DO 8 ENVELOPE PTR I really liked this! - Except I think the
variables such as envelope length should
be entered at the beginning because you
don't always use the same envelope.
6JE 8 ENVELOPE PTR Nice idea but don't see the point of it
I'll carry on using Mini Office II
8CT 8 ENVELOPE PTR Very useful. It can also be used to print
out disc labels or any other label
(provided the label isn't already stuck to
the disc of course!) Thanks for a simple
but great utility.
Y2J 8 ENVELOPE PTR Quite Good once I had got it set up for
the right size. It would be nice if the
address to be printed out was shown at
the start and how about catering for
different envelope sizes?
YJ2 8 ENVELOPE PTR Excellent! - What A brilliant idea and
so simple. Why hasn't someone thought
of this before?
2J3 8 ENVELOPE PTR OK - Shows you how to set up the printer
to suit yourself which can be quite
difficult using some manuals that are
around. Not a program I would use though.
User Issue Program Comments
I.D. No. Name
14E 8 KEYSTRIP Good program. It would be nice to be able
DESIGNER to see the full keystrip on screen before
6JE 8 KEYSTRIP DNR Easy to Use, but effective ..... 9/10
722 8 KEYSTRIP DNR This program is brilliant - it means no
more copying out by hand. It also looks a
lot smarter. One improvement would be to
knock off the "f0" numbers on the sheet.
Then you could put more onto the strip.
User Issue Program Comments
I.D. No. Name
6JE 8 FIGHTER COMND Good idea, great fun to play even if slow
at times. Suggest introducing different
levels ie. hard, meduim, easy with varying
amounts of max. bombers in squad (40,60,80)
to make it more difficult .... 8/1
8CT 8 FIGHTER COMND Looks good, but I just can't get the hang
of the game. Good map and good layouts but
I get lost as to what is happening. Only
improvements would be to allow locations on
screen when scrambling and to be able to
call up a list of all locations of all
aircraft. At present it requires a big
sheet of paper next to the computer.
0E7 8 FIGHTER COMND Another one that has to be mapped out on
paper to keep control of everything. No
doubt a clever piece of programming but
too complicated for me.
2GJ 8 FIGHTER COMND Great! I though it was going to be
difficult with 3 screens to keep an eye
on but practice made perfect. Wargames
are my 'bag' anyway.
YJ2 8 FIGHTER COMND This is an exceedingly good game, it had me
hooked! What about distinctions between
land and sea on the map?
User Issue Program Comments
I.D. No. Name
994 9 LOST YOUR Very amusing game. One that will keep me
MARBLES going for a few hours. Good graphics, easy
to play. Needs more colour.
1K1 9 LOST YR MBLS A nice loading screen and very addictive!
The graphics were detailed enough but were
only in one colour - Purple!? (Urgh!).
Sound was good.
Y2J 9 LOST YR MBLS Very good but I think mine has a bug in it
or maybe it's meant to be like this....
I keep dying without doing anything.
Good game - like to see more like it.
0E7 9 LOST YR MBLS Seems to be up to standard ie. can't get
past the first screen which is par for the
course for me.
722 9 LOST YR MBLS Great game, but you could do with more than
one life as it is very easy to get killed.
Any chance of a sequel?
YJ2 9 LOST YR MBLS Great game with a humerous background. I
seem to have encountered a problem with it
as sometimes I can walk through walls!!!
Following this the game crashes.
6EE 9 LOST YR MBLS Very good game - found it hard at first.
Pity the instructions are displayed every
time you lose your life.
6JE 9 LOST YR MBLS Good idea, great to play and not too simple
or too difficult. Could do with a password
level jump??
User Issue Program Comments
I.D. No. Name
14E 9 TEST CARDS Good program, easy to use - an idea would
be to invite users to send in quizzes to
swap with other users.
74Q 9 TEST CARDS The idea behind test cards is excellent,
but the author has used too many colours
so it is very tiring to the eye. The music
is driving me MAD! I think the the author
should restrict himself to two or three
colours on the screen at a time.
6JE 9 TEST CARDS EXCELLENT! - A great help with my GCSEs!
YJ2 9 TEST CARDS This sounds like a great game but
when I select EDIT CARDS or in fact any
other option the program stops on my
Master 128 and ">'s" start filling the
722 9 TEST CARDS This is what I have been waiting for, it is
a perfect tool for revising areas of diffi-
cult work. My father has found it very
useful for his theology classes.
Y2J 9 TEST CARDS Good Stuff! - Obviously a lot of work put
in here. Brought back memories of Frak!
(Quit, Press <Break>, type PROCmusic). Did
you pass the GCSEs or were you too busy
writing this???
*** It has become clear from the programmers returns that TEST CARDS
*** does not work on any master machine without modification - please
*** see the MASTER COMPAIBILITY article in this months magazine.
OK - that's all you're getting this month - I have now published about
a third of all programmers returns. Another wadge is on it's way next
month. We should be right up to date in a few months time. I would
like to publish more, but the disc space is being rapidly used up and
it would not be fair to dedicate a PD disc to PR's - which it what it
would take if I was to enter them all ...... Duncan.