DFS to ADFS transfer programs
These Basic programs transfer the files on one or more Acorn DFS
discs to an ADFS disc. They require a dual double-sided disc drive
with an ADFS/DFS supporting OSWORD &7F (ie. with 1770 or equivalent
FDC). Files are saved to one ADFS directory for each side of each DFS
disc. At the start, the user defines a letter as the first character
of the directory name. If for example, this is "A", then files on
the first side of the DFS disc are transferred to ADFS directory A0.
Files on the second side of the DFS disc go to directory A1, and from
the second DFS disc to directories A2 and A3, and so on. Files
originally in directories other than $ are put in equivalent ADFS
sub-directories. Files locked on the orignal disc are "read-only" on
the ADFS disc. Files are saved with their original load and execution
addresses. Unlike the original Amcom/ADFS transfer programs (from
which these are derived), numerals as directory names are supported.
During transfer, the DFS directory and filename appears on the left
of the screen (and on printout if specified). On completion of
transfer of a file the ADFS directory, sub-directory (if any) and
filename appear to the right of the same line. Speed of transfer of
long files depends on the amount of memory available for files. This
is set by the first program according to the value of PAGE. At its
maximum, with PAGE=&E00, there is 20K available, and files up
to that length are transferred in one step, longer files having to
be split.
The first program ("ADFTFR") assembles machine-code routines and
sets parameters which are not altered by the main program
("ADFTFR2"). Once program "ADFTFR" has been run (chaining "ADFTFR2"),
"ADFTFR2" can be RUN repeatedly.
"Can't Read Catalogue" (error &82) - Disc Error on attempting to
load DFS catalogue.
"Illegal Filename" (error &83) - Character of ASCII value < &20
found in memory reserved for
A disc read error while transferring a file will abort transfer of
that file only with the message "not transferable" replacing the
ADFS description on the screen and printout.
It may be found that programs which come from DFS discs will crash
when trying to run them from ADFS. This will be due to differences
between commands, or command protocols, accepted by DFS but not by
ADFS. If this occurs it will be necessary to amend the programs,
altering all disc commands to their equivalents in ADFS ie. 'OSCLI
"DRIVE "B%' would become 'OSCLI "MOUNT "B%', or 'DRIVE 1' would become
'MOUNT 1'. Attention should also be given to drive numbers specified
in filenames ie. CHAIN ":2.PROGRAM".