Vers. 0.4
Written by Andrew Black 1991
(c) Andrew Soft
This program has been released into Pulic Domain. However I still
retain copyright. I take no responsibilty for other peoples cock-ups
when using this utility.
Instructions for CHOPPER
Welcome to CHOPPER. CHOPPER was written so that I could split large
ASCII files into small sections which I could then load in and edit in
my wordprocessor. As with a lot public domain software nowadays, they
often have instruction manuals which can sometimes be as long as 100K.
The program allows you to specify the size of each of the split files.
CHOPPER is primarly designed to split text files into smaller segments
but could also be used to split any other type of file (I don't
recomend though!).
VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When using this utility PLEASE use it on a blank disc.
Place the file you want to split on one side or on another disc.
For some reason (I haven't worked out - and it is NOT bad
programming!) SOMETIMES after splitting a very large file, files
almost identical to the split files will appear on the source disc or
side. These files should not be used!
Unfortunalty the orginal source file will be destroyed. However on the
destination disc or side everything should be all right.
For this reason I advise you to make a backup of the orginal file that
you are going to split.
Starting out
When you boot up the program you will be asked to enter the source
drive of the file that is to be split and the desination drive for the
smaller split files. The drive numbers can be any number between 0 &
3. eg.
Enter source drive: 0
Enter destination drive: 2
You will then be asked to supply a filename. This is the file which is
going to be split. You may preceed the filename with a directory
letter otherwise the program will assume the directory to be the
current one (normally $). eg.
Enter file to split: !README
Enter file to split: T.Instr
If the file exists you will be told how long the file is in bytes. eg.
File !README is &2000 bytes long
You will then be asked to enter the block size. This is the size of
each of split files (in bytes). NB: You can enter this in hexadecimal
or decimal.
Enter block size: &400 or 1024
The program will divide the length (bytes) of the source file by the
block size (bytes) and give you the number of files it will create.
11 files will be produced.
NB: Please check before hand that you have enough space on the disc
and enough spare catalouge entries for the files.
If the file does not divide exactly (as in most cases) one of the
created files will be smaller than the rest.
You are then asked if you wish to continue the operation. If you have
made a mistake then you can go back to the start of the program.
Continue (Y/N) Y
You are now asked to supply a file standard. This is must be a max. of
5 letters to allow for numbers to be attached. ie.
Enter file standard: !READ
NB: Do NOT specify a directory with the file standard.
See The Splitting notes for more info on this.
You will now be told the approximate amount of time it will take to
split the source file into seperate files. eg.
This will take 5 mins and 45 secs.
The program will now show each split file as it is created. eg.
L.!READ3 etc.
Until it has finished creating the all of the files.
If all goes well you will get the message "Successful transfer" and
then be asked whether or not you want to exit.
Exit (Y/N) Y
The Splitting
The split files are automaticly given a directory of L (I don't know
why I choose it, it just sounded right). This is what happens when the
split files are created...
When an error message is encounted the computer will first close down
all open files. Then it will report the error and end the program.
Probable errors
Bad drive - You entered a drive number which you don't have.
Disc full - There is not enough space for the split files.
Disc read only - Take the write protect tab off.
File not found - You entered a filename which doesn't exist on the
source side of the disc.
Catalouge full - You have tried to exceed the 31 file limit.
Bad filename - You have entered a filename that exceeds current filing
system filename length.
General notes
I am not sure whether it will work properly with ADFS systems. It
should do! The program is compatible with the BBC3000, BBC5000 and
Archimedes range in BBCBASIC and under !65Host.
The file transfer speed can be speeded quite a lot up by typing
*FX255,15 then pressing break and booting the program.
As for the aforementioned destroying of the source file (sometimes) I
do not know why this happens and would be most grateful if someone
could enlighten me.
Any further comments, praise, suggestions, problems or money will be
gratefully recived and read (or spent as the case may be). And if you
enclose a SAE I will reply.
Andrew Black
SA46 0LA.
*8BS Editor Notes*
I suppose JOINER will work in much the opposite way as CHOPPER but
check on a few dummy files first.