GLM Public Domain 2,Pierrefondes Avenue, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 8NF
CATALOGUE - Edition 4.0a
Last updated 9/6/92 FREE PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE - see below
Explanation of catalogue format:-
Discs are followed by four numbers in brackets (m,n,o,p) where:-
m is the number of discs DFS 40-track users should order
n is the number of discs DFS 80-track single-sided users should order
o is the number of discs DFS 80-track double-sided users should order
p is the number of discs ADFS 80-track double-sided users should order
Computing in general ************************ GLM and other BBC PD
Acorn Computers *** NEWS *** libraries
-If you want further information, why not send an SAE for the printed 12-page
summary catalogue?!
-If you are a member of the 8-BIT SOFTWARE USER GROUP then you will be
interested to hear that it is now being run by Daniel G. Shimmin.
Unfortunately the names and addresses of the members have all been lost. If
YOU should be receiving issue 20 of 8BS then send a blank formatted 80-track
double sided DFS disc to the following address:
D.G.Shimmin 1, Oakwood Drive Heaton Bolton BL1 5EE
Please ensure you enclose return postage AND packaging.
New members are welcome - send an SAE for information.
-Cotswold PD Software library (BBC) has (long ago) closed down
-Animator on disc U03 only works on BBC Master if run from ADFS due to DFS bug
-Pantheon instructions and cheat/solutions now available from GLM Public Domain
-See the printed catalogue for full ordering information (if you don't have one
send an SAE for one please!)
-Of doubtful interest to 8-bits users, but Acorn have updated their PC Emulator
for the Archimedes - it now emulates VGA as well.
Graphics programs
G01 Graphics disc 1. 24 programs. Includes 'Bones', 'Day Bones', and a few
very interesting wallpaper programs (continuously changing multi-
coloured patterns, written in machine code!) (1,1,1,1)
G02 3D-Spin (the most amazing demo ever!) - also known as Ball!; Faults
(creates landscapes - requires Master or GXR ROM; and all the Star Wars
films (1-7)! Now also includes 2 novel versions of cellular 'Life', one
of which uses Sideways RAM. Also MC parallax star-field demo. (0,0,1,1)
G03 This disc contains more pictures! Some are better than others! (0,1,1,0)
G04 More graphical demos from Lars 0sterballe. Compiled by Gareth Moore.
These are incredible.(0,1,1,0)
G09 Digitised faces. ('Gold Blend' man and woman, plus several 'older'
neighbours - from the TV series). Most suffer from being 'stretched'.
Submitted by John O'Rourke; compilation by Andy Nibbs. (0,1,1,0)
G10 Pictures. Some digitised. Submitted by John O'Rourke. Compilation by
Andy Nibbs. (0,1,1,0)
G11 Hand-drawn pictures & graphical demos, by Lars 0sterballe. (0,1,1,0)
G12 'The Yorkshire Boys' Retribution demo demo. This (believe it or not) is
a demonstration of some demos. Yes, well, ahem. In actual fact, it is
a brilliant mix of graphics and music. (0,0,1,0)
Sound Programs
S01 Byte the Apple Music discs 1 & 2 (12+ tunes each - well programmed
S02 Byte the Apple Music discs 3 & 4 with graphics and aniations)
S03 Music disc. At least 25 programs. A total mix, compiled by GLM (0,1,1,1)
S04 Music (Original compilation by !Foz!) (0,1,1,0)
S05 Music (Original compilation by Rafael Jay) (0,1,1,0)
S06 Music - Red hot music downloaded from CCL4, Link and other Bulletin
Boards, and compiled by Rafael Jay. (0,1,1,0)
S07 Music - Amazing quality, and many accompanied by the original lyrics.
Most presented with colourful Teletext graphics. (0,1,1,0)
S12 Two high quality full-length samples, and the amazing 'Sample Tracker',
which allows you to play back sampled instruments at various pitches.
Includes several sampled instruments, and also examples. Also 'Funny
Narrator' Sideways RAM image - which talks to you! Also miscellaneous
tunes. Most by Lars 0sterballe. (0,0,1,0)
S13 Amazing sound samples, most very high quality, and most full-length.
From 'The Yorkshire Boys' - disc entitled "Samples disc Volume 1".
S14 Mix-Mania, from 'The Yorkshire Boys'. Lots of 'digitally' mixed samples.
Unfortunately, most (but not all) require a Master, or 4 banks of Acorn-
compatible SRAM. (*SRLOAD...) (0,0,1,0)
S15 Mix-Mania II, Volume 1. More amazing mixes and incredible samples from
'The Yorkshire Boys'. Requires at least 16K SRAM or 128K B+ or Master.
S16 Mix-Mania II, Volume 2. Yet more of 'The Yorkshire Boys' sampled mixes.
Requires at least 16K SRAM, or 128K B+, or BBC Master. (0,0,1,0)
S17 This disc has a set of (very good) files for the (what was once?) 'The
Island Logic Music System'. Transcribed by Miroslaw Bobrowski.
They work on the Master version, so I assume they'll work on the Beeb.
All the pieces are arrangements of classical music. (0,1,1,0)
S18 The latest compilation of music programs for the BBC, by Gareth Moore.
This has loads of good songs - I left out any dud ones! (0,1,1,0)
S19 A huge collection of sampled sounds, instruments, and what-have-you (!).
All in logarithmic form, ported from the ST (cough, splutter). Submitted
by Tim Lewis and Matthew Jones. ('The Micro Musicians'). Currently
requires Rafael Jay's sample player from 'The Micro User'. (Not
included, as it is copyright TMU). (0,2,1,0)
S20 The Yorkshire Boys (again!) present Sound Samples disc Volume 2 - and
this is it! (0,0,1,0)
S21 The Yorkshire Boys - Samples disc Volume 3. More sound samples.
Master 512 programs (ie. 512 co-processor)
M01 Games. Only 2 on here at the moment: Elevator and Kingdom (Shareware).
Includes Xonix, Popcorn (Arkanoid-type game) and Columns which do not
work on the Master 512, as these may run using one of the available
'Problem Solvers'.
M03 Form Generator (Shareware). Page design program. Complete version.
If you know of any PC shareware or PD programs that work on the 512, I would
be really pleased if you could tell me! I've tried 20+ applications and over
100 games. Only the above work perfectly, unfortunately. (I've almost got
enough to start a PC PD library!). (Acorn 800K DOS unless you say otherwise
Utility Programs
U01 Font Designer disc & Filofax Page Designer. Discs U01 and U02 have been
combined to produce this superb value disc. Master only. Complete with
example fonts. (0,1,1,0)
U03 Mixed utilities + X-TEL, the mode 7 screen designer suite of programs.
Includes an animator + demonstration. (X-TEL from Redshift PD). Also
Programmer's help ROM, by Alan Blundell. (0,1,1,0)
U04 More utilities. Some for modem owners only. A few odds and ends. You may
find one or two of some use. INCLUDES a complete Spelling Checker
package by Alan Blundell, with comprehensive dictionary! (Spelling
Checker needs 80-track discs if you want to spell-check large documents;
eg. 16K plus) (2,1,1,0)
U05 Utilities + 'The music compiler' disc. Set of utilities to allow you to
enter music in pseudo-musical notation, which is then converted into
data statements. Allows full control of all four channels, including
envelopes. Operation is from BASIC. You need to be a competent BASIC
programmer, therefore. (1,1,1,0)
This disc also contains a set of utilities, most in machine code.
U07 AudioPack. A complete music studio for use with samplers. Includes
drivers for Micro User and other samplers. Will only run on BBC B with
at least 16K SRAM, and a mouse. A mouse drivers is supplied, as are
demo files. Runs on BBC Master with Convert, but tends to 'drop' bits of
the mouse pointer all over the screen. By Lars 0sterballe. Needs 2
drives (best) OR double-sided drive OR Watford (large cat.) DFS.
Note that a (sound) sampler is pretty essential for this package!
U08 Kermit. Brilliant communications program for all BBC computers with DFS
and an 80-track double-sided drive. From Lancaster University. (1,1,1,0)
U09 Turbo Publisher. A simple DTP package for the BBC micro by Neil Gorin.
A special version for the BBC Master is included on this disc. (1,1,1,0)
Games programs
A01 3 Public Domain adventures: Insomnia, Dreadnaught and First Contact.
A02 Adventure games, arcade games (sorry - the arcade games for the Master
only), and other various, eg. Battleships and hints & tips for lots of
adventures. (2,1,1,0)
A03 Amazing epic double-game arcade adventure called 'Pantheon'. This
deserves commercial release. Steer your ship up the vertically scrolling
screen, destroying the enemy guns and ships, then descend to the ground
into the game proper, where you must solve the many puzzles, whilst
marvelling at the finely detailed and colourful graphics!
PANTHEON's Assistant Producer was the author of CITADEL, Michael
Jakobsen. PANTHEON was originally intended for release by Superior
Software in 1986/87, but due to technical circumstances it was never
released. Programmed by Lars 0sterballe and Benny Lonstrup (of Denmark).
SUPERB VALUE! This disc also contains over a dozen other games!
A05 Risk - The world famous strategy game. Written by Adam Sandman. For the
BBC Master only. (0,0,0,1)
A06 Urban War - Fantastic strategy game for 2 or more players. (0,0,1,0)
Saved game files
(Original programs required to use them)
F01 Courtesy of Andrew Black, 3 fantastic sets of Repton screens - each
containing 8 screens of perplexing puzzles to keep your brain and
fingers pumping. Not only this - but also a set of four Repton
Infinity screens, complete with two brand new characters.
Also includes 'Sim City' starting file - except you have £2,000,000.
Also files from adventure games (eg. Lancelot) and Exile. To fill
the disc up there's also Elite files and an end-of-game Imogen file!
Music 500 programs (not Music 5000)
(Most probably compatible with Music 5000 if run from AMPLE alone, but this is
not guaranteed).
T01 Lots of Music 500 programs, most of very high quality.
T01 Includes 'Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats', 'Carnival of the Animals'
and some other Andrew Lloyd Webber songs. (Various programmers)
Z88 programs
Z01 Z88 Public Domain Graphics Patch. Allows use of most BBC graphics
commands on your expanded (ie. 128K+ in slot 1) Z88. By author of Z88
BASIC! Includes manual (as Pipedream file). (0,1,1,0)
(The programs are in Z88 tokenised BASIC form. You will require a lead and the
relevant software to transfer them to a Z88. Watford Electronics sell this.)
Miscellaneous Programs
R01 A total mixture. Eg. 3D plot screens, and data files. A few Master only.
Also reviews (ASCII files) of Repton Infinity and UIM, from Andrew
Black. Nothing spectacular, but OK. (2,1,1,0)
R02 22 fonts in *RUNnable form to replace the normal, boring, BBC system
font, most created by the Font Designer (disc U01). Also includes a very
comprehensive Periodic Table program - Beeb and Master versions - plus
more! (0,1,1,0)
R03 John Lyon's Christianity disc - Fidei Defensor (Defender of the Realm).
Multiple choice quiz on the New Testament with many features. (0,0,1,0)
R04 This disc is definitely "Miscellaneous"(!), and contains 'Hawk-Eye'.
It "demonstrates the forces of neural networks ... showing how they
excell at (optical) character recognition (OCR) and how they can even
recognise greatly distorted patterns". I think it needs a mouse.
Needs: BASIC 2; ability to save more than 31 files (ie. NOT one drive
Acorn DFS). By Benny Lonstrup of Denmark. Won't work on BBC Master.
L01 Small C-compiler - you need at least an 80-track double-sided drive to
run this. (And Sideways RAM, I think - eg. a Master). Comes with manual
(as a text file). (0,0,1,0)
L02 65C02 Macro-assembler. Complete package, with countless features.
Includes an instruction manual (as text file) with over 60 pages!
(Again, I think SRAM is required). (0,1,1,0)
L03 Forth compiler. You need either: a large catalogue filing system, OR
ADFS, OR a double-sided disc-drive, OR more than 1 disc-drive to run
this system. By Lars 0sterballe. Designed especially for games
programming, demos, etc. Includes text file and two (graphical) demos.
GLM PD Demonstration Programs
D01 This is the 80-track double sided version of the demonstration (0,0,1,1)
D02 The 40-track version of the demo disc. (1,0,0,0)
D04 Demo for 80-track single-sided users (0,1,0,0)
When ordering, if you would like a copy of the latest catalogue please say so,
and I'll put one on one of the discs.
NB: All programs in this catalogue are believed to be Public Domain or
shareware (all are PD unless otherwise stated). However, if you discover a
program which does not fit into either of these catagorys I'd be really
grateful if you could inform me as soon as possible. It is impossible for
me to know every single program ever released commercially or published in
a magazine, and so programs are accepted into the library in good faith.
FREE PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE - When ordering why not enclose a disc of YOUR
programs, files or whatever. For each disc you
send, I'll send you a free disc of your choice!
Many people have already taken advantage of this
very special offer!
Thanks for submissions go to: (in no particular order)
Andrew Black Ian T. Roxborough Steven Johnson
Miroslaw Bobrowski Mark Wright Jonathen Tate
John O'Rourke Tim Lewis Matthew Jones
Philip Douglas Daniel G. Shimmin
...and special thanks to Lars 0sterballe and Benny Lonstrup of Denmark
who have contributed more than anyone else, and all of it of amazing
quality! Also to Miroslaw Bobrowski of Poland for converting all his
(very good) programs into perfect English! (Apologies if I've left
anyone's name off the above list - please tell me if I have!)
All of the above gave up some of their time to add to this catalogue for you.
Why don't you do the same (if you haven't done so already!)? FREE DISCS OFFER!
If you can't program, then send some files you've created, such as letter
templates, pictures from art packages, etc., etc.. Let your imagination run
GLM Public Domain 2, Pierrefondes Avenue, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 8NF
Discs prices follow. Note, however, that for each disc of submissions you send
to me, you may have one free disc in return (please enclose suitable return
postage and packaging, though). That's an offer you can't refuse!
1-2 discs: £2.00 3-4 discs: £1.75 5-7 discs: £1.50 8+ discs: £1.40
each each each each
For members of 8-bit Software User Group:-
1-2 discs £1.75, 3-4 discs £1.50, 5+ discs £1.40 each
This offer ends on the 31st of July 1992.
When ordering, do not forget to state which disc format you require!
This catalogue is copyright (C) GLM Public Domain 1992. You may, however, feel
free to give a copy to anyone you wish - in fact, I'd encourage you to! One
point though - you may not alter or edit it in any way without my permission,
or else there'd be rogue catalogues 'going around'! All text by Gareth Moore.
This edition for 8-Bit Software User Group.