8-Bit Software Online Conversion

:2.$.!MENU - Listing

10PROCclear:b$="Back to main menu" 20ONERROROSCLI"DR.0":OSCLI"EXEC !BOOT ":END 30VDU6:PROCa 40PRINT TAB(6,8);CHR$135;" G ames" 50PRINT TAB(6,9);CHR$135;" M usic" 60PRINT TAB(6,10);CHR$135;" Letter head Printer" 70PRINT TAB(6,11);CHR$135;" Oth er Items" 80PRINT TAB(6,12);CHR$135;" De-arch ive Software" 90PRINT TAB(6,13);CHR$135;"**** BACK TO MAGAZINE ****" 100d%=FNA(4,8,31,13) 110IF d%=1 THEN PROCgames 120IF d%=2 THEN PROCmusic 130IF d%=3 THEN PROClethd 140IF d%=4 THEN PROCother 150IF d%=5 THEN CHAIN"ARCER18" 160IF d%=6 THEN error 170RUN 180*************** 190DEFPROCgames 200PROCclear 210PRINT TAB(7,8);CHR$135;"Satellite H avoc II" 220PRINT TAB(7,9);CHR$135;"Loopy Loop II" 230PRINT TAB(7,10);CHR$135;"Jackpot" 240PRINT TAB(7,11);CHR$135;"Guess the Letter" 250PRINT TAB(7,12);CHR$135;b$ 260c%=FNA(3,8,34,12) 270IF c%=1 THEN CHAIN"FIRST" 280IF c%=2 THEN CHAIN"CRAZE3" 290IF c%=3 THEN CHAIN"JACKPOT" 300IF c%=4 THEN CHAIN"LtGuess" 310ENDPROC 320*************** 330DEFPROCmusic 340PROCclear 350PRINT TAB(9,8);CHR$135;"Bach : Litt le Prelude" 360PRINT TAB(9,9);CHR$135;"Ghostbuster s" 370PRINT TAB(9,10);CHR$135;b$ 380c%=FNA(3,8,34,10) 390IF c%=1 THEN CHAIN"LitPrel" 400IF c%=2 THEN CHAIN"Ghost-B" 410ENDPROC 420**************** 430DEFPROClethd 440PROCclear 450PRINT TAB(5,8);CHR$135;"PRINT : P rint prepared L-head" 460PRINT TAB(5,9);CHR$135;"SFGEN1 : C reate L-head screen" 470PRINT TAB(5,10);CHR$135;"SCRGEN : Convert screen" 480PRINT TAB(5,11);CHR$135;"PTODISC : Create print file" 490PRINT TAB(5,12);CHR$135;"SFGEN2 : Other S.F. screen" 500PRINT TAB(5,13);CHR$135;b$ 510c%=FNA(3,8,34,13) 520IF c%=1 THEN CHAIN"PRINT" 530IF c%=2 THEN CHAIN"SFGEN1" 540IF c%=3 THEN CHAIN"SCRGEN" 550IF c%=4 THEN CHAIN"PTODISC" 560IF c%=5 THEN CHAIN"SFGEN2" 570ENDPROC 580**************** 590DEFPROCother 600PROCclear 610PRINT TAB(6,8);CHR$135;"Presentatio n Example #1" 620PRINT TAB(6,9);CHR$135;"Presentatio n Example #2" 630PRINT TAB(6,10);CHR$135;"DIRlock Ut ility" 640PRINT TAB(6,11);CHR$135;"Number Con verter" 650PRINT TAB(6,12);CHR$135;b$ 660c%=FNA(3,8,34,12) 670IF c%=1 THEN CHAIN"Example" 680IF c%=2 THEN CHAIN"Exampl2" 690IF c%=3 THEN OSCLI"/DIRlock":CLS:PR INT"Installed.":END 700IF c%=4 THEN CHAIN"NumConv" 710ENDPROC 720**************** 730DEFFNA(£%,a%,b%,c%):d%=(a%-1):*FX4, 2 740REPEATPRINT TAB(£%,a%);CHR$132;CHR$ 157;CHR$135;TAB((£%+b%),a%);CHR$156:*FX1 5 750A$=GET$:e%=VALA$:IF A$=CHR$13GOTO80 0 760IF e%=0 THEN e%=-1 770IF (a%+e%)>c%PRINT TAB(£%,a%);SPC2: a%=(d%+1):GOTO800 780IF (a%+e%)<(d%+1)PRINT TAB(£%,a%);S PC2:a%=c%:GOTO800 790PRINT TAB(£%,a%);SPC2:a%=a%+e% 800UNTILA$=CHR$13:*FX4,0 810=(a%-d%) 820DEFPROCa:*KEY14 1|M 830*KEY15 0|M 840*KEY12 0|M 850*KEY13 1|M 860ENDPROC 870**************** 880DEFPROCclear 890FORI%=5TO22:PRINT TAB(3,I%);SPC(35) :NEXT 900ENDPROC