8-Bit Software Online Conversion

Title-Top Style Screen - Listing

10REM >TitlTop 20REM by Steven Flintham 30REM 40REM A demonstration of one style of mode 7 display. 50REM 60REM Sunday 6th September 1992 70: 80MODE 7 90VDU 23;8202;0;0;0; 100PROCdisable 110PROCinit 120PROCshow`style 130PROClist`program 140PROCenable 150END 160: 170DEF PROCdisable 180*FX229,1 190*FX4,2 200ENDPROC 210: 220DEF PROCinit 230ON ERROR MODE 7:REPORT:PRINT " at l ine ";ERL:PROCenable:END 240ENDPROC 250: 260DEF PROCenable 270*FX229,0 280*FX4,0 290ENDPROC 300: 310DEF PROCshow`style 320PROCtitle("Mode 7 layout demonstrat ion",3,4) 330PRINTTAB(7,24);CHR$131;"(C) Steven Flintham 1992";TAB(0,3); 340PRINT "This is a demonstration of o ne of the" 350PRINT "simplest mode 7 screen layou ts. However,it can be very effective and does leave" 360PRINT "a lot of the screen free for the programto use." 370PRINT'"Note that the heading and te xt at the" 380PRINT "bottom of the screen are bot h correctly" 390PRINT "centered. When centering in mode 7, it" 400PRINT "is important to allow for th e space" 410PRINT "taken up by the control code s -" 420PRINT "especially in 'reversed' are as like the" 430PRINT "heading." 440PRINT'"Using a text window can avoi d problems" 450PRINT "with scrolling. Press SPACE to" 460PRINT "demonstrate this." 470*FX21 480REPEAT UNTIL GET=32 490ENDPROC 500: 510DEF PROCtitle(title$,fore%,back%) 520LOCAL x% 530x%=20-LEN(title$)/2 540PRINTTAB(x%-4,0);CHR$141;CHR$(128+b ack%);CHR$157;CHR$(128+fore%);title$;" ";CHR$156 550PRINTTAB(x%-4,1);CHR$141;CHR$(128+b ack%);CHR$157;CHR$(128+fore%);title$;" ";CHR$156 560ENDPROC 570: 580DEF PROClist`program 590VDU 28,0,22,39,3 600CLS 610*FX138,0,76 620*FX138,0,73 630*FX138,0,83 640*FX138,0,84 650*FX138,0,13 660ENDPROC