Well, I
know that
Firstly I would like to thank Daniel
Shimmin for his help not only with this
issue, but also for his hints on some
of my programs. Comments from you, the
user are also very helpful so please
keep your constructive criticism coming
I owe a large thankyou to Mick Needham
for his invaluable assistance in
testing for model B compatibility and
his helpful comments.
David Stillman of the Welsh Boys P.D.
would like it known that he can no
longer supply blank disks.
John Ilsley 27N proudly announces the
birth of a new bulletin board on line
between the hours of 1800 and 0000
every day. The number is
It is called Concorde Comms. John says
it has a large array of downloads for
the BBC. So give him a ring right now!
20G. Has been hard at work promoting
8BS. A shining example to us all, he
sends this message:
8-Bit Software had over ten minutes of
air time on the great BBC radio. Well,
alright then, local BBC.
Imagine how much that would have cost
if paid for in a advert!
At about 1145am on Sunday the 13th of
September, I was explaining to Steve
Richards (and all his listeners) to
local radio how "8-Bit Software" works
and the address to send a disc. As
I have been quite impressed about the
idea of the disc magazine I thought
that others should know about it.
May-be it will help to recruit a new
member or two. How about other members
having a go on their local radio?
Editor: I aggree with this sentiment,
and have also put ads in local shops.
Carl Wheat (204) is at this very moment
putting the finishing touches to a
Patience card game, with any luck it
may appear in issue 24.
More software from 2J3. Now that I have
finished this mag, I have written a
program which will write text
game/instruction files. A short program
will then run these data files. The
file written could be an adventure game
or training program. I may write a
first aid training file.
Constructive comments on programs
published by 8BS are always welcome.
Here are a few:
From: 20G
Program: Unit conversion.
The program will be quite handy and
must have taken some sorting out with
all the calculations. Was there a
reason for not using Mode 7? The menu
was long I know for Mode 7 but it may
have been done in two parts perhaps. A
little colour would also look good.
Editor. A new version of this program
is on this month's disc. This version
uses mode 7. There was just enough room
to fit all the menu onto one screen.
From: 20G
Program Teltext Examples feature.
This happens to be ideal for me at the
moment. Box's certainly brighten things
up, also eye catching to read. As it
happens, I have recently put a program
together, using boxed titles.
From: L1J
Program: ECGSIM3.
I have found that observation of the
ECG waves on the screen is easier when
a small amendment is made in line 250.
Namely: 250 K%=INKEY(5)
Editor: This alteration slows the
display down slightly. Great! I spent
ages making sure that the rate was just
right! However, for those of you that
don't need to make split second
decisions this is a handy amendment.
From : Andrew Snodgrass (YJ2)
Program: DFS=>ADFS Utility
This is the program I have been looking
for for ages, but there are many
improvements which could be
It would be useful to have:
1) An option for copying just drive 2
with a single drive.
2) A display to show approximately how
many disk swaps are needed on a single
3) The ability to go back a step if an
error occurs, as often on my switchable
40/80 track single drive the program
aborted if I forgot to change the
switch when copying from 40(DFS) to
80(ADFS) tracks.
4) Would it be possible to utilitise
the sideways ram which many of 8-bit
software members possess. (The shadow
ram on the Master could also be used?!)
5) A more colourful display (please
keep the MODE 7 teletext display)
making the user interface more
friendly. Incidently I like the way the
program shows the files as they are
being transferred.
From : Andrew Snodgrass (YJ2)
Program: Trader
Could there possibly be an arcade
sub-game where you have to navigate
the ship to the next port with hazards
such as hurricanes, whirlpools, storms,
mines and mutinies?
From : 24K
Program: Issue 22
I have had problems with my ADFS
version of issue 22. Only certain
programs in certain directories will
work and some programs such as Chain
Letters will not work at all as the
loading programs crashes for no reason.
Any comments?
This may be due to using unbranded disc
with ADFS.
From : 24K
Program: Loopy Loop
With regard to Loopy Loop, it may be
possible to combine and renumber the
two programs and then insert a routine
that places the programs in the
cassette buffer as no further loading
will take place.