8-Bit Software Online Conversion

Rolling cursor - Listing

10REM" 20REM"     40REM"         60REM" ------------------------------ 70REM" Causes a cursor to scroll at 80REM" the next print position even 90REM" if the cursor is switched off. 100REM" ----------------------------- - 110REM" This program is Public domain . 120REM" If you use it in your program s 130REM" please mention 8BS in th e 140REM" titles. 150REM" ----------------------------- - 160DEFFNS="CURSOR" 170FORL%=0TO2STEP2 180P%=&900:[:OPTL% 190SEI:LDA&220:STA&963:LDA&221:STA&964 :LDA#&27:STA&220:LDA#&9:STA&221:LDA#&0:S TA&96C:STA&96D:CLI:LDA#&E:LDX#&4:JMP&FFF 4 200CMP#4:BNEl1% 210PHP:PHA:TXA:PHA:TYA:PHA 220BIT&96C:BPLl2% 230DEC&96D:BNEl3% 240LDA#&0:STA&96C:BEQl3% 250.l2%:INC&96D:LDA&96D:CMP#&F:BNEl3% ½ SPEED 260DEC&96C 270.l3%:LDX#&A:LDY&96D:JSRR1% 280INX:INY:JSRR1% 290PLA:TAY:PLA:TAX:PLA:PLP 300.l1%:JMP&FFFF 310.R1%:STX&FE00:STY&FE01:RTS:EQUB0:EQ UB0:EQUB0:]:NEXT 320CALL&900