10 *|" (C) Concord Comms 1992
20 *|" (C) John Ilsley 1992
30 *|" A quick read program that will
40 *|" let the Master user *TYPE.
50 MODE7
60 PRINT" This is a quick version of
a program "'" which will take a Inter-Wo
rd file and"'" change it so you can read
it on the "'" Master128 Well, it works
for me anyway"'" so it SHOULD work for y
ou ok."
70 PRINT''CHR$(141);" Call Concord Co
mms - 0705 753124"
80 PRINTCHR$(141);" Call Concord Comm
s - 0705 753124"
90 PRINT''CHR$(141);" From 6pm till M
100 PRINTCHR$(141);" From 6pm till Mid
110 PRINT''CHR$(141);" E v e r y d a y
!!! ":PRINTCHR$(141);" E v e r y d a y
!!! "
120 PRINT''CHR$(141);" B B C Downlo
ads":PRINTCHR$(141);" B B C Downloads
130 PRINT''" P R E S S A K E
140 VDU23;8202;0;0;0;:REM cursor off
150 CLS
160 CLOSE#0
180 PRINT"Enter the name of the sorce
file, "'"Eg The file that contains the I
nterword"'"text file"
200PRINT'"Now enter a destination file
220 CLS
230 X=OPENIN(s$):REM read
240 C=OPENOUT(d$):REM write
250 PTR#X=833 :REM Stuff before 833 is
not much good to you.
260 A=BGET#X
270 PRINTTAB(0,0);" Reading"
280 PRINTTAB(0,1);" "
290 REM The IF A commands below indeca
te which carractors are allowed to be pr
inted on the new file and on the screen
in mode 7
300 IF A=124 THEN A=13:PTR#X=PTR#X-1:G
OTO 380
310 IF A>=129 OR A=127: GOTO 430
320 IF A=13 OR A=32 OR A=34 OR A=35 OR
A=38 OR A=39 OR A=40 OR A=41 OR A=42 OR
A=43 OR A=44 OR A=45 OR A=46 OR A=47 OR
A=58 OR A=59 OR A=60 OR A=61 OR A=62 OR
A=63 THEN GOTO 380
330 IF A>=48 AND A<=57 THEN GOTO 380
340 IF A>=65 AND A<=90 THEN GOTO 380
350 IF A>=95 AND A<=122 THEN GOTO 380
360 GOTO 260
370 REM write only carractors that hav
e been accepted.
380 BPUT#C,A
390 PRINTTAB(0,1);" Writing"
400 PRINTTAB(0,0);" "
410 GOTO 260
420 IF A=33 THEN A=13:GOTO 380
430 A=A-128
440 GOTO 380
450 CLS
460 PRINT" Copying finished - Press a
470 PRINT" Use <SHIFT> to scroll"
480 A=INKEY(500)
490 VDU14
500 CLS
510 OSCLI("TYPE "+d$)
520 PRINT'" Output complete"