8-Bit Software Online Conversion

:2.P.PoLink2 - Listing

10REM PolLinker2 20HIMEM=&3000:LOMEM=&1E00:V%=!&220 AN D&FFFF:ONERRORGOTO50 30t$="This is the second program of t he series by Miroslaw Bobrowski. You are invited to take part in the shortest co urse of the history of Poland. To cont inue any time press SPACE ..." 40t$=STRING$(20," ")+t$+STRING$(20," "):N%=LENt$-32:CALL&1B00 50VDU23;8202;0;0;0;17,131,17,1:I%=1:R EPEAT:PRINTTAB(4,30)MID$(t$,I%,32);:I%=( I%+1)MODN%:IF INKEY(10)=32 UNTIL TRUE EL SE UNTIL FALSE 60CALL&1B69:?&220=V%MOD256:?&221=V%DI V256:VDU30,17,128,17,3:A%=RND(5)*2+73:Y% =&30:CALL&1DB0:CHAIN"Pol2L2"