8-Bit Software Online Conversion

List variables - Listing

10DEFFNS="vlistex" 20MODE0:PRINT"PRESS A KEY TO SEE A SH ORT DEMO OF VLIST"'"TO USE THE ROUTINE T YPE *VLIST AT ANY TIME."'' 30REPEATUNTILGET 40QWERT=123 50DF%=900 60PROCrubbish 70PROCgroo 80A$=FNS 90B$="This is a short example program " 100c$="To demonstrate the program" 110D$="vlist. See how it only shows" 120E$="the variables used so far." 130test$="test" 140*vlist 150PRINT''"Another PROCedure has now b een called"'"PRESS A KEY"'':REPEATUNTILG ET 160PROCthis`will`not`show 170CALL&AFC 180PRINT''"There was no need for *vlis t then as the routine is in memory. CALL &AFC will do." 190END 200PROCgroo:ENDPROC 210DEFPROCrubbish:ENDPROC 220DEFPROCgroo:ENDPROC 230DEFPROCthis`will`not`show:ENDPROC