To : All Members
From : 0E7
I am having difficulty in *SPOOLing two
files. The files are in the form of two
programs and are meant to be spooled
according to the magazine, but after
following the instructions given I get
the message No such variable, the
program hangs up and the file
originally *SPOOLED becomes Bad
The part2 file is data and is *SPOOLed.
The part1 file which contains the main
program and data is then LOADed and
*EXEC with the results as above. This
is in accordance with the magazine
Has anyone got any ideas on the matter?
I have checked the programs for listing
errors and can find none. Part1 will
run OK by itself; Part2 is additional
data to be added to Part1 to extend its
-- This sounds fairly complex from your
explanation. What magazine did the
programs appear in? I'm sure another
member will have found the same
problem, or can check it out. There
certainly seems to be something wrong
To : All members
From : 0E7
Re : Screen Dump program?
Does anyone have a good Screen Dump
program that will do either text or
graphics that they could let me have a
copy of, or can someone write one;
preferably one that can be inserted
into or called from another program
-- There seems to be a more or less
total lack of good screen-dump programs
in the 8-bit public domain, for no
particular reason I can think of. There
is one on disk 50 of BBC PD but it
isn't very good. Perhaps a member could
write a better and more user-friendly
To : 6EE
From : 0E7
Re : Disks
Agreed that Manor Court are the
cheapest discs in town. What size are
you interested in, 5.25" or 3.5"?. I
could be interested in ten of whatever
size you require.
I have some Acorn User 3.5" discs in
ADFS format for September 1991 to
September 1992 if they are of any
interest to you perhaps you will let me
-- Chris Richardson and I are planning
to order around 100 (or possibly more)
5.25" disks from Manor Court within a
couple of months. If anyone else is
interested in obtaining cheap 5.25"
disks (24p inc. P&P/VAT), please
contact either me or Chris as soon as
possible, stating how many you want.
On the subject of 3.5" disks, my
university's Microcomputer society
occasionally gets together to order a
thousand or so of them, enabling us to
buy 3.5" disks at around 33p each
INCLUSIVE of postage and VAT. If
anyone is interested in obtaining some
of these, please let me have a definite
figure of how many you would like as
soon as possible (i.e. before 20th
To : All members (999)
From : 0E7
Re : Double Density vs. High Density
Someone somewhere was enquiring if
3.5"HD discs were suitable for ADFS
working. The short answer to that is
YES. I use them and have experienced no
problems. I believe that the BBC B and
MASTER cannot format HD discs to their
full capacity but they still work OK.
The only point is that unless one gets
HD discs other than paying for them
they are a waste of money as their full
potential is not utilised costing
roughly twice as much as DD discs.
-- I think the original question here
was whether you NEEDED HD disks to use
ADFS. As pointed out above, the answer
is NO. Just to finally clear this one
DD (48 or 96 tpi) disks will work fine
with either ADFS or DFS, 40T or 80T. HD
(more tpi) will work but are a waste of
money. I think single density disks may
work with 80T DFS or even 80T ADFS but
no-one seems to sell them much any more
To : 999 (All users)
From : 204 (Carl Wheat)
Re : Modem Wanted
Has any member got a modem which they
no longer use or are fed up with and
they would like to sell, to be used
with a BBC Model B. The modem must
include necessary instruction manuals,
software and cabling.
To : 999 (All users)
From : 15A (Steven Flintham)
Re : Group project (continued from
Issue 22)
Following the rather lengthy reply to
my vague suggestion regarding a group
project in issue 22 of 8BS, I would
like to clarify the situation. Firstly,
I am not suggesting that the idea is
necessarily viable - I just thought
that it might be. Secondly, I was
hoping that even if it wasn't
practical, I might discover an
interesting area of computing as a
result of a suggestion. If anyone does
have any suggestions for long
computational projects which I could
try on my own (they're a minor interest
of mine), please let me know. (By the
way, can I interest anyone in the first
30000 digits of PI?)
-- I didn't suggest that the idea
wasn't viable, just that other methods
might be faster (and equally
interesting from a parallel-processing
point of view) for computations. I'd be
quite happy to co-ordinate a multi-user
computation via 8BS if the necessary
software can be written, although I'm
afraid the first 30,000 digits of PI
sounds fairly dull to me (I suppose I
could publish an archived version of
the result, though.) Long computational
projects? Um, 4D ray-tracing?
From : 15A (Steven Flintham)
To : 999 (All users)
Re : My series on writing user-
friendly programs
Has anyone been reading this? If so,
does anyone have any suggestions as to
what I could cover after the screen
layout? (No witty replies, please!)
-- You did mention earlier that you
were going to discuss disabling Escape
and the cursor keys or something
similar. I suppose that hardly makes up
an article on its own, so I suppose you
could add it together with "how to
write clear instructions", "how to
choose sensible control keys", "how to
write meaningful prompts", "how to
write programs that are 100%
compatible", or any combination.
If anyone else has any other ideas to
contribute, or has their own opinions
on how to write a user-friendly
program, please let us know.
From : 15A (Steven Flintham)
To : 999 (All users)
Re : Interesting graphics
Has anyone got any programs which
produce interesting graphics displays -
the sort of thing that gets printed in
*INFO in BBC Acorn User? If you have,
why not consider submitting them to 8BS
- they would probably fit onto the disc
easily if they are short enought. Also
on the subject of graphics, can anyone
recommend a good book on 3D graphics -
with enough information to be able to
order a copy from a library, if
possible (ISBN, publisher, etc)?
-- 8BS published about fifteen of these
simple graphics programs in an archive
a year or so ago; I think they might
have been in Issue 16 but I can't be
sure. If anyone has any more I'd like
to see them.
There was a book called something like
"Advanced Graphics on the BBC Micro" in
my school's library. It included a very
detailed and extensive section on 3D
which I didn't have the patience to go
into properly. Because I left school
some time ago I haven't a clue about
ISBN etc., but I will ask someone to go
and find out. You could probably do
just as well with a generalised book on
3D graphics, since the techniques etc.
are likely to be far more significant
than the actual programming. Does
anyone have any suggestions?
To : 0E7
From : 18E Steven Johnson
Re : Software comments
Thank you for your comments on Form
Master and VAT Calculator. The reason
Form Master crashed when the option for
instructions was selected is because
the file T.FormMas was not there. I
think this is my fault for putting the
file in directory 'T'. I have sent in
another copy.
The program does work, whether it
actually picks the winners is another
matter. Basically all it does is to
award points to every horse's
achievements, once all the data is
entered the horses are then sorted into
a list with the top rated horse at the
top. Their rating is shown on right
hand side of the list. The main items
of data are re-printed just as a kind
of double check that it has been
entered properly.
The VAT Calculator was designed to work
this way round because I know many
people who are self-employed and VAT
registered. They are allowed to claim
the VAT back on all materials, petrol,
etc that they purchase. If a receipt is
hand written with just a total (e.g.
PETROL `20.00 or TIMBER `127.34) trying
to find the correct amount of VAT is
not easy unless you know the formula.
You cannot just deduct 17.5% of the
total figure. So I thought this was a
good idea for a program and worked out
the formula that performs the
calculation myself. I admit the program
could be altered to perform both
options though.
-- My apologies to everyone for missing
out the Form Master instruction file
from issue 22, another version (with
working instructions) appears on this
To : (999) Everyone
From: (19F) Theo Gray
Re : Christmas wordpuzzle
On this issue there is a wordpuzzle if
you hadn't already realised. Last
Christmas, my dad wrote a word puzzle
for people to try and solve, with
donations going to charity - last year
Age Concern. This year, he's done
another one with donations going to the
charity ASPIRE - The Association for
Spinal Injury Research, Rehabilitation
and Reintegration. As he is trying to
get as many people as possible
involved, I offered (mad fool as I am)
to type it all in to the computer so
that it could be distributed around
8-bit Software friends and relatives.
Everyone will be able to do some
questions - it will give people
something to do during those long
winter nights ahead (perish the
Just make sure that ALL ENTRIES ARE
To : 999 (All members)
From : 24K
Has anyone got a program that converts
ADFS disks to DFS?
To : 999 All
From : 6EE Mick Needham
Re : ASIC error, ROM problems?
Can anyone tell me what 'ASIC at line
xxxx' means, I keep getting this error
from time to time, also when SAVEing or
LOADing I sometimes just get 'ASIC'
with no other message. I have a BBC B
with an ATPL ROM board fitted, all ROM
slots are occupied so it may be a ROM
causing the problem.
Another problem I am encountering,
after the BBC has been switched on a
short time the ROM slots on the mother
board, these are numbered 0 to 3 when
the ATPL board is fitted, cannot be
accessed at all, only ROM numbers 4 to
15 can be accessed, as these four ROM
slots are there upon switchon I think
it could be a faulty chip, possibly the
ROM select chip. Can anyone help?
-- This is not, so far as I know, an
error given by any standard unexpanded
BBC unless there is something seriously
wrong with it. You can on occasion get
garbled error messages like "OSCLI" or
"OSCLIPLOTSIN" if you execute a piece
of code wrongly or mess something up,
but this I have never seen before.
Personally I would be more inclined to
suspect third-party hardware than the
Beeb itself, but who knows? If the ATPL
board can be easily disconnected, see
if the error still occurs when it is
removed. If not, it is either the board
or some of the ROMs that were in it.
Try testing all the ROMs with the
machine to exclude some or all of them
from being responsible for the problem.
If it isn't the board or a ROM or
anything else that can be identified,
you will have to get the machine
Then again, ASIC sounds as though it
might stand for something; any ideas
To : YJ2 Andrew Snodgrass + 999
From : 483 D.G.Shimmin
Re : Machine code article, suggested
hints article
I'm afraid it looks as though Andrew
Black's Introduction to Assembly
Language series is unlikely to
continue, as he has been out of touch
for quite a few months, although I have
written to him several times. In an
attempt to replace this series, I may
publish an article on the same topic
that I wrote a couple of years ago (It
has been published already by BBC PD,
and was intended to be the first of a
series, but I never got round to
continuing it).
As for a series on useful ideas for
applications and tips for BBC BASIC, if
anyone would like to write a few
articles on this I would be very
pleased. In the meantime, *FX16,0 (or
just *FX16) will speed up the Master
128 (and possibly the BBC B as well) by
around 1% by turning off the ADC.
To : YJ2 Andrew Snodgrass
From : 6EE Mick Needham
Re : Tape to DFS/ADFS transfer
A tape to disc utility called Vector 1
will transfer changing filename
programs to disc and attempt to run
them, it will transfer and run
Arkanoid, it will also transfer Geoff
Capes to disc but will not run it.
To :YJ2 Andrew Snodgrass
From :6EE Mick Needham
Re :ROMs
'Enigma Disc Imager' try *HELP E. this
will give you a help screen with all
commands listed with syntax, the
commands are as follows.
*BSHOW - Displays all codes made to
OSBYTE, A, X, Y registers displayed.
*CLR - Clears memory from &400 to
*DBACK - Intelligent disk backup.
*DCOPY - Selective copying of files.
*DFIND - Searches disc for string.
*DISS - Memory dissasembler.
*DTAPE - Selective dumping of files
from Disc to Tape.
*DUALFORM - Formats disc to be used in
40 and 80 track drives.
*ENTER - Recovers deleted files, or
alternate names for same file.
*FORMAT - Standard disc formatter both
sides, or with 60 file catalogue.
*FREE - Gives free disc space.
*IDEDIT - Screen editing of sector ID
information of a track.
*MEDIT - Memory editing in both Hex. or
*MOVE - Moves BASIC program from one
area to another.
*OSBYTE - User priority of OSBYTE,
Overrides any call to OSBYTE.
*RDIA - global or selective renaming of
disc directories.
*READ/WRITE - Read or write specified
sectors to/from memory.
*REPAIR - Will attempt to repair a
damaged track.
*ROMID - Lists information on all ROMs
in the machine.
*SEDIT - Sector editor, allows sectors
to be read edited then written back
*SFORM - Non standard Acorn track
*SHIFT - Similar to *MOVE but different
*SREAD - Reads non standard tracks
*SWAP - Swaps catalogue on dual
catalogue (60 file) discs.
*TDISC - Automatic tape to disc
*TLOCK - Locks a cassette based
program, program can only be *RUN.
*TXCOPY - Copies text in current text
window to printer, any make.
*TULOCK - Unlocks cassette based
programs, use in association with
*VERIFY - Verifies disc after
formatting, faults reported.
*WSHOW - Displays all calls made to
OSWORD, A, X, Y registers displayed.
To :999 All members
From :6EE Mick Needham
Re :Nightingale modem
I have just bought a Nightingale modem
with instructions for the basic modem,
but it seems to have the 'Auto
dial/Auto receive' board fitted and I
have no info on this, I understand a
setup disc is required for the 'Auto
dial/receive' board can anyone supply
me with a copy and/or any information?
My address is:- 153 Firth Park Road,
Sheffield, S5 6WU.
To :999 All members
From :6EE Mick Needham
Re :Commstar ROM
With the above modem I also obtained
Commstar comms. ROM, without the manual
of course, can anyone supply me with a
copy of the manual or any information?
To : 999 (All)
From : 483 (D.G. Shimmin)
Re : Help?
While on the subject of second-hand
ROMs obtained without documentation,
can anyone either supply me with
instructions for the any of the
following and/or tell me what use they
Upgrade 3.00
Sleuth 1.05
Graphics Extension 2.09
Exmon II 1.00
Printer Server 1.00
StarBase 2.00
Toolkit 1.20 & Tandata 1
The last two won't work on my machine,
coming up with "No BASIC!" despite the
fact that I have a working BASIC IV ROM
installed, and then crashing. Any
explanations anyone?
To :999 All members
From :6EE Mick Needham
Re :Discs for sale
Listed below are a few discs I wish to
Repton, Tempest, Psycastria, Sphere of
Destiny, Galaforce, Thrust, Impossible
Mission, Imogen, The Sentinal. W.A.R.,
Cholo, Transact, Book-keeping system,
Home accounts Manager.
A few tapes:-
Quest, Palace of Magic, Theatre Quiz,
Knight Lore, Jetpac, Atic Atac, Sabre
Wulf, Zalaga, Home Finance, 2002, Star
Wars Trilogy, Orbital, Spycat.
And a couple of ROMs:-
Toolkit - Beebugsoft, Caretaker -
Computer Concepts.
All are originals, any offers?
Mick Needham can be contacted on 0742
To : 999 (All members)
From : 2J3 (Chris Richardson.)
Re : For Sale
A large amount of odds and ends mainly
for the BBC Model B. Acorn colour/green
monitor. Cover. Plinth. BBC Model B
with Watford DDFS. Twin watford disc
drive 5.25/3.5 40/80. Single Pace disc
drive 5.25 DS. Datacorder. Twin
joysticks. BBC User guide, Advanced
user guide, 30 Hour Basic.
Software on disc: The Bank Manager,
Castle of riddles, Arcadians, Draughts
and Reversi, Time and magik, SPEECH!,
The Gold collection, Revs, Knitwear
designer, Funschool, Nursery rhymes,
Cheat it again Joe 4.
Software on tape: Escape from moonbase
alpha, Laser command, Winged warlords,
Felix in the factory, Manic miner, The
Mine, Mini office, 10 computer
hits,Graphic adventure creator, Lord of
the Rings, Getset, Numberfun,
Tablesums, Alien 8.
Roms: Viewstore, Mega 3 includes
Inter-sheet, Inter-chart, Inter-word,
All of these items are in pristine
condition complete with Manuals and
original wrappings. The owner of all
this has said that he wants £250 for
the lot. However I understand that
probably nobody wants all of this, more
likely some of you want the odd bit.
Therefore I shall be open to offers for
the bits you fancy. Contact me at:
17 Lambert Park Road
HU12 8HF
Or Phone 0482 896868.
To : 999 (All Members)
From : 19F (Theo Gray)
Re : Sound Envelopes
I am at the moment coding a Guns 'n'
Roses tune, but am not very good at
working out envelopes. Please could
anyone help out by writing me an
envelope for the following instruments:
Solo Guitar: needs to be a FLUENT but
DISTORTED sound (heavy rock sound)
Voice: must sound like voice - fairly
Bass: simple, fluent, sustaining,
clean, low-pitched sound
Snare Drum, High Tom, Middle Tom, Bass
Drum and Cymbal for Channel 0