8-Bit Software Online Conversion

Disk Envelope Creator - Listing

10REM Disc Sleeve Creator 20REM (c) Andrew Snodgrass Aug. 1991 30REM Released into the 40REM Public Domain 50REM by 8-Bit Software, 1 Oakwood Dr ive, Heaton, BOLTON BL1 5EE 60: 70MODE7 80ON ERROR VDU3:MODE7:REPORT:PRINT" a t ";ERL:END 90*FX14,6 100PROCscreen:VDU28,9,20,31,8 110PROCmain 120MODE0 130PROCprint 140MODE7 150PROCdisplay 160PROCagain 170VDU7:MODE7:PRINT" QUIT":END 180: 190DEFPROCmain 200PRINT''"How many disc sleeves" 210INPUT"do you want";N 220IF N<=0 ORN>=1000CLS:PRINT'''" Do n't be Stupid ! " 230IF N>=1000 PRINT'" That's too man y for the printer to handle in one go! " 240IF N<=0 ORN>=1000 G=GET:RUN 250IF N=1 sens$="copy" ELSEsens$="copi es" 260PRINT'"Printing ";N;" ";sens$ 270INPUT''"Is this Correct";ans$ 280IF NOT (ans$="Y" OR ans$="y") RUN 290CLS:PRINT" When the(se) printout(s ) are completed, cutround the edges andthen fold downthe remaini ng dottedmargins.After this glueA to th e other side ofthe paper at position C. Then do the same forpositions B&D." 300PRINT'TAB(5)"<Press a key>":G=GET:C LS:PRINT"Prepare your printer";CHR$(13 7)"now and press a key"'"when you are ready!":G=GET 310ENDPROC 320: 330DEFPROCprint 340FOR P=1 TO N STEP 1 350VDU2:*PRINT DISCENV 360PRINT''''''''''''' 370VDU3:CLS:IF N>1 PRINTTAB(0,15)"Plea se preform any necessary Line Feeds no w (otherwise you might find that thedisc sleeve is printed over the perforation !).When you are finished press anykey to continue.":G=GET:VDU2 380NEXT 390VDU3 400ENDPROC 410: 420DEFPROCagain 430INPUT"Do you wish to repeat"'"the process again";ans2$ 440IF ans2$="Y" ORans2$="y"RUN ELSEEND PROC 450: 460DEFPROCscreen 470PRINT " "; 480PRINT " "; 490PRINT "     500PRINT "    510PRINT " "; 520PRINT " "; 530PRINT "  £££££k¶ "; 540PRINT "    550PRINT "    560PRINT "    570PRINT "    580PRINT "    590PRINT "    600PRINT "    610PRINT "    620PRINT "    630PRINT "    640PRINT "    650PRINT "    660PRINT "    670PRINT "    680PRINT "  pppppz¶ "; 690PRINT " "; 700PRINT " Programmed By Andrew P Snodgrass "; 710ENDPROC