10REM (C)Concord Comms.
20REM I did this program for no
30REM real reason, However, it may
40REM come of some use to you if
50REM you need to round DOWN a bulk
60REM batch of number. Simple mess
70REM around with the programs.
80 CLS
90A$="Rounding Numbers"
110PRINT"(1). Rounding UP"
120PRINT'"(2).Rounding DOWN"
170 :
180 REM Rounding UP
190 CLS
200 INPUT"Rounding UP. Number - "n
210 a=INT(n)+1
220 PRINTa
230 PRINT'"Again Y/Q or SPACE for roun
ding DOWN"
240 A$=GET$
250 IF A$="Y"ORA$="y"GOTO190
260 IF A$="Q"ORA$="q"END
270 IF A$=" "GOTO300
280 GOTO 240
290 :
300 REM Rounding DOWN
310 CLS
320 INPUT"Rounding DOWN. Number - "n
330 a=INT(n)-1
340 PRINTa
350 PRINT'"Again Y/Q or SPACE for roun
ding UP"
360 A$=GET$
370 IF A$="Y"ORA$="y"GOTO310
380 IF A$="Q"ORA$="q"END
390 IF A$=" "GOTO200
400 GOTO360