8-Bit Software Online Conversion

Sim City Cheat - Listing

10REM Sim City cheat 20REM by Andrew Snodgrass 30REM 6th November 1992 40REM This is Pubic Domain software 50REM and may be distributed as such 60REM First distributed through 70REM ----- 8-Bit Software ----- 80: 90MODE7:PRINT" SIM City Cheat"'"  £££££££££££££"' 100INPUT"File to alter: "l$ 110INPUT"Drive (0 to 3): "d$ 120OSCLI"DR. "+d$ 130OSCLI"LO. "+l$+" 5000" 140INPUT"How much money"'"do you want (£s)?: "m$ 150n%=8-LEN(m$) 160zero$=STRING$(n%,"0") 170total$=zero$+m$ 180$&5080=total$ 190INPUT"Filename to save to: "s$ 200OSCLI"SAVE "+s$+" 5000+1700" 210INPUT"Alter another file? (Y/N): "a ns$ 220IF ans$="Y" OR ans$="y" RUN 230END