8-Bit Software Online Conversion

Cosine graph 1 - Listing

10REM Trig1 20REM by Andrew Snodgrass 30REM This is PD Software 40REM 16th January 1992 50: 60MODE1 70REM Cosine graph 80FORX=0 TO 10 STEP .1 90MOVE X*200,500+(COS X)*150 100DRAW X*200,500+(COS X)*150 110NEXT 120: 130REM Sine graph 140FORX=0 TO 10 STEP .1 150REM Increase 10 to greater no. if u sing greater frequency 160MOVE X*200,500+(SIN X)*150:REM Repl ace with MOVE 0,500 for solid lines 170DRAW X*200,500+(SIN X)*150 180NEXT 190END