8-Bit Software Online Conversion

Star Commander - Listing

10REM Star Commander Loader 20REM By Adrian Jackson 30REM (c) 1990 Bazzasoft 40MODE 7 50VDU23;8202;0;0;0; 60PRINT'''CHR$129;CHR$141;SPC(11);"ST AR COMMANDER"'CHR$129;CHR$141;SPC(11);"S TAR COMMANDER" 70PRINTCHR$130;SPC(12);"````````````` `" 80VDU28,0,24,39,7 90PRINT''CHR$134;"Do you want instruc tions? "; 100REPEAT:G$=GET$:UNTIL INSTR("YyNn",G $) 110PRINT;G$ 120IF INSTR("yY",G$) PROCinst 130*LOAD CODE 900 140PAGE=&1300:CHAIN "COMMAND" 150DEFPROCinst 160REPEAT 170READ C%,A$ 180IF C%>0 PRINTCHR$(128+C%);A$ 190IFC%=-2 PRINTSPC(13);CHR$134;"PRESS SPACE":REPEAT UNTIL INKEY-99 200UNTIL C%=0 210ENDPROC 220DATA6,"Greetings, commander. You ha ve been",6,selected from all the men in the,6,universe to carry out a very trick y,6,mission.,6,,5,You are to make an att ack on the Quork,5,"base, which is belie ved to be situated",5,in system XXX. 230DATA5,,4,You are to leave system AA D and search,4,for this base. In case yo u don't know,4,of warp gates and that so rt of stuff I,4,will explain.,4,,-2, 240DATA6,,6,,6,,6,,6,,6,,6,,6,,6,All s ystems are connected by a series,6,of wa rp gates. There are between one,6,and fi ve of these in each system. You,6,may en ter these gates at one end and,6,you com e out the other. 250DATA5,,5,But you can very rarely go into the,5,end you just came out of to get back,5,to where you came from. Such is the,5,manner of inter-dimensional con duits.,5, 260DATA4,If you ever find a conduit th at leads,4,to system AAA then pop in and visit us,4,to let us keep track of your progress,4,and perhaps give you some he lp.,4, 270DATA-2,,6,,6,,6,,6,,6,,6,,6,You wil l probably (or at least we hope,6,you wi ll) engage in combat with Quorks,6,on yo ur journey. Kill as many as you,6,can fo r us. You're fitted with phasers,6,and m issiles and neutron guns. You,6 280DATAshould be alright.,5,,5,Control l is simple. Your ship has the,5,latest 'BBC' control computer which,5,will give you full control with a few,5,simple ke ys. 290DATA4,,4,Good luck. You'll need it! ,3,,-2,,0,