Edited by
By: 2J3
Use: Lightpen menu
Program name: LPenMen
Associated program/file/s: none
Language: Basic and Assembler
General info: How many of you possess lightpens? I
just knocked one up using info from the
manual. If anyone is interested in a
lightpen, contact me, they are VERY
cheap to make (pence). And just plug
into the analogue port.
Move the lightpen up and down in the
left half of the screen. Your choice
will be highlighted. When the program
of your choice is selected, move the
pen across the screen to the WHITE
area. There are four pages to the menu,
making a possible total of 80 entries.
You can adapt the menu for your own
discs quite easily. The DATA statements
at the end of the program hold the 4
pages of file info.
Entries are as follows:
DATA<file description> ?? <file name>
Repeated 20 times for each of the four
ADFS users will need to change DFS
instructions such as *DR. to *DIR etc.
B$ and C$ are defined at the start of
the program and can be altered to
insert the correct instructions for the
particular filing system.
For DFS: B$ is *DR. 0
C$ is ""
For ADFS: B$ is *DIR $
C$ is the sub directory
By: Lars Osterballe
Use: Space trading zapping adventure
Program name: Supreme
Associated program/file/s: Suprem1/2
Language: Basic
Do a hard break before running this.
By: 20G
Use: Humour
Program name: ComicSt
Associated program/file/s: none
Language: Basic
General info: A mode 7 comic strip
Use: Music
Program name: Warring
Associated program/file/s: none
Language: Basic
General info:
Ten music files compacted into one menu
driven program. Ideal for a disc such
as this.
By: 15A
Use: Graphics
Program name: F.Plus F.Table
Associated program/file/s: Picload
Language: Basic+data
General info: Info by 15A
The Plus and Table files were provided
with the Archimedes PD raytracer QRT,
and have been converted to mode 2
screens. They use the colours to give a
greyscale, so a mono monitor or
television is needed to view them
correctly without printing them out.
By: L1J
Use: Music and graphics
Program name: CanCan
Associated program/file/s: CanMc2
Language: Basic+M/C : Cantitl
General info: The program 'CanCan' consists of three
files: the Basic file 'CanCan' which
calls the other two files, 'CanMC2' and
'CanTitl'. This is simply a popular
tune from the Jacques Offenbach's opera
'Orphee aux enfers' (or 'Orpheus in the
Underworld'). I have decided to send
this program not for its musical
contents but to demonstrate a non-
standard technique to join two screens.
First you should produce a picture on
the screen (or you should load a
picture) and then you overlay this
picture with another screen file using
OPENUP (or OPENIN) as well as BGET£
instructions. The screen bites can be
ANDed (as in the 'CanCan' program),
ORed or EORed, giving different
effects. O f course, both pictures must
be in the same graphic mode. Try, for
example, such a program:
10 MODE 1:*LOAD "ScreenOne" 3000
20 F%=OPENIN("ScreenTwo")
30 FOR I%=&3000 TO &7FFF
40 B%=BGET#F%
50 ?I%=?I% OR B%: REM you can change
this line into ?I%=?I% AND B% or else
into ?I%=?I% EOR B%
70 *SAVE "MixScreen" FFFE3000 FFFE300:
REM if the result is satisfactory where
"ScreenOne" and "ScreenTwo" are two
different screen files.
By: 2J3
Use: Tell the time
Program name: Time
Associated program/file/s: None
Language: Basic
General info: I wrote this program for my son when he
was having trouble telling the time.
The instructions are contained in the
program which uses a clock to teach the
time in 5 different ways.
If the program finds SPEECH on the disc
then the clock will also speak.
By: 2J3
Use: Data collection
Program name: RatQ
Associated program/file/s: RatQdat
Language: Basic
See the separate article available from
the main menu.
By: 15A (Steven Flintham
Use: One liner entry. Word processor
Program name: WordPrc
Associated program/file/s: none
Language: Basic
Instructions: Text by 15A
This is Steven's entry for the one-
liner competition. It is a very basic
wordprocesor, which allows you to enter
text and edit it using the DELETE key.
Pressing RETURN has no effect at all -
if you want to go to a new line, you
must use spaces to fill the current
one. Pressing CTRL-@ terminates the
program by printing out your text.
The program only allows text to be one
screen in length, and there are no
facilities to stop you DELETEing back
past the start or typing over the end.
Despite all this, it is sufficiently
useable to run off a quick letter or
something - and you should be able to
fit it on a function key.
You could extend this program by adding
a VDU command at the start to set up
your printer for NLQ printing or
something. This should be possible
without extending the program over one
By: James Dallas
Use: Self test database
Program name: Cards
Associated program/file/s: C.Maths
Language: Basic
GCSE Multiple Choice Question Cards
by James Dallas This is Public Domain software. Please
copy it and distribute it to your
friends. Nobody should charge you for
this program except for a copying
charge and the cost of the disc that it
is on.
This simple program allows you to test
yourself on multiple choice questions
that you have previously entered. The
program is fairly self explanatory. The
main menu covers all the options.
You can edit, load, save, print and
delete cards. You can also test
yourself on the cards in memory and
issue * commands.
To enter some cards press 1. Enter your
question, three optional answers and
the number of the correct one. Then you
can move about within the 100 cards or
exit. This will take you back to the
main menu. You can now save your cards.
Do not use any drive or directory roots
as all files are saved in directory C.
The delete option wipes all cards in
The print option prints out the cards
of your choice. The codes within the
program are for a * EPSON compatible
printer (including Panasonic KX-P1081's
). These can be changed for another
printer if you wish.
The program was developed on a BBC B
with 1770 DFS, BASIC II and OS 1.2.
There is no reason why it should not
work with 8271 DFS and BASIC I.