8-Bit Software Online Conversion

RUNNING TAPE PROGRAMS ON DISK ----------------------------- By Mick Needham In the last few issues of 8BS several members have expressed difficulty running tape programs or transfering them to disk, many will not transfer to disk easily and some not at all. Many tape games were never issued on disk and as most BBC users now have disk drives, transferring from tape to disk is desirable if not essential, for this reason tape programs have become less in demand, so can be obtained very cheaply. I have bought quite a few at car boot sales, and have only had a couple that did not work. Of those programs that will transfer to disk, many will not run without alteration to parts of the program, this is made harder if the program or part of the program is in machine code, so for those, like me, who do not have the skill or time to alter programs. Using one of the tape to disk utilities is an alternative. By tape to disk utility I mean a program that will transfer a ape program to disk then attempt to run it at the correct memory location. Having used most of these utilities, I thought that perhaps a short description of those I have used may be of help to someone having problems, of course none of them are available now but you may be able to pick one up second hand. Replica - Clares Loads programs of up to 3 parts, has eight ways to run the program, can handle programs up to 59 blocks in length, cannot handle locked programs or programs loading as files. Replica 2 - Clares Loads programs with up to nine parts, two program running positions, can handle locked programs, that load as files and long programs. Replica 3 - Clares Loads programs of up to 15 parts, you can set the program running position yourself, will use sideways RAM if present. Uses seperate disk to store the programs, needs the original disk to run the programs. Vector 1 - Chalis Software Loads programs of up to 9 parts, has 9 program running positions, can handle programs that are locked, load as files, have changing filenames and long programs. Does not need the original disk to run the programs. Disc Executor - Vision Software Loads programs of up to 9 parts, has 8 program running positions, will load programs up to 6E blocks long, will handle locked programs or that load as files, needs the original disk to run the programs. TransferROM - Watford Electronics Loads programs of up to 9 parts, has 9 program running positions, will handle locked programs, that load as files and long programs. TD ROM - Vine Micros Loads programs with any number of parts, has only one program running position, will handle locked programs, that load as files and long programs, can use sideways RAM to store loading program. Both Replica, Replica 2 and Disc Executor load the programs on to the program disk so when the disk is full you have to buy a new one or delete programs. All can CHAIN, *RUN, *LOAD programs, None of these utilities can load programs with continuous data streams, and only Vector 1 can load and run programs with changing file names. If there is any interest I could perhaps produce a list of programs I have successfully transfered, which utility will run them and the running parameters, as it is time consuming to load the program, try all the parameters, only to find it does not run.