8-Bit Software Online Conversion

                                                                  Edited by C.J.Richardson.                     By: L1L Use: Competition entry Program names: 1.EPSON 1.BORDER Associated programs: 1.Picture Program: EPSON SCREEN DUMP Info By L1L Program: 1.Epson This is a simple screen dump program for Epson compatible printers. It is similar to a program I remember reading once but I can not recall where from. It is quite slow. In an attempt to speed things up I tried some FOR... UNTIL loops. I was unsuccessful in speeding up the program, perhaps someone else might like to have a go at it. Although it can be put into one line of code I have broken it down into separate lines, so you can see how it works. Also supplied is a screen with which to test the dump, under the filename '1.PICTURE'. Program: 1.BORDER This program is written on one line. It draws a border around a text string in either Mode 0 or Mode 1. It first asks for the mode, then the text string, and then the x & y coordinates. A simple program, but it might come in useful for someone.    By: YJ2 (Andrew Snodgrass) Use: Text display Program name: Shadowr Associated program/file/s: None Language: Basic Info By YJ2 This is a program which (in any graphics mode 0,1,2,4,5, can produce shadowed text. Most of the functions which the program provides are documented in the program through the display which it creates. The variable "offset" at the beginning of the program is a constant which I have used to place the shadowed text (offset) characters from the text above. The last two parameters of the PROCedures could be altered so that (for instance) the shadowed text is 3 characters away in the X direction and 8 (being extreme) character away in the Y direction.    By: YJ2 (Andrew Snodgrass) Use: Enter a combination number Program name: AccCode Associated program/file/s: None Language: Basic Info By YJ2 A while back (actually after I had written this program) somebody asked for a security program - here is my version. In this program (note again pattern fill used - may only work on Master or with GXR ROM) the screen is covered in a patterned background. In the centre of the screen is a countdown showing you how much time you have remaining to find the password (1 min at start - also note shadowed box procedure). Below are the combination numbers - these can be altered (arrow indicate present number) using the cursor keys to move the arrow left and right. The up and down cursor keys cause the number above to either rise (up arrow) or fall (down arrow). To confirm the code you have "dialled" press <RETURN>. The program checks the value on the counter when either you press <RETURN> or the timer reaches 00 (zero). If the code is correct ACCESS GRANTED is printed on the screen - if not ACCESS DENIED is printed. It has to be noted that this is only a skeleton program and as such could quite easily be read by anyone who knows how to LOAD"" a program. It is suggested therefore that if you want to use the program seriosuly that you 1) change the access code (presently 12345 and contained in a DATA statement). 2) protect it (possibly scrambling it using a MC program, preferably with another password - see past "Micro User"s) in any way you can. A "hard break" could be issued by the program after a user has been denied access / or when the program is listed. N.B. to be truly protected the file would have to be encrypted (as suggested above) and the disc the program is on made unreadable by *CAT (*.) and sector editors alike. The sad fact is that however protected a program is, somebody else will always be able to hack it. Editor... The more heavily protected it is the greater the pleasure on circumventing it.          By: 20G (Roy Dickens) Use: Useful tax data Program name: Tax-Ins Associated program/file/s: None Language: Basic Info By 20G This month I have enclosed a program that was put in the mag last year, the Income Tax and Nat. Insurance data. It was data for 92/93. I have now updated it for 93/94.         By: YJ2 Use: Picture Program name: Conpic Associated program/file/s: none Language: Data    By: 204 (Carl Wheat) Use: Card Game Program name: Clear35 Associated program/file/s: Part2 Language: Basic Instructions are included in the game.    Sent in by: 19F Use: Music Program name: Bach1 Associated program/file/s: None Language: Basic            By: 2J3 Use: Competition entry Program name: CJR Associated program/file/s: None Language: Basic General info: These programs were written by "poking" each byte into place as the Basic editor will not allow entry of lines this length (there are 238 bytes in the line but 311 ASCII characters!). If anyone expresses an interest, I will release the program that wrote this program. Instructions: Catch the falling objects using the bat at the bottom of the screen. Move with "<" and ">" If you examine the listing you will notice that there is another line which I include as a second "pointless" entry. Can anyone make a one liner take up more room on the screen than this?         