8-Bit Software Online Conversion

8BS questionnaire - Listing

5DEFFNS="Quesair" 6C%=0 10*FX119 20DIMa$(20):A$="":ONERROR IF ERR=17 C LOSE#X%:END ELSE IF ERR=222:F%=OPENOUT"Q UEST":FORL%=1TO&110:BPUT#F%,32:NEXT:CLOS E#F% ELSE REPORT:PRINTERL:END 30IFC%>1THEND%=5:REPEAT:D%=D%+3:RESTO RED%*10:READE%:UNTILE%=C%:GOTO(D%+1)*10 40CLOSE#0:Y%=0:MODE7:*FX200,0 50FORI%=1TO2:PRINTCHR$(150);CHR$(157) ;CHR$(132);CHR$(141);" 8BS QUESTIO NNAIRE":NEXT 60X%=OPENUP"QUEST" 70PRINT" Please try to answer as many questions as you can,but feel free to ignore any that you find intrusi ve."'" THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!" 80VDU28,0,24,39,7 90DATA1 100C%=1:PRINT"1. Please enter your sur name, maximum 12 characters." 110PROCinput1(0,12):PROCstring(0,12) 120DATA2 130C%=2:PRINT"2. Please enter your fir st name or initials, max length 12 characters." 140PROCinput1(12,12):PROCstring(12,12) 150DATA3 160C%=3:PRINT"3. Please enter your add ress, including postcode. Use a comma to separate each line from the ne xt. Max 70 char." 170PROCinput1(24,70):PROCstring(24,70) 180DATA4 190C%=4:PRINT"4. Do you mind 8-bit Sof tware knowing your phone number Y/N ?" 200PROCinput3(94):PROCbyte(94):IFCHR$( Y%)="Y"THENGOTO280ELSEIFCHR$(Z%)="Y"ANDA $="DEFAULT"THENGOTO280 210DATA5 220C%=5:PRINT"5. Please type in your p hone number (max. 16 char. - incl ude STD code)" 230PROCinput1(95,16):PROCstring(95,16) 240DATA6 250C%=6:PRINT"6. Do you want your phon e no. to be published with any me ssage Y/N" 260PROCinput3(111):PROCbyte(111) 270DATA7 280C%=7:PRINT"7. Which of these machin es do you own :"'" (A) BBC B (or B+ etc )"'" (B) Master 128"'" (C) Master Comp act"'" (D) Master 512" 290PROCinput2(112,4,"A","B","C","D"," "," "):PROCbyte(112) 300DATA8 310C%=8:PRINT"8. How many reliable ban ks of sideways RAM does your machine have (0-8)" 320PROCinput4(113,0,8):PROCbyte(113) 330DATA9 340C%=9:PRINT"9. Does your machine hav e shadow RAM in any reliable form Y/N" 350PROCinput3(114):PROCbyte(114) 360DATA10 370C%=10:PRINT"10. Do you use a 6502 o r 65C102 second/co-processor Y/N" 380PROCinput3(115):PROCbyte(115) 390DATA11 400C%=11:PRINT"11. Do you have an inte rnal or external 32016 processor Y/ N" 410PROCinput3(116):PROCbyte(116) 420DATA12 430C%=12:PRINT"12. Do you have any oth er form of extra processor Y/N" 440PROCinput3(117):PROCbyte(117) 450DATA13 460C%=13:PRINT"13. Do you have a modem Y/N" 470PROCinput3(235):PROCbyte(235) 480DATA14 490C%=14:PRINT"14. Do you have ADFS on your machine Y/N"; 500PROCinput3(118):PROCbyte(118):IF(CH R$(Y%)="N")OR(CHR$(Z%)="N"ANDA$="DEFAULT ")THENGOTO550 510DATA15 520C%=15:PRINT"15. Can you *TYPE files when in your ADFS Y/N" 530PROCinput3(119):PROCbyte(119) 540DATA16 550C%=16:PRINT"16. Which of these disk sizes can you use :"'" (A) 5.25" " only"'" (B) 3.5"" only"'" (C) Both" 560PROCinput2(120,3,"A","B","C"," "," "," "):PROCbyte(120) 570DATA17 580C%=17:PRINT"17. Do you ever use an Econet, or know anyone who does Y/ N" 590PROCinput3(121):PROCbyte(121) 600DATA18 610C%=18:PRINT"18. How many people do you know who use Electrons with 80T drives (0-9)" 620PROCinput4(122,0,9):PROCbyte(122) 630DATA19 640C%=19:PRINT"19. How many years have you owned an Acorn machine for ? " 650PROCinput1(123,2):PROCstring(123,2) 660DATA20 670C%=20:PRINT"20. How old are you ?" 680PROCinput1(125,2):PROCstring(125,2) 690DATA21 700C%=21:PRINT"21. Do you think that t he MODE 7 format magazine should be continued Y/N" 710PROCinput3(127):PROCbyte(127) 720DATA22 730C%=22:PRINT"22. Do you think that a two-disk issue should be produced if necessary Y/N"; 740PROCinput3(128):PROCbyte(128) 750DATA23 760C%=23:PRINT"23. As a programmer, wo uld you rate your ability"'" (A) Non -existent"'" (B) Simple BASIC only"'" (C) Complex BASIC"'" (D) BASIC/simple a ssembler"'" (E) Experienced coder" 770PROCinput2(129,5,"A","B","C","D","E "," "):PROCbyte(129) 780DATA24 790C%=24:PRINT"24. How useful/interest ing do you find articles on si mple programming (between 0 and 9)" 800PROCinput4(130,0,9):PROCbyte(130) 810DATA25 820C%=25:PRINT"25. How useful/interest ing do you find articles on ad vanced programming (betwee n 0 and 9)" 830PROCinput4(131,0,9):PROCbyte(131) 840DATA26 850C%=26:PRINT"26. How useful/interest ing do you find articles on mo dems/comms (0-9)" 860PROCinput4(132,0,9):PROCbyte(132) 870DATA27 880C%=27:PRINT"27. How useful/interest ing do you find reviews/cheats for commercial software (0-9)" 890PROCinput4(133,0,9):PROCbyte(133) 900DATA28 910C%=28:PRINT"28. How useful/interest ing do you find info on hardwa re (0-9)" 920PROCinput4(134,0,9):PROCbyte(134) 930DATA29 940C%=29:PRINT"29. How interesting do you find articles on general (non-computing) topics (0-9)" 950PROCinput4(135,0,9):PROCbyte(135) 960DATA30 970C%=30:PRINT"30. How useful are util ities programs (eg disk copiers et c) to you (0-9)" 980PROCinput4(136,0,9):PROCbyte(136) 990DATA31 1000C%=31:PRINT"31. How useful is appli cations s/w (e.g. databases etc.) to you (0-9)" 1010PROCinput4(137,0,9):PROCbyte(137) 1020DATA32 1030C%=32:PRINT"32. How useful are musi c programs to you (0-9)" 1040PROCinput4(138,0,9):PROCbyte(138) 1050DATA33 1060C%=33:PRINT"33. How useful are grap hics demos etc. to you (0-9)" 1070PROCinput4(139,0,9):PROCbyte(139) 1080DATA34 1090C%=34:PRINT"34. How useful are game s programs to you (0-9)" 1100PROCinput4(140,0,9):PROCbyte(140) 1110DATA35 1120C%=35:PRINT"35. How useful is educa tional software to you (0-9)" 1130PROCinput4(141,0,9):PROCbyte(141) 1140DATA36 1150C%=36:PRINT"36. Do you consider the 50p charge to be reasonable Y/N" 1160PROCinput3(142):PROCbyte(142) 1170DATA37 1180C%=37:PRINT"37. Do you wish to give details of your computing interests for inclusion in the 8BS database fo r all members' reference Y/N" 1190PROCinput3(143):PROCbyte(143):IF(CH R$(Y%)="N")OR(CHR$(Z%)="N"ANDA$="DEFAULT ")THENGOTO1290 1200DATA38 1210C%=38:PRINT"38. Please input your f irst computing interest (e.g. comm s, education, music etc), max len gth 15 char." 1220PROCinput1(144,15):PROCstring(144,1 5) 1230DATA39 1240C%=39:PRINT"39. Please input your s econd computing interest (RETURN if none), maximum length 15 character s." 1250PROCinput1(159,15):PROCstring(159,1 5) 1260DATA40 1270C%=40:PRINT"40. Please input your t hird computing interest (RETURN if none), maximum length 15 character s." 1280PROCinput1(174,15):PROCstring(174,1 5) 1290DATA41 1300C%=41:PRINT"41. Do you wish to give details of your general interests f or inclusion in the 8BS database fo r all members' reference Y/N" 1310PROCinput3(189):PROCbyte(189):IF(CH R$(Y%)="N")OR(CHR$(Z%)="N"ANDA$="DEFAULT ")THENGOTO1410 1320DATA42 1330C%=42:PRINT"42. Please enter your f irst general (non-computing) int erest, maximum length 15 character s." 1340PROCinput1(190,15):PROCstring(190,1 5) 1350DATA43 1360C%=43:PRINT"43. Please enter your s econd general interest (RETURN if none), maximum length 15 character s." 1370PROCinput1(205,15):PROCstring(205,1 5) 1380DATA44 1390C%=44:PRINT"44. Please enter your t hird general interest (RETURN if none), maximum length 15 character s." 1400PROCinput1(220,15):PROCstring(220,1 5) 1410DATA45 1420C%=45:PRINT"45. Do you own a mouse Y/N" 1430PROCinput3(236):PROCbyte(236) 1440DATA46 1450C%=46:PRINT"46. Do you own a Music 500 or 5000 Y/N" 1460PROCinput3(237):PROCbyte(237) 1470DATA47 1480C%=47:PRINT"47. Is your VDU setup"' " (A) Good quality colour monitor"'" (B) Poor quality colour monitor"'" (C ) Good quality monochrome monitor"'" ( D) Poor quality monochrome monitor"'" (E) Television" 1490PROCinput2(238,5,"A","B","C","D","E "," "):PROCbyte(238) 1500DATA48 1510C%=48:PRINT"48. Do you have a print er Y/N" 1520PROCinput3(239):PROCbyte(239) 1530DATA49 1540C%=49:PRINT"49. Do you own: (A) Ami ga (B) Atari ST (C) PC 286 or higher (D) Apple Macintosh et c. (E) None of above (F) More than one of a bove" 1550PROCinput2(240,6,"A","B","C","D","E ","F"):PROCbyte(240) 1560DATA50 1570C%=50:PRINT"50. Is your disk drive a twin one (i.e. drives 0 & 1) Y/N" 1580PROCinput3(241):PROCbyte(241) 1590DATA51 1600C%=51:PRINT"51. Are you a member of /do you plan to join SOLINET Y/N" 1610PROCinput3(242):PROCbyte(242) 1620C%=0:Y%=0:A$="":GOTO90 1630DEFPROCinput1(P%,L%):PROCfx:PTR#X%= P% 1640PRINT'"Default/Current Answer : "; 1650FORI%=1TOL%:PRINTCHR$(BGET#X%);:NEX T:PTR#X%=PTR#X%-P% 1660REPEAT:INPUTLINE''"]"A$:UNTILLENA$< L%+1 1670PROCdelete 1680ENDPROC 1690DEFPROCinput2(P%,N%,a$(1),a$(2),a$( 3),a$(4),a$(5),a$(6)):PROCfx:PTR#X%=P% 1700PRINT'"Default/Current Answer : ";C HR$(BGET#X%)':PTR#X%=PTR#X%-1 1710A$="":PRINT"]";:REPEAT:Y%=GET 1720FORI%=1TON%:IFCHR$(Y%)=a$(I%)THENA$ =a$(I%) 1730NEXT 1740PROCdelete:IFY%=13THENA$="DEFAULT" 1750UNTILA$<>"" 1760ENDPROC 1770DEFPROCinput3(P%):PROCfx:PTR#X%=P% 1780PRINT'"Default/Current Answer : "; 1790Z%=BGET#X%:PTR#X%=PTR#X%-1 1800IFZ%<127ANDZ%>31THENPRINTCHR$(Z%)'E LSEPRINT' 1810PRINT"]";:REPEATY%=GET:UNTILCHR$(Y% )="Y"ORCHR$(Y%)="N"ORY%=127ORY%=13 1820PROCdelete:IFY%=13THENA$="DEFAULT"E LSEA$="" 1830ENDPROC 1840DEFPROCinput4(P%,N%,M%):PROCfx:PTR# X%=P% 1850PRINT'"Default/Current Answer : "; CHR$(BGET#X%)':PTR#X%=PTR#X%-1 1860A$="":REPEAT:PRINT"]";:Y%=GET 1870UNTIL(VALCHR$Y%<M%+1ANDVALCHR$Y%>N% -1)ORY%=127ORY%=13 1880PROCdelete:IFY%=13THENA$="DEFAULT" 1890ENDPROC 1900DEFPROCdelete 1910IFC%=41THENC%=36 1920IFA$="*"ORY%=127THENC%=C%-1:Y%=0:PR INT'':RUN 1930ENDPROC 1940DEFPROCfx 1950REM *FX202,32 1960*FX21 1970ENDPROC 1980DEFPROCbyte(P%) 1990IFY%=13THENPRINTA$'':ENDPROC 2000PRINTCHR$Y%'':PTR#X%=P%:BPUT#X%,Y% 2010ENDPROC 2020DEFPROCstring(P%,L%) 2030IFA$="" THEN PRINT"DEFAULT"'':ENDPR OC ELSE PRINT'' 2040IFLENA$<L%THENREPEAT:A$=A$+" ":UNTI LLENA$=L% 2050PTR#X%=P%:FORI%=1TOL%:BPUT#X%,ASC(M ID$(A$,I%,1)):NEXT 2060ENDPROC