Yes! You are not seeing things, there
are three message files on this issue.
Thanks to 15A everyone seems inclined
to write loads of lovely text. Please
take note of his next message though:
To: 999 (all members)
From: 15A (Steven Flintham)
Subject: 8BS messaging system
Firstly, I would like to thank everyone
who has suggested improvements - I will
do my best to implement some of them,
although I may be too busy to do
anything immediately. I think that
providing at least a basic word-
wrapping facility is probably the first
thing to sort out.
Secondly, I would like to point out
that the program used by the editor to
sort out the messages looks at the
recipient whose ID is typed in when
creating the message - NOT the ID at
the top of the message.
The only reason I want to mention this
is that I received a private message
with issue 30 which had 15A + 999 at
the top. If you do want to send a
public message, even one which is of
particular interest to one member, you
should enter 999 for the recipient when
asked by the program - you can then
modify the message heading to include
any other user ID's if necessary.
I think that I might not have made this
very clear in the documentation, so I
am mentioning it now to avoid possible
confusion. Thanks for reading this!
EDITOR... 3PM has sent me a couple of
his own word wrap PROCedures that could
be inserted into the messaging program.
However I think that it would be better
that 15A does the adjustment to his own
program when he gets time.
I would like to publish the PROCedures
by 3PM maybe in the next issue.
To: 999 (all members)
From: 15A (Steven Flintham)
Subject: Diaries
This is nothing to do with computers
at all, but I thought I'd mention it
anyway. Does anyone know where I can
obtain a copy of The Useful Diary
I had one every year from 1989-1992
but I couldn't find one this year -
are they still being published? If I
knew who the publisher was I could
simply write and ask them, but of
course they couldn't be bothered to
put their name anywhere inside, or at
least anywhere where I can find it...
Can anyone tell me anything, e.g.
which shops sell them, so I know where
to look?
To: 999 (all members)
From: 2J3
Subject: FOR SALE
I know of someone wishing to sell:
1 BBC model B
1 single sided 40T disc drive.
1 CUB colour monitor.
He wants in the region of 100 pounds
for it but will haggle or split.
Tel. Andy on 0482 890512
or contact Chris Richardson.
To: 999 (all members)
From: K2B
Subject: SALES
I have a couple of Econet Modules and
Rom chips for the Master, all in good
working order. `10 per Module & Rom.
Ring me on 0738-812186, and ask for
To: 999 (all members)
From: K2B
Subject: Disk drives
Does anyone know of a way of checking
head alignment on 5.25" drives? Is
there a diagnostic disk that can be
used? If alignment is out, can it be
adjusted relatively easily.
I have a faulty drive which I will
give to anyone who can help - it might
come in handy for spares! Please ring
me on 0738-812186, and ask for Colin.
To: 999 (all members)
From: K2B (Tel 0738-812186)
Subject: Master's function keys
Can anyone please help me with using
the Master's function keys? I defined
the keys in a Basic program, and want
to then RUN and *SAVE F/Keys xxxx yyyy
so I can later load them back in as a
'block' with *F/Keys, as I used to do
on my old 'Beeb'. The only problem is
that although I understand the Master
stores the soft key definitions at
&8000 to &83FF, *SAVEing with these
locations seems to do nothing. I've
written a small utility to read these
locations before and after defining
the keys, but still get the same
codes. Running a Basic program to
define the keys works fine, but how
can I achieve what I'm seeking? Your
help will be appreciated.
To: 999 (all members)
From: K2R (Brendan Wynne)
Thank you for letting me join 8BS. I
live near Boston and work at the Haven
High School (0205-311979). There are 7
BBC Masters in my classroom and I am
hoping to acquire one or two more from
within the school before Christmas.
The machines are used for WP/DTP during
lessons and as games boxes before
school, at break, lunchtimes and after
school. Other types of computers owned
by the school include Apple Macs and
Archimedes: we have about 200 all told!
I am the archetypal "Shift/Breaker"
with limited hands-on experience.
The user-friendliness of the 8BS disk
has persuaded this mobile stumbly that
it is more than possible to become a
contributor and producer - and not
remain a quizzical consumer forever.
Writing this letter has been the first
To: 999 (all members)
From: K2R
Subject: Help!
I have 'inherited' a box of disks which
are full of utilities 'n' things. My
first attempt to place each item on
its own disk hasn't been successful.
Documentation is not available for any
of the disks' contents. I have tried to
*BUILD !BOOT with the few commands that
I know and am then confronted with
If anyone can help, then I will send
that disk doctor a copy of the utility
as soon as it works!
To: 999 (all members)
From: 19F
Subject: INFO
If anyone would be interested, I have
found another chain of shops which do
Beeb stuff ranging from 99p (probably
tapes) to £14.99 for Loopz on disk. They
are called COMPUTER CAVERN and are at
the following address:
Tel: 0628 891101
and they do ROMs and peripherals aswell.
EDITOR... Excuse the effect caused by
double height!
To 999 (to all).
From 27N (John Ilsley)
If you feel you are unable to undertake
any of the projects, or undertake the
sound control adjustment, then I
suggest that you take the necessary
parts required to a electronics
engineer or someone who knows what
they are doing and have them do it on
the side. You will find that most are
more then happy to help for a small
back hander.
Here follows a selection of Solinet
adverts from the November issue of the
solinet magazine. Anyone interested in
finding out about Solinet should send
an SAE to:
Ron Marshall.
41 Westbrook Drive
NG21 0FB
Solinet 8.6 November 1993 - SALES
David Scott
5 St James Street
Hammersmith Tel: 081 741 0253
London W6 9RW Fax: 081 741 1931
Viglen ROM Cartridge System for BBC
Model B. 45-cm ribbon cable connecting
remote socket and 28-pin plug. With
three cartridges and supporting base.
£15 o.n.o. (fifteen pounds)
Martin Hay #060
36 MacKinnon Drive
Spare Wordwise (not plus and Manual) if
any one wants this send a couple of
first class stamps and its theirs.
Martin Hay #060
Bob Evans
0928 722454
Modem with software. TANDATA Td1400 as
new with leads, manual, BBC viewdata
etc.. OFFERS?
BBC Soft and Hardware/Firmware
RD Digital Tracer £10
Red Arrows (Disk) £5
Trivial Pursuit (Disk) £5
Printer Driver for View (Disk) £2
Glider II (Disk) £5
Raven 20 Memory Expansion (Board) £10
Romspell (Watford) (Disks) £5
AMX Pagemaker (Roms & Disks) £15
View Professional (Roms & Disks) £10
All prices subject to offer
Phone Peter 081-391-0101
18 Rannoch Ave
Glasgow.. G64 1BU
0642 710872
I can make you an RGB TTL switch unit,
which allows switching between 2 RGB
'puters to one monitor. 13 pounds each.
Derek Walker 093