8-Bit Software Online Conversion

                    8 BIT SOFTWARE                                                          Constructive comments on programs published by 8BS are always welcome. Here are a few:  From: 0E7(Fred Nevin) Program: PHONEBOOK A useful program but it appears to have the following Bugs. It is case sensitive which spoils the program. TOO MANY FORS On entering data and it is listed as per the menu and RETURN is pressed one cannot return to the menu. If RETURN is pressed ten times the message TOO MANY FORs at line 580 appears. If any other key is pressed the prog returns to the menu.  From: 2J3 from 0E7(Fred Nevin) Program: RECORD DATABASE Fred wrote a letter to me describing a bug in the records database "RecDB1a" on issue 30. It would seem that my mathematics had gone somewhat awry whilst chopping strings. The A and B side titles get chopped in the wrong places. To fix this, change these lines: 1460PRINT"A side: ";MID$(T$,26,15);" "; :IFP%=0PRINT ^ 1470PRINT"B side: ";MID$(T$,41,15) ^ to: 1460PRINT"A side: ";MID$(T$,27,15);" "; :IFP%=0PRINT 1470PRINT"B side: ";MID$(T$,42,15) Data that you may have already entered will not be affected and long names will now be displayed correctly. Many thanks Fred for spotting the error and then taking the time to point out the correction required.  From: K1H Program: Messages programme. I like colourful displays of text and this proramme can be as colourful as you like. I think it makes it easier on the eyes I saw a comment on the program regards word wrap, but I think that this would be difficult to acheive if a word wraps as in Inter-word for instance how would a colour code be inserted. I recently read a back issue in Beebug on the subject of word wrap and it included a short machine code programme that would allow the typing in of text without pressing return at the end of the line. Perhaps it might be possible to insert colour codes into each line of the program, say a different code every twenty or so lines, I personally like using the program, I dont even have to SA."prog".  From: 20G Program: Minefield (Carl Wheat) Smashing display, very professional, but I just could not get the hang of it. Is it difficult to get started or is it me a bit dumb?  From: L1M (Janny Looyenga) Program: CLEAR35 The CLEAR35 is a nice game, but I should like to see how many cards are left on stack when getting a new card and also how many cards are left at the end when you can't clear any more card - like the PC-version does! There is not much difference between the PC-version and this one from Carl Weat except that in the PC-version you can't put an Ace or Queen onto the King - you'll have to draw an other card from stock - and in this version you can do this. It sounds as if this version is easier than the PC one, but it isn't. I only cleared it once and that was (I think) BEGINNER'S LUCK!!!!!  From: 176 Eric Shuker Program: Hints & Tips (ADFS VERSION) What an excellent idea. Many thanks to Wakefield, you Chris and your collaborators for a useful and well indexed textbook. I look forward to the other half in Issue 31. EDITOR..... DFS users, if you want this disc, send me a DFS formatted disc with return p+p and 10p, ask for BBC-24.  To: CCC From: 176 Eric Shuker Subject: Shrink Screens by Miroslaw Bobrowski. This is the first time I have successfully transferred machine code programs without any bother. The demo is super. I look forward to finding time to play with it.                               BLAM!                                                   