8-Bit Software info files.
O.S. Calls and vectors
O.S. Statements
Two help files sent in by 6EE. Taken from TBI-48, the 8BS hints and tips disc.
As present this catalogue entry consists of one side of a DFS disc. Send in
your hints and tips to fill it!
200 USERV The user vector.
202 BRKV The BRK vector.
204 IRQ1V Primary interrupt vector.
206 IRQ2V Unrecognised IRQ vector.
OSCLI FFF7 208 CLIV Passes lines of text to the CLI (command line
OSBYTE FFF4 20A BYTEV Call specified by A taking parameters in X & Y
OSWORD FFF1 20C WORDV Call specified by A taking parameters in a
parameter block.
OSWRCH FFEE 20E WRCHV Write character to currently selected output
OSRDCH FFE0 210 RDCHV Read character from currently selected input
OSFILE FFDD 212 FILEV Read or write a whole file or its atributes.
OSARGS FFDA 214 ARGSV Read or write an open files arguments.
OSBGET FFD7 216 BGETV Read a single byte from an open file.
OSBPUT FFD4 218 BPUTV Write a single byte to an open file.
OSGBPB FFD1 21A GBPBV Read or write a group of bytes.
OSFIND FFCE 21C FINDV Open or close a file for byte access.
OSNEWL FFE7 --- --- LF and CR to currently selected output stream.
OSASCI FFE3 --- --- Write character routine (OSNEWL if A=&0D).
OSEVEN FFBF --- --- Generate an event.
OSRDRM FFB9 --- --- Read a byte in paged ROM.
21E FSCV File system control entry.
220 EVNTV Event vector.
222 UPTV User print routine.
224 NETV ECONET vector.
226 VDUV Unrecognised VDU commands.
228 KEYV Keyboard vector.
22A INSV Insert into buffer vector.
22C REMV Remove from buffer vector.
22E CNPV Count/purge buffer vector.
230 IND1V Spare vector.
232 IND2V Spare vector.
234 IND3V Spare vector.
NVRDCH FFCB --- --- Non-vectored read character.
NVWRCH FFC8 --- --- Non-vectored write character.
GSREAD FFC5 --- --- Read character from string.
GSINIT FFC2 --- --- String input initialise.
*BASIC or *B. *BASIC Selects BASIC paged ROM
*CAT or *. *CAT Lists all programs on the current
filing system
*CODE *CODE X,Y Calls routine pointed to by USERV and
passes values to X & Y registers
(0-255). A=0
*DISC or *DISK *DISC Selects disc filing system
*EXEC *EXEC"name" Loads a program, the computer treating
it as a keyboard entry
*FX *FX5,1 Enables the computer to control a large
number of effects
*HELP *HELP Lists paged ROMS in computer
*KEY *KEY3 LIST|M Gives a definition to a user defined
function key (16 in all)
*LINE *LINE string Calls routine pointed to by USERV and
passes a string of data. A=1
*LOAD *LOAD"name" ssss Loads program to absolute address ssss
(address ssss is optional)
*MOTOR *MOTOR 0,1 Switches the cassette motor on and off
*NET *NET Selects the network file system
*OPT *OPT1,2 Determines how the computer reacts to
cassette errors
*ROM *ROM Selects the ROM cartridge file system
*RUN *RUN "name" Loads and executes a machine code
*SAVE *SAVE "name" ssss ffff eeee rrrr
Save a section of memory with the addresses;
*SPOOL *SPOOL"name" Copies all screen output to a named file
(in ASCII)
*TAPE *TAPE Selects tape filing system at default
speed of 1200 baud
*TAPE3 *TAPE3 Selects tape speed of 300 baud
*TAPE12 *TAPE12 Selects tape speed of 1200 baud
*TELESOFTWARE (provisional)
*TERMINAL (provisional)
*TV *TV255 Controls screen display position and
picture interlace
* [splat] *RUN Passes control to the Operating System
& [ampersand] PRINT &20 Indicates a HEX number (&20=32decimal)
~ [tilde] PRINT ~32 Print in HEX (PRINT~32 gives 20 in HEX)
# [hash] LDA#3 Assembler. Load accumulator with 3
\ [backslash] LDA#&10 \MASK Assembler. Precedes a comment
% [percent] C%=53 Indicates an integer variable
(@% to Z% are resident)
@% @%=&20309 Controls numeric variable display format
? [query] ?&203=&0D Reads or writes to one memory byte
$ [string] $M="HELLO" Reads or writes a string to memory
address M
! [pling] !M=12345678 Reads or writes to 4 memory locations
starting at M
| [Shift+\] |M=RETURN Defines following character as if CTRL
had been pressed
|! *KEY9 |!|V Adds 128 to value produced (|V=22 so f9
gives 150)