8-Bit Software Online Conversion

:2.$.Carosel - Listing

10REM Carousel - User: L1L 20REM 23/02/94 - Jock Smylie 30 40ONERROR RUN 50REPEAT 60MODE7 70VDU23;8202;0;0;0; 80PRINT'" Two 8-Bit Software title sc reens" 90PRINT'''" Press <1> or <2> for scre ens" 100PRINT''" Press <C> to change colour s" 110PRINT'" Press <SPACE> to exit" 120 PRINT'''" This could perhaps be th e basis for a future 8-Bit Software co mpetition...." 130PRINT'" Who can design the best tit le screen for Issue 35 - or every fut ure Issue ?" 135PRINT''" Screens designed using M.B obrowski's screen shrinker from 8-Bit Software Issue 31." 140G=GET 150IFG=32 CLS:PRINT'" G'day from Austr alia":END 160MODE1 170VDU23;8202;0;0;0; 180OSCLI("LDPIC TP"+STR$(G-48)) 190G=GET 200IFG=67 REPEAT:VDU19,RND(3),RND(7);0 ;:G=GET:UNTILG<>67 210UNTIL FALSE