The following corrections refer only to
early issues of 36 as the master copies
are now amended:
1. Oh dear! Here follows a correction
to a correction that I made in issue
I made a correction for K2O when he had
erred slightly in his notepad article
on issue 35. I said ram when I should
have said rom.
2. 15A's article concerning the ASCII
to message file program stated that
there were two example files. In fact,
I put only one of the example files
onto the issue due to filename space
limitations on the DFS version.
Unfortunately, I neglected to remove
the reference to example file one from
the article. Sorry about that. I hope
that it didn't confuse too many of you.
3. I gave you K2O's new arrival in
American notation. Tiffany was born on
4 June 94.
4. Thanks to K4D (Lorin Knight) for
spotting an error in the posters
package TBI-49. Line 705 should be
added to CharDes:
If you want, you can then remove the
same statement from line 700.
Right. That's it so far. Now for the
I have been discussing the possibility
of an 8BS bulletin board with a member
of 8BS. The BB could be used for the
rapid up/downloading of 8BS software
and, more importantly maybe, queries
and answers.
Before proceeding any further I think
that it would be wise to check that the
BB would be used. Therefore, would
anyone interested in 8BS setting up a
bulletin board please let me know as
soon as possible. If the response is
good enough, then I shall think
seriously about the possibility.
CJR-3 the STD code database has
recently been updated to handle the STD
changes due in 1995. You may dial the
new codes now. So in future I shall
send out the updated version unless you
specifically request the old version.
Please update your version of CJR-3 now
Some new stuff for you:
TBI-59-1 Mad Rabbit Comms 1D
TBI-59-2 Mad Rabbit Texts 1D
TBI-60 Nutworks Texts 2D
TBI-61 Comm-edy Texts 2D
TBI-62 Mad Rabbit Ample 1D
TBI-63-1 Rolling Pictures 1 2D
TBI-63-2 Rolling Pictures 2 2D
Here are a couple of people that I
would suggest you contact if you
haven't done so already:
Paul Harvey
33 King Henry's Mews
Enfield Lock
E93 6JS
Paul edits a regular paper-based
magazine for the BBC and Master. He has
helped 8BS quite a lot in the past and
is worthy of your support.
Ron Marshall
41 Westbrook Drive
NG21 0FB
Ron brings out a regular disc-based
mag. We have attempted to keep our mags
sufficiently different from each other
to make it worth your while receiving
both. Many members of 8BS are also
members of Solinet which maybe shows
that this is the case.
K2T Made a helpful suggestion after
reading about the 8BS phone bill. He
reminded me that using Mercury is
cheaper. In fact nothing could be more
true. Hull area subscribers get free
use of Mercury simply by dialling 13
before any number! What's more, you can
make a local call for 5.6p. There is
no time limit on the call! 5.6p for as
long as you want.
2J3 and associated mob removed
themselves from the usual location
during late August. Returning to HQ
just in time for the issue 37 deadline.
The old VW lasted the 1000 mile zig zag
of the country trying in a vain attempt
to avoid the thunderstorms and various
hazards such as unexploded wartime
bombs (Worksop). We were only in
Worksop by the way trying to track down
a new pair of bellows for the loo.
The holiday ground to a halt when 2J3
spent a night trying to tell 2J3.53
that ghosties were not real when 2J3.52
had told him they were and 2J3.51
refused to budge after walking only 2
miles on what should have been a gentle
4 mile stroll (alright, so it was a bit
hilly, but I was the one carrying
Actually, we ran out of time and money.
The point of all of this waffle is that
if you tried to ring me or got a
delayed reply to your letter/request, I
was on my hols and was out of computer
mode for an unusually long period.
The break came without warning as I
consider it unwise to announce the 8BS
holiday which could happen at any time
from May to October.