10REM Thousand Instruction
20REM by M.Bobrowski 4'94
50PRINTTAB(1,9)CHR$134"Do you wish an
instruction (Y/N) ? ";:REPEATG$=GET$:UN
EN 260
60PRINTTAB(5,24)CHR$131"Press SPACE B
AR to continue";:VDU28,0,22,38,4
70PRINTCHR$134"Thousand is a game pla
yed with a pack"'CHR$134"of 24 cards (fr
om Aces to Nines). The"'CHR$134"values o
f the cards are as follows:"'CHR$129" A
ce - 11, Ten - 10, King - 4,"'CHR$129"
Queen - 3, Jack - 2, Nine - 0."
80PRINTCHR$134"In this version, the c
omputer plays"'CHR$134"one of the hands.
"''CHR$134"At the start of each round no
trump"'CHR$134"suit is defined and six
cards are"'CHR$134"dealt to both, the pl
ayer and the"
90PRINTCHR$134"computer. The rest of
the cards"'CHR$134"turned face down con
stitutes a pile."''CHR$134"In each round
, the opponents lay their";CHR$134"cards
, one at a time, trying to win"'CHR$134"
tricks."CHR$133"A card to be played or"
100PRINTCHR$133"discarded is selected
by pressing the"'CHR$133"number shown be
neath it.";:REPEAT UNTIL GET=32:CLS
110PRINTCHR$134"When replying the oppo
nent's lead, a"'CHR$134"player always ha
s to follow the suit,"'CHR$134"however,
there is no need to lay a"'CHR$134"card
with a higher value. If a player"'CHR$13
4"has no card of the suit of the lead,"
120PRINTCHR$134"then he must lay down
a card of the"'CHR$134"current trump sui
t (of course, the"'CHR$134"latter rule
applies to situations"'CHR$134"when a tr
ump suit is defined - see"'CHR$134"below
130PRINT'CHR$134"To fill the hands up
to six cards,"'CHR$134"the player who wi
ns a trick picks up"'CHR$134"the top car
d of the pack, and the"'CHR$134"other pl
ayer gets the next one."
140PRINTCHR$133"(This operation is don
e automatically"'CHR$133"by the computer
150PRINTCHR$134"Moreover, whoever wins
a trick becomes";CHR$134"the lead for t
he next go."CHR$133"The order of";CHR$13
3"playing is checked by the computer and
";CHR$133"displayed in the text window."
160PRINT'CHR$134"When the pack is empt
y the round is"'CHR$134"continued with a
decreasing number of"'CHR$134"cards, un
til no card remains in either";CHR$134"h
170PRINTCHR$134"When a player has"CHR$
129"a pair"CHR$134"in his hand"'CHR$134"
(the Queen and King of the same suit),";
CHR$134"he should announce it"CHR$133"by
leading with"'CHR$133"the Queen"CHR$134
"which is a member of the"
180PRINTCHR$134"pair"CHR$133"(just pre
ss the number displayed"'CHR$133"underne
ath the Queen in question)"CHR$134"and"'
CHR$133"by pressing the Y key"CHR$134"in
reply to the"'CHR$134"prompt that appea
rs in the text"'CHR$134"window."
190PRINTCHR$134"To announce a pair, th
e player has to"'CHR$134"win one trick a
200PRINTCHR$134"There is a bonus for a
nnouncing a pair"CHR$134"and the number
of points obtained"'CHR$134"depends on t
he suit of the pair:"''CHR$129"100 point
s "CHR$134"is awarded for the pair"'SPC1
2;CHR$134"of Heards,"
210PRINTCHR$129"80 points"CHR$134"- fo
r the pair of Diamonds,"'CHR$129"60 poin
ts - for the pair of Clubs,"'CHR$129"40
points - for the pair of Spades."
220PRINT'CHR$134"Furthermore, the suit
of the pair"'CHR$134"announced"CHR$1129
"becomes the trump suit"'CHR$134"until t
he end of a round, or unless"'CHR$134"ot
her pair is announced by the player"'CHR
$134"or by the computer in next goes."
230PRINTCHR$133"The current trump suit
is dispalyed"'CHR$133"in the text windo
240PRINTCHR$134"When a round is over t
he values of the"CHR$134"cards in the tr
icks are summed up."'CHR$134"Additional
points are obtained for"'CHR$134"each pa
ir announced."''CHR$134"The first player
to reach 1000 points"
250PRINTCHR$134"is the winner. Usually
several rounds"'CHR$134"have to be play
ed to constitute a"'CHR$134"final winner
of the game."'''SPC10;CHR$130"HAVE A GO
OD LUCK!";:VDU26:PRINTTAB(25,24)"start