Late Messages plus four articles from K2O Stephan Richardson:
1. Educational Software Sale. Anglia TV's Educational software sale.
2. Master 512 Ram upgrades plus software sale.
3. Z88 Library availability for 8BS Members.
4. Z88 Internal Ram and Rom upgrade.
5. Late messages
Anglia Television have recently acquired all Mercury Education Products
stock of software, and now find that they need to make space in their
warehouse. They are therefore selling the following products at a bargain
price of 6.00 each (ex Vat and postage). Postage is fixed at 1.50 (ex
Vat) for each order, irrespective of the number of items ordered! The
following is a list of what is on offer :-
Key Stage 1, Age 4-6
Easily operated matching and number exercises to support TV programme
"Time for Maths"
Key Stage 1, Age 4-6
Rotating letter drums facilitate word creation plus a series of 1500-word
word banks as alternative to flash cards.
Key Stage 1, Age 6-8
Recognising and matching and then experimenting with basic shape, colour
and text.
Key Stage 2, Age 8-11
Pictorial datafile of common sea creatures and linked identification
package with modelling section allowing pupils to study pattern of
zonation on different shore lines and to change variables.
Key Stage 2, Age 7-11
Identification of trees by shape, leaf shape and flowers and recording
data on local trees which can be plotted on map.
Key Stage 2, Age 7-11
Software to help pupils expand their understanding of social, political
and historical climate of period covered by Schools programme of same
Key Stage 2/3, Age 9-13
Studies relationship between acidity levels and the environment affected
by variables such as towns, sewage works, power stations etc. Involves
survey of rainfall acidity as series of weather zones across Britain.
Key Stage 2/3, Age 9-13
Easy to use Desk Top Publishing package producing surprisingly
sophisticated page layouts.
Key Stage 2/3, Age 9-13
Problem solving, sorting and route mapping software in 4 parts.
Key Stage 2/3, Age 9-13
Travel Agent simulates computer systems used by Travel Agents with
computerised booking system. Air Traffic Control allows pupils to act as
air traffic controllers facing an emergency.
Key Stage 2/3, Age 9-13
Allows personal assessment of diet and fitness, analysis of food and
fitness compared with users own diet.
Key Stage 3, Age 11-14
Associated with the TV programme Middle English. With text and graphics
to take pupils through a Gene Kemp adventure novel, making decisions as
to what happens next. Also has word processing facility to allow addition
to and changes in the plot.
Key Stage 3, Age 11-14
4 decision making and problem solving programmes to accompany the TV
series of the same name.
Key Stage 4, Age 11-14
Mapping datafiles package exploring relationships between nitrate levels
and a range of variables with graphing facility.
Key Stage 4, Age 11-14
Explores manufacture of nitrogen fertiliser from natural resources.
Key Stage 4, Age 11-14
Simulates the production of iron and steel.
Key Stage 4, Age 14-16
Energy investigates efficiency and cost of home insurance and building
design. Food Technology investigates deterioration, bacterial growth and
maximising profit in vegetable storage.
Key Stage 4, Age 14-16
Car Design investigates variables for car passenger safety. Noise
investigates noise pollution and its solutions around an airport.
Key Stage 3/4, Age 11-16
Menu driven spreadsheet operates from keyboard or mouse using standard
maths operations such as sum, count, average, square and showing data as
pie/bar charts and line graphs.
Key Stage 3/4, Age 11-16
Operates on both simple and complex levels processing orders and accounts
with journal entries, sales and purchase ledgers and balance sheets.
Key Stage 3/4, Age 11-16
Covers creation of formats and matching with profiles. Data display from
simple texts to matrix histograms.
Key Stage 3/4, Age 11-16
Desk Top Publishing with 4 column page. Artwork can be produced and a
range of headline options and fonts is available.
Key Stage 3/4, Age 11-16
Open ended booking package with graphics allowing on screen display of
space available and/or booked. Also keeps records, accounts and prints
Age 16+
Data handling package dealing with readings taken on field work exercise
with modelling package and graphics.
Key Stage 4+, Age 14-17
A mapping package allowing data to be plotted on city maps with census
information on 8 British cities.
Orders should be sent to :-
SCA (Anglia Television),
PO Box 18,
SS7 1AZ.
Alternatively, telephone/fax with credit card details :-
0268 755811
Stephan Richardson, Solinet member 149, 8-Bit Software member K2O.
Having recently spoken to Robin Burton of Essential Software, he has
informed me that he has no further stocks of the 1Meg upgrade to the 512
board. However, he would be prepared to have some more boards made and
therefore carry out the upgrades provided :-
1) The number of people requiring upgrades must be at least 25.
2) All monies to be paid up-front.
If all those criteria are met, then the upgrades can be carried out.
Robin has agreed to supply the members of Solinet and 8-Bit Software with
any of Essential Software's programs at the reduced prices given in the
Jan/Feb issue of Beebug. For your convenience I have transcribed the
details below. Note that the original price is quoted in brackets. All
prices are inclusive of Vat and postage & packing. Orders to be sent to :-
Robin Burton,
24 Wallace Drive,
LE6 0GQ.
Please Note :
1) Cheques to be made payable to Robin Burton and NOT Essential Software.
2) As Robin has a full time job as well as running Essential Software,
orders are no longer processed by return of post.
3) Remember to mention Solinet/8-Bit Software in your request!
RAMDISC (£16.95) £9.95
Allows a 512 ramdisc to be configured as any size from 10K upwards and as
any drive. Includes AMNESIA, allowing deletion of the ramdisc without
re-boot, and DISCID which allows switching of drive IDs plus suspension of
any drive so it can't be accessed (and reinstatement!).
INTERCOM (£12.95) £6.95
A command line editor with history recall. Commands can be recalled
manually or by automated matching against a (wildcarded) search pattern.
Word processor like editing during command entry. Configurable, memory
resident, with 1K buffer uses 2.7K of RAM.
PFKEYS (£7.95) £4.95
Allows up to 30 user defined commands to be assigned to Shift/Ctrl/Alt
function keys, so commands can be executed by a single key-press. Commands
can be saved to disc, re-loaded or amended as required. Configurable,
memory resident, uses 3K of RAM.
HDSETUP (£10.95) £5.95
Partitions a winchester for any DOS partition from 1 to 32Mb in 1Mb steps,
plus optimised directory sizing for smaller partitions.
SUPRSTAR (£14.95) £7.95
Gives an independent, true mode 7 screen for star commands, activated by
hot-keys. Star commands issued previously are retained and the DOS screen
plus the application or activity are preserved too. In SUPRSTAR normal BBC
micro facilities include full BBC cursor editing, proper Escape
processing, programmable function keys and correct MOS error handling.
GOBBC/512 (£14.95) £7.95
With SUPRSTAR £14.00 the pair.
Allows you to 'drop into' a completely normal BBC environment from the 512
and run any BBC task, then return to DOS where you left it. (N.B. You must
have SUPRSTAR for this.)
PRNTSCRN (£14.95) £7.95
Prints any DOS display (graphics, text, or both). Two programs, GRDUMP and
PRTSCRN, both actioned by hot-keys hence can be used at any time.
Configurable for 9 or 24 pin printers, using Epson commands, full IBM
graphics support. Can also print SUPRSTAR screens.
CLMOUSE (£12.95) £6.95
Provides mouse cursor control for programs which don't normally use a
mouse. Mouse buttons can be configured to generate any key press (defaults
RETURN and ESCAPE) and sensitivity can be adjusted as required. Settings
can be saved to or loaded from disc. Trackerball compatible, application
SCRNSAVE (£9.95) £5.95
Allows the DOS display to be saved to either BBC filing system. Filing
system, drive and filename are all user definable. Triggered by hot-keys,
so any display can be saved including those from within applications.
TRNSLATE (£14.95) £7.95
Allows any (PC or BBC) keypress to be generated by any key on any model of
BBC micro. Includes numeric keypad for model B/B+, plus otherwise
unavailable PC keys on all models, e.g. right-shift, scroll-lock.
Definitions can be saved to/loaded from disc and can include Shift and/or
Ctrl modifiers.
MEMOPAD (£9.95) £5.95
A 'pop-up' notepad providing 10K bytes (4 A4 pages of text) of instant,
independent note-taking storage. Contents of the pad can be saved to or
loaded from disc, cleared or printed. Access by hot-keys, uses one BBC
sideways RAM slot. Configurable for all sideways RAM types.
MISCELLANEOUS I (£11.95) £6.50
Includes : -
SELECT - a batch file menu driver providing the missing link between the
user and batch files, allowing on-line selection of options in batch
COLORDEF - allows screen colours to be changed on hot-keys instantly.
Change foreground or background colours whenever you like without access
to the command line.
SUSPEND - pauses the 512. Suspend and Resume are on hot-keys, stop the
machine any time.
LOCK - Locks the machine from the command line with a user-entered
password. The password is needed again to release the system, when LOCK
reports if illegal access was attempted. Proof against all but Break.
SOUND - Allows full access to the BBC micro's sound facilties from DOS,
parameters exactly as BBC Basic.
ENVELOPE - Allows sound envelopes to be defined in DOS, exactly as BBC
MISCELLANEOUS II (£14.95) £7.95
Includes :-
KEYCLICK - adds 'key clicks', like a PC. Clicks can be loud, quiet and
switched on or off as required.
OSCLI - * commands direct from DOS without clearing the screen. Much
smaller and faster than STAR, plus no screen disruption., especially
useful in batch files.
CURSOR - allows changes to the size/flash-rate of the DOS cursor on
SCRNPRES - blanks the display if the machine isn't used for a
(user-defined) period preventing screen 'burn-in'. The display is
reinstated by any key press.
LIST - is a cursor controlled, bi-directional scrolling text lister.
Includes line-up/down, page-up/down, start/end of file, go-to line, ASCII
filter, tab expansion, auto browse etc. A much more flexible replacement
for 'TYPE'.
LOCKWORD - like SUSPEND, but needs a (user-defined) password to release
Stephan Richardson, Solinet member 149, 8-Bit Software member K2O.
As of the 1st of August, I have become the BBC sub-librarian to the Z88
Users' Club. I have agreed with Roy Woodward (Editor) and Ian Braby
(Librarian) that I can supply Solinet members and 8-Bit Software members
with items from the library. If you wish to request any items from the
library, then you will probably require the library catalogue listing.
This is obtained from Ian Braby at a cost of £1.50. Cheques to be made
payable to Z88 Users' Club. Please note that this is the ONLY source of
income for the library so don't think that the charge is excessive! The
address to send the request for the library catalogue is :-
Ian Braby,
Z88 Users' Club,
Software Library,
1 Butts Cottages,
Copse Road,
St John's,
GU21 1SU.
It is VERY important that you mention that you are a member of Solinet or
8-Bit Software and give your membership number, or your cheque and letter
will be returned and you will NOT get the library listing. You have been
The next step is to decide which items you require and calculate the
required number of disks to receive them. The request list, required
number of disks ready formatted, and return address, postage and packaging
are then sent to me, and I will process your request as soon as I am able.
It is important to point out here that I rarely get on to my computer
until after midnight, and so my time is very restricted, but I generally
manage to squeeze in about 20 hours a week!
The formats that I can support are :-
Acorn DFS 40 or 80 trk single or double sided.
Solidisk DFS 40 or 80 trk single or double sided.
Acorn ADFS Small, Medium, or Large format.
Solidisk ADFS Small, Medium, or Large format.
ACP 1770 DFS 40 or 80 trk single or double sided.
Acorn DOS 640K.
Acorn DOS 800K.
The above are supported on 5.25" or 3.5" disks.
Additional formats I can support are :-
IBM DOS 360K on 5.25" disks.
IBM DOS 720K on 3.5" disks.
The address to send the software requests to is :-
Stephan Richardson,
Z88 Users' Club,
BBC Sub-Librarian,
4 Pulteney Drive,
ST16 1NU.
Please don't forget to include your Solinet/8-Bit Software membership
number with your request.
Stephan Richardson, Solinet member 149, 8-Bit Software member K2O.
4. A Friend Returned
It is now 07:45 on the 6th July 1994. A knock is heard at the front door of 4
Pulteney Drive. On opening the door the postman gives me a parcel, and asks me
to sign the recorded delivery book, which I subsequently do. I then return
inside and close the front door. I have little doubt as to what the parcel
contains - my Z88 returned from Woodward Technology, after having the internal
Ram upgraded to 512K and the version 4.0 Rom fitted! Also enclosed was the
replacement keyboard and the latest version of the Z88 manual which I had
Upon opening the large jiffy bag and extracting the Z88, I went upstairs to
retrieve the batteries, Ram/Eprom cartridges, and the Topper for my Z88.
I quickly opened the battery compartment, inserted the batteries, flipped the
machine over, pressed both shift keys and ..... nothing! I rushed upstairs and
obtained a new set of batteries, inserted these in place of the old ones,
flipped the machine over, pressed both shift keys and ..... once again nothing!
Rushing upstairs once again, I retrieved the mains adaptor, plugged it into the
mains and the Z88, switched on the mains, pressed both shift keys and .....
once again nothing! Somewhat disillusioned I paused for thought and remembered!
The Z88 had been without power for some time and needed a hard reset! Silly me!
I then obtained some suitable object to poke into the reset hole on the Z88 (in
fact a clutch pencil!), pressed both shift keys and then the reset button and
..... finally those normally feared words appeared 'Hard Reset ...'.
After some time (the more memory you have, the longer the reset takes!) the
familiar index returned to view. I pressed 'Help' and then the left arrow key
and confirmed that the Version 4.0 rom had indeed been fitted.
I then went into Pipedream, then the options panel and the free space was given
as 505600 bytes.
Back to the index, I opened the card slot cover and inserted a 1Meg Ram
cartridge into slot 1. Back into Pipedream, then Options and the free space had
now risen to 1542912 bytes.
Back to the index, I once again opened the card slot cover and inserted a
further 1Meg Ram cartridge into slot 2. Back into Pipedream, then Options and
the free space had now reached 2582784 bytes.
Back to the index once again, I yet again opened the card slot and inserted my
first 128K Eprom in slot 3 ready to start returning my Z88 back to its former
state, complete with all the files that I require to use on a regular basis.
I then went into the Panel and set all my preferred values. Then a visit to the
Filer to set up my directory structure ready to receive the files. Today, the
18th August 1994 my Z88 has now been back to its former glory for about 5
weeks. I have not had a single crash since the upgrade and am glad I waited the
12 months until Roy received the 512K chips from Cambridge Computer before
sending off my machine to him. One minor niggle about the new Rom is that they
have taken out all the help about Pipedream! So if you find this usefull, be
warned - it is no longer in the Version 4.0 Rom. My only regret about havng the
upgrade done was the time that I was without the Z88 (20 days!). I was forced
to use my NC100 more extensively than anticipated. Now I have both machines
fully operational, the choice as to which to use is a tricky one. The Z88 has a
much more open system and is very flexible. The NC100 is simpler to use, but
lacks a hierarchical file structure which makes file organisation a real pain.
The Ram limitation of the NC100 is not as serious as I first thought it would
be (I only have a 512K Ram card fitted), but this is mainly due to the fact
that the machine is less versatile, and so fewer user written utilities exist
for it.
Stephan Richardson, Solinet member 149, 8-Bit Software member K2O.
5. Late Messages
I have converted these messages from the mode 7 message system format so that
they would tag on to the end of the previous articles.
From: K6X
Subject: Flippy discs
Following some funny noises coming (as I thought) from my twin drive, I took
the lid off for a looksee, but found nothing untoward and replaced it, but not
before (now we get to the point!) having a look at what is used to sense the
notch in the disc. A small PCB is mounted on the underside of the casting, with
it's wires disappearing off into the rest of the internal gubbins. I assume
this to be either an infra-red, or capacitive, proximity sensor of some kind,
detecting whether or not the notch is covered by a tab. If you already know
this, fine, you can help with some advice on the next bit! If, like me, this is
news to you, read on, there's more to come. Some years ago, I worked for a
company that made labelling machines, and we used these types of sensors to
detect the labels on the reel as part of the control system. The sensors, by
the use of additional circuitry, could be "tuned" to register the position of
the label very accurately for feeding onto the container, or roughly just as a
check for missing labels. Stick with it, we're gettin' there! Judging by the
size of the notch on a disc, I would hazard a guess that this sensor is used in
the second manner, and that therefore the size, shape, and position of the
notch are not of critical importance, providing they are within tolerance. This
leads on to the possibility of using a hand-held punch of an appropriate size
to create the notch, positioning it with a simple template. These plier-type
punches are normally circular, and to remove the area of the rectangular notch
with one of these, it would need to be about 10mm diameter, and would need an
arm-wrestler's muscles to do more than a few! All is not lost, however, as a
tool company called "Maun Industries" (see below) offer a range of rectangular
punches to fit their Universal Punch Plier, Punch No. 8 being the one that I
think would do the biz when used with an appropriate template. Total cost for
pliers and punch in my (Jan '94) catalogue is £3.38 plus VAT, but they also
want £6 Carriage, so maybe a trip to your local stationers or tool shop might
be worthwhile.
Maun Industries Ltd. Moor Lane Mansfield NOTTS NG18 5SE
Tel. 0623 24525 Fax. 0623 659969
It is said fortune favours the brave!
The noise? It was a wasp trapped in the drawer under the table on wot my set-up
is heaped!
To 999 (all members)
From K6X
Subject: Program request
To all you budding, flowering, or wilting Programmers out there; fancy a
challenge? If you do not fit into one of the above categories, you can
fast-forward to the next message, I won't mind. If you're still with me, here
we go. I am a darts player, and until recently was involved in running the
League in which I play. The biggest headache of the job was arranging the
fixtures for each new season. With up to thirty teams, in three divisions,
playing each week, and with five other trophies besides divisional titles to
be played for, spread throughout the season, the task was time-consuming by
the pencil & paper(and rubber) method. I often thought (especially when a team
phoned up after I had sorted out the fixtures to say that their guvnor had
upped his prices by 2p a pint, so they were going to share a venue with a team
down the road whose beer was cheaper!) that this would be an ideal application
for a Beeb, to the extent that I wrote out a spec. for such a program. My
programming abilities are nil, so that's as far as the idea got. I've only just
discovered 8BS, and after seeing the quality of some of the programs that are in
8BS and TBI back-issues, I wish I had discovered it sooner. Some of you out
there should be (and maybe are?) doing it for a living!
Although my spec. was written for my own specific needs, I am sure that a
program of this type could serve just as well for football, bowls,
pool, or any other game which needs to generate an annual League Fixture
Programme. If the above ramblings have whetted your appetite, please contact me
via 8BS and I will send you a copy of my spec. to help increase your grey-hair
count. THAN Q the next message
To: 999 (all members)
From: K5P (Andrew Fay)
Subject: Nightingale Auto board
In the last issue I advertised that I had an accessory board for a Pace
Nightingale Modem, which gives Auto-Dial, Auto-Answer, etc. Well I've had no
takers so I thought I would give everyone one last chance to give me a call or
it goes out the door. I only want postage and it's quite light.
(0752) 673659 Andy Fay.
To: 999 (all members)
From: K5P (Andrew Fay)
Subject: AMS 8 Show
A note for your diaries:
A M S 8 All Micro Show 8
Saturday 12 November 1994 Bingley Hall, Staffordshire Showground, Weston Road,
(off A518 Stafford-Uttoxeter Road, AA Signposted from M6 J14. Bus Shuttle from
Stafford BR)
Adults £2, Children under 14 free.
IBM PC, Amiga, Atari ST/8 bit, Einstein, Acorn, Apple, Hardware, Software,
Accessories, Radio, Satellite, Printers, Media, Systems, Electronic
Bring-And-Buy, etc..
Traders Call: SS Promotions, Upland Centre, 2 Upland Centre, Ipswich, IP4 5BT.
(Next Show: Sat 15 April 1995)
To: 999 (all members)
From: YJ2 (Andrew Snodgrass)
Subject: Acorn Archimedes Filetypes
Are there any Archi buffs out
there who can tell me what the proper filetypes are for each of the members of
the "Tracker" family. i.e. Tracker, SoundTracker and Protracker.
I have read that &001, as used by many programs, is in fact illegal as it was
not allocated by Acorn.
I know thay &CB6 is a legal filetype for Tracker files, but surely each membe
of the family has its own filetype?!
To: 999 (all members) & 483(DGS)
From: YJ2 (Andrew Snodgrass)
Subject: Archi PD Libraries
There are far too many Archimedes PD Libraries to mention in one go but here
are my opinions of the libraries I've encountered so far.
Prices based on those when last contacted...
Ready Made Pic n' Mix
ArcAngel: £1.25 (DD) £1.65 (DD) above + 50p for orders up to £20 or above + £1
for orders over £20 Prices for HD discs also good value - under £2 for ready
made disc. Catalogue: Monotasking, but with good mouse controlled interface.
Click on items to add to order, adjust for info . Calculates price of order and
prints it out - Nice one!
Skyfall: Unecessarily expensive with complicated pricing system. Catalogue:
Printed with demo disk. Ordering program I believe is on disc.
Arcaynia: Readymade discs 1-2 £2 each, 3-9 £1.50 each, 10-30 £1.40 each, 31+
£1.10 each. Catalogue: Disc based text viewer. Work out order yourself. Good
demo's on disc.
Datafile: Ready made discs DD: £1.15 each. HD: £1.80 each. Pic n' Mix discs DD:
£1.60 each. HD: £2.30 each. Above + V.A.T. Catalogue: Disc based and
multitasking WIMP program. Calculates order and prints out order form. Acorn
User's favourite library catalogue. Prices have gone up since I last ordered -
this is matched by the quality of their PD which is all compressed. Not much
room for demo's on disc.
5 Star Marketing: Strange pricing system - though may have been improved. Ready
Made discs Normal: £1.40, Compressed: £1.70 Pic n' Mix discs Normal: £1.70,
Compressed: £2.00 Catalogue: Text based viewer - monotasking. Calculation of
order has to be done manually. Software accompianing the catalogue was varied
and of a high standard.
I have also used APDL and The Datastream though it is not fair to coment on
these as they have recently merged.
I know there are many other libraries (I have many of their addressess) but
they often don't mention what has to be sent to recieve a catalogue. Does
anybody know of any libraries (other than those stated above) and their
P.S. Does anyone know of a PD disc cataloge program that will work with Risc OS
3? I have tried Disk Base which works fine on an A3000 (with RISC OS 2), but
reported errors after loading while using my A4000. Any offers?
To: 999 (all members) & 483 (DGS)
From: YJ2 (Andrew Snodgrass)
Subject: "Newer" Filing option
I personally have never used this command but I imagine that it would be
useful for e.g. backing up files from a hard disk - where only files that have
been changed (and thus given a "Newer" datestamp) are saved. This would
obviously result in a time saving.
Having this option switched on permanenly would be advantageous in most cases
e.g. you would be unable to overwrite your latest masterpiece with an older
copy that you accidently dragged into the same filer window. Its only
disadvantage is if e.g. you try to save a file with the same name as one
already present in the same directory. The new file would overwrite the old one
resulting in lost data.
Of course all of these problems could be avoided by locking files and never
saving files with the same name to the same directory (or better still to the
same disk - as this causes problems with applications that have the same name
resulting in e.g. the wrong versio loading).
Basically the "Newer" option is just for convenience - stick to Verbose unless
your needs require otherwise.