8-Bit Software Online Conversion

                                                                             Edited by C.J.Richardson.                                                         Send your submissions, formatted   disc, 50p, return postage and   packing to:                                 The 8BS questionnaire is to be found on TBI-00, the 8BS catalogue/info disc. If you have not completed one and sent it in to 8BS, you are invited to do so!                 TBI-00, the 8BS catalogue/info/utility disc is available as ADFS or DFS.                        The article you are reading now.     Info for programs that do not contain their own documentation.       In several sections this time. Help, Adverts and General Comments.       From other members and myself.     Comments on programs.       These are people worth contacting.         A quick explanation of the messaging system.                       Five articles submitted by 4WL.         K4V sends us part one of an intended series of articles about the combined word processor/spreadsheet.       J.G.Harston has contacted me and sent me a fair bit of his library. The software is in the new JGH section of the 8BS catalogue. This is Jonathan's own catalogue.         An article by J.G.Harston discussing the differences between various disc formats including why you should not use HD discs on your Beeb.     K8J Continues his story.       Programming language tutorial. 4 Parts.     Richard Chamberlain's list.       Very cheap commercial games.                        By: 15A Use: Message Utility Program name: SendMes Associated program/file/s: SendMC Language: BASIC+M/C QMesInf Please read the info file. This version has a change to the printout option. Please use this program for future messaging. The info file on this issue is a very abridged one. For full info please read the documentation on TBI-00.      By: 20G (Roy Dickens) Program Name. Osmap2 Roy gives his treatment to OS-MAP from issue 39. See the Program Documentation article for more info. Full info in the program.        By: 2J3 (C.J.Richardson.) Program Name. DownLd. Use: Compatibility for BBC users This program enables BBC users with ADFS to run 8BS issues. Please read the Program Documentation article for more info.         By: K6N (B.Raw) Program Names. ASCGO GoNoInf ASCcode ASCHelp ASCProg Use: Text Editor. Please read the Documentation Article for more info. There are two ways to run this program from this issue. Load it with info or without info.     By: D.Bradforth. Program Name. Labelz Please read the Documentation Article for more info. A very simple labeller.       By: B.Raw. Program Names. CD Menu Readme V Backup Control Form+v Loader S.CD S.Form+v S.Verify ARCHIVE Utils Compatibility. Some is BBC only This is TBI-79. Full info is available from the magazine menu. The suite of utilities is available from the main menu. The programs have been altered from the originals so that they will run from this issue. An unaltered archive of the files is on this disc. Saved as "Utils". If you decide that you are going to use the utilities regularly, you should de-archive the archive onto a new disc, type *OPT 4 3, and the utilities disc will be ready. NOTE... This item is only on the DFS version of this issue.                  By: 3WU (Fred Price) Program name: Getup A poem from Fred that is sent straight to the printer. Please ensure that everything is ready when you select it from the menu. A note from Fred can be found in the Program Documentation article.       By: K4D (Lorin Knight) Program Name. 9LetAna Use: 9-LETTER ANAGRAMS Produces large selection of anagrams like the "Conundrums" in the COUNTDOWN program on TV.                                     