To: 999 (all members)
From: K5B (David J.MacGraw)
Subject: 512 and DOS+
Before launching into my own collection
of tips and the like for enhancing the
performance of the 512, a cautionary
note based on experience! Some of them
involve editing files/sectors at byte
level; always try them first on floppy
backups, NOT your master copies on hard
or work disc! They have been determined
solely by trial and error on 3 systems
using Master 128's as host, DOS+ v2.1,
expanded memory (ES), twin 5¼" floppies
and a 20M Morley hard disk, ½ for DOS,
½ for ADFS. They are offered in good
faith and will, I hope, inspire others
to experiment further and report their
results, problems etc. via 8BS.
Some improvement in booting-up and file
access times can be obtained simply by
re-organising the files on your discs.
Deleting, copying and editing programs
causes files to become 'fragmented' and
consecutive portions of programs can be
physically placed anywhere on the disc.
This increases loading time because the
read/write head must jump about to find
each file's next sequential section.
Booting from floppy unfortunately means
using ADFS 640K disks (as the DOS isn't
yet installed) which, as all access is
then routed via the ADFS, is not very
quick (33 seconds on my system).
TIP: Deleting 'LOGO.SYS' (the Digital
Research logo display) and shuffling up
the gap speeds bootup slightly. Examine
and run the accompanying 'NOLOGO' batch
file on a 512 Disc 1 copy to try it.
BETTER TIP: Install the FastBoot swram
by Essential Software. This boots DOS+
using an 800K disc in about 14 seconds.
EVEN BETTER: Use a Winchester hard disk
which, although still using the ADFS,
sets up DOS+ in under 10 seconds.
TIP: When using a 640K floppy, only use
it for booting DOS+ (ie.only 6502.SYS,
in that order). Copy all the utilities
that you need (plus COMMAND.COM) from
the 640K boot disk to an 800K type as
this format is accessed the quickest.
If you need an AUTOEXEC.BAT file, put
that on the 800K disc as well and call
it AUTO.BAT (reasons to follow later).
TIP: For back ups (you do, don't you?)
always use blank 800K discs and create
the sub-directory structure first, then
COPY the files into them starting with
those used most often (wildcards help).
This process re-constitutes every file
onto contiguous areas of what is now a
new work disc, enhancing use next time.
With hard disks, file fragmentation is
not so apparent; however, the above tip
is still relevant for backing up and/or
archiving and produces a speedier load
if files are copied back to a 'cleaned-
out' drive. This necessitates deleting
everything except 6502.SYS, DOSPLUS.SYS
and COMMAND.COM (which, in that order,
should be the first files on the drive)
re-creating the directory structure and
COPYing back all files, oft-used first.
With large Winchesters this is a major
job but is worth doing occasionally and
keeps each file in consecutive sections
which helps if recovery is ever needed.
Whilst the above is probably 'old-hat'
to most 512 users, it bears repetition
if only to remind us all of the basics.
Having booted DOS+, the 512 environment
can be 'primed' to automatically set up
and run a program by using an AUTOEXEC
batch file. More on this next time with
some byte-level editing suggestions to
enhance your 512.
PS. Why not send in your DOS+ tips etc?
8BS may well be the last vestige for us
512 users to exchange our ideas.