8-Bit Software Online Conversion

Poem. Toms Run - Listing

10*KEY2 RUN |M 20MODE 128:VDU2 30VDU1,27,1,97,1:REM Centering On 40VDU1,27,1,69:REM Emphasized On 50PRINT"This line Absorbs The Chracte rs (aE) Produced By The Centering Statem ent so Please Cut These Lines Off Your Printout & Read The REM Lines 370,410"'' 60VDU1,27,1,119,1,1:REM Double Hght O N 70VDU1,14:PRINT"Young Tommy's Run"' 80PRINT"-------=======------- "' 90VDU1,27,1,70:REM Emphasized OFF 100VDU1,27,1,119,1,0:REM Double HghtOF F 110: 120PRINT"Young Tommy Brown of Backwort h has began to like the school" 130PRINT"Because when he leaves he wan ts a job without a pick and shovel," 140PRINT"The boss says if he studies h ard and does his very best" 150PRINT"He might get to a higher scho ol if he can pass the test"' 160: 170PRINT"One day last week he could'nt go, And Martha was very upset" 180PRINT"She found out when she asked him, Was it something that he ate" 190PRINT"He had an awfull tummy ache a nd couldn't stop in bed" 200PRINT"So she had to write the boss a note and this is what she said"' 210: 220PRINT"Dear Sir, Our Tommy's not at school today, He's had to stop away" 230PRINT"Because you gave him rhubarb pudding with his dinner yesterday," 240PRINT"He knows it always makes him run, And yet he ate the stuff" 250PRINT"And it made him run this Morn ing"'' 260: 270VDU1,27,1,69:REM Emphasized ON 280VDU1,27,1,119,1,1:REM Double Height ON 290VDU1,14:PRINT"But He Was'nt Fast En ough"' 300PRINT"---------========-------- " 310VDU1,27,1,119,1,0:REM Double HghtOF F 320VDU1,15:PRINT"Written By Richard Ha swell":VDU1,18:REM Compressed OFF 330VDU1,27,1,70:REM Emphasized OFF 340VDU1,27,1,97,0:REM Centering OFF 350VDU3:END 360: 370REM Lines 30 & 40 work together to Center the programme but unfortunatly it generates two Spurious Characters ( aE ) on the First line and line 50 absorbs it so please cut it off your printout 380: 390REM The one fault is that the canceling statement VDU1,27,1,97,0 will not cancel the centering statement so if you find out why please let me know the result --- Fred Price. 400: 410REM Copies of the Bumper Edition Of GEORDIE BROON OF BACKWORTH can be obtained from his son Mr Jeff Murphy, At 33 Wellington Avenue, Wellfield, Whitley Bay, NE25 9JG, Or give him a ring on (0191) 252 9465 420: 430REM"  440REM"   450REM"         470REM"   480REM" A Geordie Broon Poem 490REM" As Written By 500REM" J.W.Murphy 510REM"  Pen Name  520REM"   530REM"       550REM"   560REM" Reprinted Here With 570REM" Kind Permission Of 580REM" His Son Jeff Murphy 590REM"   600REM" Please Do Not Delete 610REM" Remove Or Alter The 620REM" Above Section 630REM" Computed By Fred Price 640REM" 6/9/95 650REM"  660REM" SAVE"TOMSRUN"