8-Bit Software Online Conversion

Mode 7 Screen Editor - Listing

10REM SCREEN SAVER 20REM MODEL B ONLY 30REM BY ANDREW YORK 1995 35: 40MODE7:?&D0=0:*FX18 50 VDU23;10,32;0;0;0:ONERROR VDU23;10 ,32;0;0;0 :PROCerror 60PROCmenu:*FX4,1 70choice$=GET$ 80IF choice$="A" OR choice$="a" THEN PROCsure(5,7):PROCfile:CLS:PROCedit 90IF choice$="B" OR choice$="b" THEN PROCsure(5,9):PROCfile:PROCreload 100IF choice$="C" OR choice$="c" THEN PROCsure(6,11):PROCfile:CLS:OSCLI"DELETE "+file$:RUN 110IF choice$="D" OR choice$="d" THEN PROCinstructions 120IF choice$="E" OR choice$="e" OR ch oice$="*" THEN PROCcommand 130IF choice$="F" OR choice$="f" THEN PROCsure(6,17):CALL !-4 140 GOTO 70 150END 10000DEFPROCmenu:PRINT" "; 10010PRINT" "; 10020PRINT"     10030PRINT"     10040PRINT" "; 10050PRINT" 10060PRINT" "; 10070PRINT" A) Start a new screen "; 10080PRINT" "; 10090PRINT" B) Edit an old screen "; 10100PRINT" "; 10110PRINT" C) Delete a file "; 10120PRINT" "; 10130PRINT" D) Instructions "; 10140PRINT" "; 10150PRINT" E) * Command "; 10160PRINT" "; 10170PRINT" F) Exit "; 10180PRINT" "; 10190PRINT" "; 10200PRINT" "; 10210PRINT" "; 10220PRINT" "; 10230REM 10240PRINT" BY ANDREW YORK 1995 FOR M ODEL B ":*FX200,1 10250ENDPROC 10260DEFPROCsure(X,Y) 10270PRINTTAB(6,20);" Are You Sure ?" 10280PRINTTAB(X,Y);" " 10290REPEAT:sure$=GET$ 10300IF sure$="Y" OR sure$="y" THEN ENDP ROC 10310IF sure$="N" OR sure$="n" THEN RUN 10311 UNTIL FALSE 10320ENDPROC 10330DEFPROCcommand 10340CLS:VDU23;10,100;0;0;0 10350INPUT"*"command$ 10360CLS:OSCLIcommand$:*FX200,1 10370PROCspace 10380ENDPROC 10390DEFPROCspace 10400PRINT 10410VDU23;10,32;0;0;0:PRINT" Press space...":REPEAT:A$=GET$:UNTIL A$=" " 10420RUN:ENDPROC 10430DEFPROCfile:VDU23;10,100;0;0;0 10440 PRINTTAB(6,20);" " 10450INPUTTAB(6,20);"Enter file:"file$ 10460IF file$="" OR file$=" " THEN GOTO1 0440 10470ENDPROC 10480DEFPROCedit:*FX200,0 10490?&D0=2 10500VDU23;10,0;0;0;0 10510*FX4,2 10520*KEY12|H 10530*KEY13|I 10540*KEY14|J 10550*KEY15|K 10560*KEY11|U 10570OSCLI"KEY9 ¶" 10580OSCLI"KEY7 10590OSCLI"KEY6 " 10600OSCLI"KEY8  10620REM 10630REPEAT:INPUT""TEXT$:UNTIL FALSE 10640REM 10650ENDPROC 10660DEFPROCreload 10670CLS:OSCLI"LO."+file$+" 7C00" 10680PROCedit 10690ENDPROC 10695DEFPROCerror 10705ONERROR OFF 10715IF ERR=17 THEN PROCsave 10725CLS 10735?&D0=0:*FX18 10745PRINT 10755PRINT CHR$(129); 10765VDU7 10775REPORT:PRINT" at line ";ERL 10785PRINT 10795PROCspace 10805ENDPROC 10815DEFPROCsave:ONERROR PROCerror 10825OSCLI"SAVE "+file$+" 7C00 7FED":*FX 200,1 10826CLS:VDU23;10,32;0;0;0:PRINT:PRINTTA B(10,2);" FILE '";file$;"' SAVED":PRINTT AB(2,5);"Do you wish to carry on editing this":PRINTTAB(15,6);"file ? ":VDU7 10827PRINTTAB(15,6);"file ? " 10828REPEAT:B$=GET$ 10838IF B$="N" OR B$="n" THEN RUN 10848IF B$="Y" OR B$="y" THEN PROCreload 10849UNTIL FALSE:ENDPROC 10850DEFPROCinstructions 10911REM 10921VDU28,0,24,39,6:CLS:VDU14:PRINT:PRI NT" <Shift> Scrolls Text" 10931PROCtext1 10941PROCtext2 10951VDU15 10961PROCspace 10971RUN 10981DEFPROCtext1:PRINT 10991PRINT" This program is easy to use. It simply" 11001PRINT" allows you to edit a Mode7 s creen" 11011PRINT" then save it." 11021PRINT 11031PRINT 11041PRINT" When you have made your scre en and" 11051PRINT" saved it you can use it in y our " 11061PRINT" own software.To display your " 11071PRINT" screen type:" 11081PRINT 11091PRINT" MODE7:*LOAD <file> 7C00" 11101PRINT 11111PRINT" and like magic it should dis play on":PRINT" your screen!" 11121ENDPROC 11131DEFPROCtext2 11141PRINT:PRINT:PRINT 11151PRINT" Using the Program" 11161PRINT"  11162PRINT 11172PRINT" This program allows you to u se all" 11173PRINT" kinds of c o l o u r s." 11174PRINT" Here is how you produce them :" 11184PRINT 11185PRINT 11195PRINT"SHIFT+'F1' : RED TEXT" 11205PRINT 11215PRINT"SHIFT+'F2' : GREEN TEXT" 11225PRINT 11235PRINT"SHIFT+'F3' : YELLOW TEXT" 11245PRINT 11255PRINT"SHIFT+'F4' : DARK BLUE TEXT" 11265PRINT 11275PRINT"SHIFT+'F5' : PURPULE TEXT" 11276PRINT 11286PRINT"SHIFT+'F6' : LIGHT BLUE TEXT" 11296PRINT 11306PRINT"SHIFT+'F7' : Normal (white)" 11316PRINT 11326PRINT"SHIFT+'F8' : FLASHING" 11336PRINT 11346PRINT"SHIFT+'F9' : STOP FLASHING" 11347PRINT 11357PRINT" You can produce graphics too by" 11358PRINT" holding down CTRL and pressi ng a" 11359PRINT" function key." 11368PRINT:PRINT:PRINT" For example by h olding down CTRL and " 11378PRINT" pressing 'F1' then typing pp p you " 11388PRINT" can produce  11389PRINT:PRINT 11399PRINT" Here are some other things y ou can" 11409PRINT" produce:" 11419PRINT 11429 PRINT"'F9' : ¶":PRINT 11430PRINT"'F8' :";CHR$(141);"DOUBL E HEIGHT" 11431PRINT" ";CHR$(141);"DOUBL E HEIGHT" 11432PRINT 11442PRINT"'F7' : BACKGROUND" 11443PRINT 11453PRINT"'F6' :turns background o ff at a certain point " 11454PRINT" e.g HELLO BYE" 11455PRINT:PROCmore 11465PRINT 11475PRINT" Saving" 11485PRINT"  11495PRINT 11505PRINT" To save your screen simply p ress ESCAPE" 11506PRINT" To edit a screen simply ente r B" 11516PRINT" at the menu screen." 11526PRINT 11536PRINT" WARNING IF THE FILE IS LOCKE D" 11546PRINT" YOU CAN'T EDIT AND SAVE IT " 11547 ENDPROC 11550DEFPROCmore:PRINT 11560PRINT" To move around the screen us e the" 11570PRINT" cursor keys.":PRINT 11580PRINT" Pressing COPY will delete al l text" 11590PRINT" on current line." 11591PRINT 11601PRINT" If you want to clear the scr een" 11611PRINT" simply press CTRL and L at t he same" 11621PRINT" time." 11622PRINT 11632PRINT" If you hear a beep simply pr ess" 11642PRINT" RETURN and carry on like nor mal." 11643ENDPROC