8-Bit Software Online Conversion

Repton Game File Info - Listing

10REM Repton 3 Screen File Info 20REM Written By Jon Ripley (C) 1995 30REM This program is PD 40REM This program is part of a 50REM suite of programs which form 60REM a complete Repton 3 screen 70REM screen file editor which is 80REM availiable in the JJR section 90REM of the 8-Bit Software 100REM Catalogue which contains many 110REM more utilities and other 120REM goodies! It is fully BBC and 130REM Electron compatible 140MODE7 150ONERRORREPORT:PRINTERL:END 160HIMEM=&3100 170REPEAT 180PROCscreen(FALSE) 190A$=FNgetloadname 200IF A$<>"" OSCLI"L. "+A$+" 31E0":PRO Cpcode:PROCscreen(TRUE):PRINT'"Press any key to continue...":REPEATUNTILGET 210UNTILA$="" 220MODE7 230END 240DEFFNgetloadname 250LOCAL t$ 251PRINT"Insert Repton Disc And Press A Key" 252*FX21 253REPEATUNTILGET 260*. 270INPUT"Load file:"t$ 280=t$ 290DEFPROCshowdata 300Z%=@% 310@%=&906 320PRINT"Password Time Editor" 330FORX%=1TO8 340PRINTCHR$(64+X%)") "; 350Y%=0:REPEATVDU Y%?(&31D8+X%*8):Y%=Y %+1:UNTILY%=8 OR Y%?(&31D8+X%*8)=13 360PRINTTAB(11,VPOS),!(&321E+(2*X%))AN D&FFFF,!(&322E+(2*X%))AND&FFFF 370NEXT 380@%=Z% 390ENDPROC 400DEFPROCscreen(Z%) 410VDU26,12 420FORX%=0TO1 430VDU141:PRINTTAB(7,X%)"Repton Screen File Info" 440NEXT 450PRINT 460IF Z% PROCshowdata 470ENDPROC 480DEFPROCpcode 490FORX=0TO&3F 500X?&31E0=(X?&31E0) EOR (&3F-X):NEXT 510ENDPROC