8-Bit Software Online Conversion

Time Switch Adventure - Listing

0REM Time Switch 1REM An adventure by Colin Carruther s (1983/4) 2REM Direct Spectrum Conversion 3REM By Jon Ripley 1989 4MODE7 10a$="":fed=0:i=0:set=1000:init=5000 12GOSUB 8000 15GOSUB init 20no=0:we=no:ea=no:so=no:up=no:do=no 30l$="":GOSUB set 40CLS:PRINT'l$ 60found=0:FOR n=1 TO 11+(set<>1180):I F l(n)<>set NEXT:GOTO 90 63IF NOT found PRINT'"I can see...":f ound=1 65PRINT"a ";o$(n) 70NEXT 80GOTO 100 90IF a$="look" AND NOT found PRINT"I can't see anything special" 100VDU7:INPUT LINE "What shall I do?"i $:IF i$="" GOTO100 102i2$="":FOR n=1 TO LENi$:i3$=MID$(i$ ,n,1):IF i3$>="A" AND i3$<="Z" i2$=i2$+C HR$(ASC(i3$)+32) ELSE i2$=i2$+i3$ 103NEXT:i$=i2$ 105IF set=1240 AND RND(100)>95 PRINT"T he dog awoke and killed you !":GOTO9000 107GOSUB 500:REM PRINT a$;" ";b$ 110IF a$="n" AND no set=no:GOTO20 120IF a$="s" AND so set=so:GOTO20 130IF a$="e" AND ea set=ea:GOTO20 140IF a$="w" AND we set=we:GOTO20 150IF a$="d" AND do set=do:GOTO20 155IF a$="u" GOTO6100 160IF a$="r" GOTO40 170IF a$="help" PRINT"No chance !":GOT O100 180IF a$="take" OR a$="get" GOTO2000 190IF a$="put" OR a$="drop" GOTO4500 200IF a$="open" GOTO 2500 205IF a$="feed" GOTO3500 210IF a$="look" GOTO60 215IF a$="swim" GOTO4000 220IF a$="break" OR a$="smash" GOTO600 0 225IF a$="light" GOTO7500 230IF a$="read" GOTO6500 240IF a$="unlock" GOTO3000 250IF a$="i" GOSUB5500:GOTO100 260IF a$="insert" GOTO7000 275IF a$="quit" GOTO9000 280REMOVED LINE 490IF LENa$=1 PRINT"I can't !":GOTO100 499PRINT "I can't ";a$;" the ";b$;" ": GOTO100 500IF ASC(i$)=32 AND LENi$>1 i$=RIGHT$ (i$,LENi$-1):GOTO500 502sp=0:a$="":b$="":FOR n=1 TO LENi$ 505IF MID$(i$,n,1)=" " AND sp=0 sp=1:G OTO520 510IF sp=0 a$=a$+MID$(i$,n,1) 515IF sp=1 b$=b$+MID$(i$,n,1) 520NEXT 530RETURN 1000l$="You are in a forest. There are paths leading north and south." 1010no=1390:so=1030 1020RETURN 1030l$="You are in a forest, with paths leading north and east and a clearing t o the west." 1040no=1000:ea=1090:we=1060 1050RETURN 1060l$="You are in a clearing. In the c entre is a time machine, which lacks a p ower source. Exit east." 1070ea=1030 1080RETURN 1090l$="You are in a forest. There is a path running east-west." 1100we=1030:ea=1120 1110RETURN 1120l$="You are in the forest. Through a gap to the north you can see a lake. T he path runs east-west and there is a c ave to the south." 1130ea=1300:we=1090:so=1150 1140RETURN 1150l$="You are in a small cave. Daylig ht is to the north. There is a door to t he west and an opening to the south." 1160so=1180:no=1120 1170RETURN 1180l$="You are in a large cavern. Ther e is a chest lying in one corner, and a skeleton in another. The only e xit is tothe north." 1190no=1150 1200RETURN 1210l$="I can't see a thing !" 1220up=1150 1230RETURN 1240l$="You are in a long passage. You can hear the sound of dripping water. To the north is a stair with a large d og sleeping on the bottom step." 1250so=1210 1260RETURN 1270l$="You are on an island in the cen tre of a lake. There is a hole in the gr ound with a stair in it." 1280do=1240 1290RETURN 1300l$="You are beside a lake. There is an island in the middle of the lak e. To thewest is the forest and to the n orth is arockery." 1310no=1330:we=1120 1320RETURN 1330l$="You are in a rockery. The lake is to thewest, and there are some reeds to the north." 1340no=1360:so=1300 1350RETURN 1360CLS:PRINT"I have just fallen into a swamp. Glug. Glug.. Glug........":GOTO 9000 1390l$="You are in shrubbery. The lake is to theeast. The forest is to the sout h, and meadow is to the north." 1400no=1420:so=1000 1410RETURN 1420l$="You are in a meadow. The lake i s to the south-east. To the south is the shrubbery and to the east is a tower." 1430ea=1450:so=1390 1440RETURN 1450l$="You are at the foot of a tower. There isno door to be seen. To the west is the meadow and to the east are some reeds." 1460we=1420:ea=1360:up=1480 1470RETURN 1480l$="You are at the top of the tower . To the south you can see the lake with the island in the centre and the fo rest beyond. In the centre of the pl atform isa glass case with a golden key inside." 1490do=1450 1500RETURN 2000IF i>=5 PRINT"I can't carry any mor e !":GOTO100 2002IF b$="" PRINT a$;" what ??":GOTO10 0 2005found=0:FOR n=1 TO 12:IF o$(n)=b$ A ND l(n)=set AND i<5 PRINT"Ok..":found=1: l(n)=0:i=i+1 2010NEXT 2020IF found=0 GOTO 499 2030GOTO100 2500IF b$="" INPUT LINE "Open what?:"b$ :GOTO2500 2505IF b$="door" AND set<>1150 PRINT"Wh at door ?":GOTO100 2507IF b$="door" AND und=0 PRINT"It's l ocked dumbo !":GOTO100 2510IF b$="door" PRINT"There is a stair going down.":do=1210:GOTO100 2515IF b$="chest" AND set<>1180 PRINT"I see no chest !":GOTO100 2517IF b$="chest" AND unc=0 PRINT"It's locked !":GOTO100 2520IF b$="chest" PRINT"OK":l(11)=set:G OTO100 2530GOTO499 3000IF b$="" INPUT LINE "Unlock what?:" b$:GOTO3000 3005IF b$="door" AND set<>1150 PRINT"Wh at door ?":GOTO100 3007IF l(7) GOTO499 3010IF b$="door" und=1:PRINT"Click !":G OTO100 3015IF b$="chest" AND set<>1180 PRINT"W hat chest ?":GOTO100 3020IF b$="chest" unc=1:PRINT"Clunk !": GOTO100 3030GOTO499 3500IF b$="" INPUT LINE "Feed what?:"b$ :GOTO3500 3510IF b$<>"dog" PRINT "Don't be silly !":GOTO499 3520IF set<>1240 PRINT"There's no dog h ere !":GOTO100 3530IF l(12) PRINT"I have no dog food ! ":GOTO 100 3540i=i-1:fed=1:up=1270:PRINT"Munch, mu nch !":l(12)=1180:GOTO100 3550GOTO499 4000IF set=1120 OR set=1270 OR set=1300 OR set=1330 OR set=1420 PRINT "Brr. The water is too cold !":GOTO100 4010PRINT"There is no water here !":GOT O100 4500found=0:FOR n=1 TO 12:IF o$(n)=b$ A ND l(n)=0 PRINT"Ok..":found=1:l(n)=set:i =i-1 4502IF b$="" PRINT a$;" what ??":GOTO10 0 4510NEXT 4520IF found=0 PRINT "I don't have ";b$ ;" !" 4530GOTO100 5000und=0:unc=0 5010DIM o$(12),l(13) 5020RESTORE 5030 5030DATA rope,1330,rock,1330,ladder,130 0,gold ring,1090,gun,1390,13 amp plug,14 20 5035DATA golden key,1,torch,1150,batter y,1270,log,1270,manuscript,1,bone,1180 5040FOR n=1 TO 12:READ o$(n),l(n):NEXTn 5080RETURN 5500found=0:pf=0:FOR n=1 TO 12:IF l(n)< >0 NEXT:GOTO5540 5510IF NOT found AND pf=0 PRINT"I have the following...":found=1:pf=1 5520PRINT"a ";o$(n) 5530NEXT 5540IF found=0 PRINT"I don't have anyth ing !" 5550RETURN 6000IF b$="" INPUT LINE "Break what ?:" b$:GOTO6000 6010IF b$<>"glass" OR set<>1480 GOTO499 6020IF l(2) PRINT"Nothing to ";a$;" it with !":GOTO100 6030PRINT"Smash ! Tinkle !":i=i-1:l(7)= set:l(2)=set:GOTO100 6100IF set=1240 GOTO6200 6105 IF set<>1450 AND up set=up:GOTO20 6110IF l(3) PRINT"There's no way up !": GOTO100 6120IF up set=up:GOTO20 6130PRINT"I can't go up !":GOTO100 6200IF fed=0 PRINT"There's a dog in the way !":GOTO100 6210set=1270:GOTO20 6220GOTO499 6500IF b$="" INPUT LINE "Read what ?:"b $:GOTO6500 6510IF b$<>"manuscript" GOTO499 6520IF l(11) PRINT"I do not have ";b$:G OTO100 6530PRINT "It say's: PP3-TM Island ?":G OTO100 6540GOTO499 7000IF l(9) OR set<>1060 GOTO499 7010PRINT''"You have successfully compl eted the adventure.":GOTO9000 7500IF b$="" INPUT LINE "Light what ?:" b$:GOTO7500 7510IF l(8) GOTO499 7520IF set=1210 no=1240:l$="You are in a small room. There is a staircase t o the east and a damp passageto the nort h.":GOTO40 7530PRINT"That didn't do much good.":GO TO100 8000CLS:PRINT''''TAB(10)"T I M E S W I T C H"'TAB(10)STRING$(20,"=") 8010PRINT'''" You are stranded in the d im and distantpast. You must find your w ay back to your own time." 8020PRINT''''" Press any key to star t.";:REPEATUNTILGET 8030FORn=100 TO 60 STEP -4:SOUND 1,-15, n,n/10:NEXT 8500RETURN 9000INPUT LINE "Do you want to try agai n ?:"a$ 9010IF a$="y" OR a$="Y" RUN 9020END