HELLO,Thanks for taking the time to
read this. Can you help?I have a Morley
Teletext unit. Unfortunately I need a
wiring diagram but cannot get one from
Morley themselves. If somebody owns one
or can advise on the wiring for the
circuit board I would be most
greatful. The circuit board can be
removed (one bolt/two self
tappers/sticky pad. under aerial input
box, just cut through, the circuit
board can be eased out). Four of my six
ribbon band wires have come away from
their soldered mounts (Area r5 on the
board).The unit is to be used with a
BBC Master.
If you can help contact
Brent Kitson
110 Fearnville Road,
Leeds Ls8 3dz
Tel.01132 409494
ps.Anyone who is a BBC master user
and has software that can be used
for French/Chess/or Music Database
please feel free to contact me.
From: L1M (Janny Looyenga)
Subject: Where is the difference?
* *
the beginning ...
there *
In the beginning there was *THE* BBC
book for computers play, arranged by
Tim Hartnell, Mike James and S.M.Gee,
from which I typed in several games.
Eilas I could never ever play and
finish the first one - THE CRYPT OF
GABON, written by Ian Watt -, because
there isn't any difference between o
and 0 (zero).
... the trouble starts at
line 690, which says: M=0:N=0:O=0 and
from here I can't see what it should
be! Someone out there???
PLEASE, light your fire ....
To: 999 + D4J (Oliver Debus)
From: L1M (Janny Looyenga)
Subject: Master Compact.
When I got my Master Compact, I had no
idea, no idea about the machine at
all. When reading in old Acorn Users I
discovered some articles from november
1986 till april 1987, which cleared a
lot. It seemed that the Compact did
not have a DFS fitted, just working on
ADFS, but on later welcome discs a DFS
was added. People like me without such
added DFS have to try other ones. You
need a DFS especially working on the
Master and when it does you can really
initialise it with CTRL + D + BREAK!
And by the way: software only working
on the Compact does work on the Master
either when you have the Sprite Rom
loaded, which can be found on the
Master Compact Welcome disc.
Does anyone have a Compact Welcome
Disc with DFS rom added onto it?
From: D6E (Richard Harker)
Subject: CD-rom for the Beeb
As you may know, it is possible to
connect a standard tape player via its
left and right audio outputs to the
beeb. So the same principle could be
used on a standard audio CD player.
You could then copy all of your tapes
onto the CD (this would cost about 15
pounds) with each track number being a
different file. You could then skip to
the file (track) that you wanted and
load it !!
From: D6E (Richard Harker)
Subject: Help (monitors)
Does anyone know how to connect an
Acorn AKF18 monitor to a Master 128?
Help!! Phone 0181 524 1210 OR
Write to - Elmlea, Sewardstone Road,
Chingford, London, E4 7RG
From: D6E (Richard Harker)
Subject: Help Offer
I can now copy software between any
of the following formats, providing
that the disks have no copy protection
on them.
BBC 3.5" ADFS or DFS
BBC 5.25" ADFS or DFS
Archimedes 3.5" L D E and F formats
PC 5.25" 1.2m and 360k
PC 3.5" 1.44m and 720k
Atari 3.5" 720k and 360k
It is your responsibility to ensure
that no copyright laws are broken.
Make sure that you have backups of any
disks that you send me, incase
anything goes wrong. Please send me
the disk to be copied, a disk to copy
it to, your phone number, and either a
SSAE, or stamps, and address label, to
stick on your original envelope.
MY address is : Elmlea, Sewardstone
Road, Chingford, London, E4 7RG
Phone 0181 5241210, evenings, weekends
From: D4A (Paul Richmond)
Subject: Printing in Colour?
I have just got myself a Cannon
BJC-4000. It works O.K.but I don't
seem to be able to print in colour. I
have tried using the Printmaster Rom
and TBI-68 Screen Thief, but without
any joy.
Is it possible to print in colour with
a "B" or a Master 128?
Is there anyone out there who could
give me some advice?
My address is;
5 Wood End Hill
Herts AL5 3EZ
From: D4A (Paul Richmond)
Subject: Lemmings
I have been given a copy of Lemmings,
without any instructions.
It is from Micro User Vol.12 Issue 2
April 1994.
Is there anyone out there who could
send me a copy? I will pay all
My address is;
5 Wood End Hill
Herts AL5 3EZ
From: D4A (Paul Richmond)
Subject: Printing Supplies
Having just got a printer, I needed to
find a cheap and good supply of ink.
I would like to recommend;
Beach Imaging Ltd.
243 Eltham High Street
London SE9 1TX Tel. 0181-850-8344
I found they were helpful,and run a
fast Mail Order Service.
If you refill the ink cartridge with
their ink, the savings can be huge!