Richard Chamberlain
78 Whitemoor Lane
Derbyshire DE56 0HD
01773 880631
Below are listed a revised set of books that I am still willing to loan out to
members. As I no longer have any BBC equipment or books, (these were
transferred to Chris Richardson several months ago), the list no longer
includes any BBC books or manuals. What I do have are a load of PC related
books, some that will be of interest to 512 owners, others are purely PC
related. I make no apologies for my apparent defection to the dreaded PC.
It was purely a financial and utilitarian decision, and I'm afraid (for the
present) BBC's have no room in my house. Not that they won't be missed. I
feel they are more to me than computers. More like old friends, but something
had to go, and the Beeb lost. I needed room and funds for a PC. It's a fact
that PC's rule in the big wide world of business and, more so than before, in
the education sector. The school my son will be attending uses mainly PC's,
and I needed one to keep my skills up to date, in various applications, to aid
me in my search for employment. So there we are. Sad really, but one has to
be practical, especially when one has limited funds.
Here is the list of aforementioned books:
Using 123 - Que Books
Using Pagemaker 4 - Osborne/McGrawHill
Peter Nortons Assembly Language Book of the IBM PC - Brady
Learn C Now - Microsoft Press
Microsoft Windows Users Guide
CorelDRAW! 2 - Osborne/McGrawHill
Windows 3 Shareware Utilities - McGraw Hill
Enhanced Batch File Programming - McGrawHill
Illustrated WordPerfect 5.1 - Wordware
Dbase IV 1.5 Programming - McGrawHill
Dbase IV 1.5 Inside & Out - McGrawHill
MS-DOS Advanced Programming - Sybex
Unix Systems for Microcomputers - BSP
Standard Pascal - W.W.Norton
Ability User manual
Gem Write Manual
Lattice C Compiler Reference Manual Vol 1
Lattice C Compiler Reference Manual Vol 2
Epson LX 400 User Guide
Using WordPerfect 5 - QUE
Using WordPerfect 4.1 & 4.2 - QUE
Pascal, an introduction to Methodical Programming - Pitman
Gem Desktop manual
Introduction to Wordstar - Sybex
Thank you and Goodnight!