8-Bit Software Online Conversion

Lottery Data Rescue - Listing

10DEFFNS="LotResc" 20MODE7 30VDU23;8202;0;0;0; 40PRINT''"If you have a can't extend error due"'"to not setting up your disc correctly"'"in the first place, this sho rt"'"program will rescue data from the"' "ultimate lottery program by"'"C.J.Richa rdson." 60PRINT'"Before running this program, delete"'"any unneeded programs and *COM PACT"'"the disc that the data is on." 70PRINT'"BACK UP THE DISC BEFORE RUNN ING THIS"'"PROGRAM!" 80PRINT''"Are you ready to rescue the data? Y/N" 90*FX 21 100REPEATUNTILGET=89 110F%=OPENIN"ULTDAT" 120H%=EXT#F% DIV 7 130G%=OPENOUT"NEWDAT" 140FORI%=1 TO H% 150FORL%=1 TO 7 160A%=BGET#F% 170BPUT#G%,A% 180NEXT, 190CLOSE#F% 200CLOSE#G% 210*AC. ULTDAT 220*DEL. ULTDAT 230*REN. NEWDAT ULTDAT