8-Bit Software Online Conversion

Geordie Brown's Dream PRINTER - Listing

10*KEY2 RUN |M 20MODE 128:VDU2 30VDU1,27,1,97,1:REM Centering On 40VDU1,27,1,69:REM Emphasized On 50PRINT"This line Absorbs The Chracte rs (aE) Produced By The Centering Statem ent so Please cut these lines off your p rintout & read the REM Lines 480,510"''' 60VDU1,27,1,119,1,1:REM Dbl Hgt On 70VDU1,14:PRINT"GEORDIES DREAM"' 80VDU1,14:PRINT"---========---"' 90VDU1,27,1,70:REM Emphasized Off 100VDU1,27,1,119,1,0:REM Dbl Hgt Off 110: 120PRINT"When Geordie Brown of Backwor th had a very funny dream" 130PRINT"He dreamed his life was over and he'd passed over Geordies stream," 140PRINT"He walked along a narrow path alone and by his sell" 150PRINT"And suddenly in front of him was DANNY ORD AND PLODGER BELL,"' 160: 170PRINT"He saw a city up ahead with a n angel on the gate who said " 180PRINT"'ST PETER ISN'T IN BUT HE WON T BE LONG IF YOU CARE TO WAIT'," 190PRINT"and when St Peter came the an gel said 'THERES THREE OF THEM ALL WAITI NG FOR" 200PRINT"A CROWN THERE'S DANNY ORD AND PLODGER BELL AND THE THIRD ONES GEORDIE BROWN'"' 210: 220PRINT"So Danny Ord was first man in and St Peter said " 230PRINT"'NOW SON WHEN YOU LIVED DOWN ON EARTH DID YOU TELL ANY LIES,'" 240PRINT"and danny said 'I SIR, JUST ONE' and St Peter said 'THATS VERY GOOD BUT" 250PRINT"THERE'S A PENNANCE FOR THAT S IN YOU'L HAVE TO RUN ROUND THE CITY ONCE " 260PRINT"BEFORE I CAN LET YOU IN'"' 270: 280PRINT"Then it was plodgers turn to stand before the bar" 290PRINT"and he confessed to two big l ies before his case got far," 300PRINT"St Peter said 'THATS NOT TOO BAD BUT LYING IS A SIN" 310PRINT"AND AS A PUNISHMENT YOU'L HAV E TO RUN ROUND THE CITY TWICE,'"' 320: 330PRINT"So plodger bell set off like one of John Peels hounds" 340PRINT"he hoped he'd have suffient w ind because he had to do two rounds," 350PRINT"St Peter said 'WHERE'S GEORDI E BROWN YOU CAN FETCH HIM IN NOW IF YOU LIKE" 360PRINT"and the angel said 'HE WONT B E LONG,'"'' 370: 380VDU1,27,1,69:REM Emphasized On 390VDU1,27,1,119,1,1:REM Dbl Hgt On 400VDU1,14:PRINT"HE'S AWAY BACK HOME T O FETCH HIS BIKE"' 410VDU1,27,1,119,1,0:REM Dbl Hgt Off 420: 430VDU1,14:PRINT"----------=========== =====-----------"' 440VDU1,15:PRINT"Written By Richard Ha swell":VDU1,18:REM Comp Off 450VDU1,27,1,70:REM Emphasized Off 460VDU1,27,1,97,0:REM Centering Off 470VDU3:END 480REM Lines 30 & 40 work together to Center the programme but unfortunatly generates two Spurious Characters ( aE ) on the First line and line 50 absorbs it so please cut it off your printout 490REM The one fault is that the canceling statement VDU1,27,1,97,0 will not cancel the centering statement so if you find out please let me know the result --- Fred Price. 500: 510REM Copies of the Bumper Edition Of GEORDIE BROON OF BACKWORTH can be obtained from his son Mr Jeff Murphy, At 33 Wellington Avenue, Wellfield, Whitley Bay, NE25 9JG, Or give him a ring on (0191) 252 9465 520: 530REM"  540REM"   550REM"       570REM"   580REM" A Geordie Broon Poem 590REM" As Written By 600REM" J.W.Murphy 610REM"  Pen Name  620REM"   630REM"       650REM"   660REM" Reprinted Here With 670REM" Kind Permission Of 680REM" His Son Jeff Murphy 690REM"   700REM" Please Do Not Delete 710REM" Remove Or Alter The 720REM" Above Section 730REM" Computed By Fred Price 740REM" 4/9/95 750REM"  760REM" SAVE"GBDREAM"