From: D5B (Jon Ripley)
Subject: Help!
I have recently acquired the AddComm
and Matrix Roms for the BBC. I am
wondering how I can get them to work
on my Master.
Can you help me?
My phone number is: 01323 732597
My address is elsewhere in this
From: 3WU (Fred Price)
Subject: EMAIL
One of the subjects that is
cropping up a lot is EMAIL but no real
info is talked about it, so how about
telling us poor mortals a little bit
more about what it is, how it works,
and what it costs to use it?
Now after saying that about EMAIL, I
will come clean as I have a Prizm 2000
Modem but no info with it, so I am in
the dark trying to find out how to use
this thing. So can anyone help me out
on this one and I will be grateful?
You can get me on the following.
The Mag Letters To You OR ON
0191 567 91 35 OR AT
Fred Price
8 Orchard St
Sunderland City
From: E2G (Derek Hill)
Subject: Hard Disk Info
Thankyou Robert Sprowson for
the disc of info you sent me. It
arrived safely. Also for the tip
about finding info on the 62-way edge
connector pin-outs in the Maplin
Magazine Issue 70 page 12.
Does anyone have this magazine,
who would be prepared either to send
it to me so that I could read it and
return. Or could send me a photocopy
of the relevant page(s)? In return I
could send you postage stamps to cover
the cost.
All the best for your term
at UNI Robert.
Bye, Derek.
From: E2G (Derek Hill)
Subject: Help Wanted
I've broken the spade terminal
on my BBC issue 7 motherboard. The
one that you fix the power supply line
to. Does anyone have one that they
could sell to me? (A terminal that
is, not the motherboard!)
Derek Hill
Northiam Road
Sussex BN20 8LL
Tel 01323 639213
To: 999 (all)
From: D6E (Richard Harker)
Subject: Help Requested
Part 1 - Modems
I have just bought a big box of
Electron bits and there was a modem in
it. My problem is that I have no info
on the modem at all. The modem is a
'Prism Modem2000' made by 'Thorn EMI
Datatech'. At the back of it is a
power cable, telephone socket,
telephone cable, and 5pin din socket.
On the front are mode and data push
switches, and power, signal, and line
lights. What I want to do is connect
it to my Master or Model B to use it
with them, and also use it temporarily
with my Archimedes until I get it a
faster modem. Has anyone got any ideas
suitable leads?
My second modem-related question is if
I get the above mdodem running are
there any bulletin boards in the 0181
area that I could connect to with my
Beeb or Master?
Part 2 - Printers
In the box of Electron bits there was
a small printer. The printer is an
Epson P-40. It is a tiny printer that
takes rechargeable batteries. It is a
'thermal' printer. It has a parallel
interface on the back. What I would
like to do is connect it to my Z88 via
my Z88's serial interface. Is it
possible to convert between serial and
parallel signals?
All help would be appreciated.
Yours, Richard Harker (D6E)
Tel (0181) 524 1210
To: 999 (all)
From: D6E (Richard Harker)
Subject: Help requested
I've just recently got a(nother) BBC
micro. It is an issue 4, which I have
never seen before. Because of this, I
have a number of questions about it:
1) On the keyboard, in the bottom
right corner a bank of 8 dip switches
has been added. What are they for?
2) On the keyboard, in the middle
left, a blue socket has been added. It
is hard to describe. It has 2 rows of
10 pins, and then further, on the same
piece of plastic, 2 rows of 2 pins.
What are these for?
3) On the keyboard, at the top left,
about 4cm from the connector to the
main computer, there is a row of of 10
pins. These are connected to the
socket as described above. Does this
connect to PL14 on the mother board.
What does it do.
4) ICs 61-68 on the motherboard are
socketed. If I am right in thinking
that these are memory chips, would
removing them make my computer 16k?
5) A number of other chips on the
board are socketed (eg the SA5050) was
this common practise on the earlier
issues BBCs.
5) One chip (it says Feranti ULA on
top) has a large chunk of metal on
top, if this is a heat sink, why is it
6) Finally, Has anyone heard of 'AB
Electronic Systems PLC'? From what I
can make out they modified my BBC by
putting it into a Viglen PC style
case, removing the original power
supply, and replacing it for another
(presumably more powerful) one, to
power the 2 internal drives as well.
All the Acorn serial numbers have been
replaced by 'AB electronic systems'
If anyone could 8BS mail me some
answers they would be apreciated.
Yours, Richard Harker (D6E)