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Mother. Poem. PRINTER READY! - Listing

10*KEY0 RUN |M 20MODE 128:VDU2 30VDU1,27,1,97,1,1:REM Ctrg On 40VDU1,27,1,69:REM Emph On 50VDU1,27,1,119,1,1:REM Dbl Hght On 60VDU1,14:PRINT" MOTHER" 70VDU1,14:PRINT" ------"' 80VDU1,27,1,70:REM Emph Off 90VDU1,27,1,119,1,0:REM Dbl Hght Off 100: 110PRINT" You can only have one mother , Patient, Kind and true" 120PRINT" No other friend in all this world will be so true to you," 130PRINT" For all her loving kindness she asks nothing in return" 140PRINT" And if all the world dessert s you, To Mother you can turn,"' 150: 160PRINT" Many tears you've caused her when you were sad and ill" 170PRINT" Maybe many sleepless nights, Through grown you cause her still," 180PRINT" So every time you leave her, Or when you come and go" 190PRINT" Give her a kind word, Or a kiss that she craves for i know,"' 200: 210PRINT" We only have one Mother, No ne can take her place" 220PRINT" We can't tell how we'll need her till we meet her loving face," 230PRINT" Be carefull how you answer h er, Choose every word you say" 240PRINT" Remember she's your Mother, Though now she's old and grey,"' 250: 260PRINT" You can only have one Mother , So take her to your heart" 270PRINT" We can't tell how soon the d ay, When you and her must part," 280PRINT" Let her know you love her de arly, Cheer and comfort her each day" 290PRINT" For you can never get anothe r, "; 300VDU1,27,1,45,1,1:REM Underline On 310PRINT"When she has passed away." 320VDU1,27,1,45,1,0:REM Underline Off 330: 340PRINT" ````````````````````````"' 350VDU1,27,1,45,1,1:REM Underline On 360VDU1,15:PRINT"Written By Jim Downie ":VDU1,18:REM Comp Off 370VDU1,27,1,97,1,0:REM Ctrg Off 380VDU1,27,1,45,1,0:REM Underline Off 390VDU3:END 400REM"  410REM"       430REM" Composed By 440REM" Jim Downie 450REM" Computed By Fred Price 460REM" 10/8/94 470REM"  480REM" SAVE"MOTHER" >