For Sale/Wanted from BBC User Group
BBC User Group has the following items
for sale:- (Or exchange)
The prices are a rough guide of how
much is ideally wanted for them however
I am willing to consider any reasonable
286 IBM PC with keyboard and green
screen monitor, twin 51/4in drives, DOS
and word-processing software £40ono
Amstrad CPC464 with green screen
monitor and various games £25
Commodore 16+4 with data recorder £10
Same as above but with minor fault £8
Acorn Electron £25
BBC Case £8
Hobbit Tape Drive with ROM, leads and 6
tapes. Fully tested and in excellent
condition £25
40T 5.25" disc drives, uncased with no
leads, £9 (14 left)
Spectrum 48k (Boxed) with minor fault
Yamaha PSS-100 with digital recording
system and sound editor £25
Microscope kit with 63 experiments and
introductory tape, incomplete so low
price £10
Large roll of good-quality white card
70 5.25" HD high-quality discs (will
split) £15 the lot or £3.50 for 10
6 Imperitype P60 ribbons any reasonable
New (Boxed)
Due to the recent demand I can no
longer offer 3.5" DSHD discs at £3.50
for 10. I can however offer them at the
still low price of £5 for 10.
Midi stereo system with twin tape, high
speed dubbing, FM stereo,MW,LW radio,
speakers and twin speed turntable £40
Still under guarantee)
Same as above but portable with no
record player £25
10 High Quality BUSH C90 tapes £5.00
(I have a large number of these, still
High Quality 3 hr videotapes, £2.50
each or £20 for 10. All tapes are
shrink wrapped and unused.
Good Quality white paper 80gsm 500
sheets, suitable for all types of
printers and photocopiers £4.75
I will pay any reaonable price for any
of the following items if you have them
or exchange them for the above items.
A BBC Hard drive or interface
Twin 80T DSDD disc drive with a 3.5 and
a 5.25 inch drives (for the BBC)
The Quill, Adventurescape, Adventure
Creator, ALPS (adventure language
programming system), indeed, any
adventure creator is welcomed!
Any BBC/Electron/Master adventure games
on tape/disc (any format)
EPROM programmer and EPROM eraser and
also EPROMS, blank or preprogrammed
12.5/21V 4/8/16K (or other, please
Disc drive sharer (to link 2 BBC's to
one twin drive!)
BBC/Master Reference Manuals
RISC OS 3 PRM Updates for RISC OS 3.5
and above.
Any computer magazines, ones with type
in listings with or without tape/disc/
CD. Prefrably Electron User, CPC User,
Acorn User, Micro User, and Input.
Magazines for any computer will be
considered but must have type-ins or
a tape/disc/CD.
Contact me at:
Jon Ripley
BBC User Group
56 Longstone Road
East Sussex
BN21 3SJ
Telephone:- (01323) 732597
Payments accepted by cheque or postal
order made out to 'J J Ripley'. If you
are making a postal enquiry please
include a stamped self-adressed
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